Unit 4 Section ⅣGrammar & Writing.ppt

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《Unit 4 Section ⅣGrammar & Writing.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Section ⅣGrammar & Writing.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,语法讲座,写作讲座,知识必备,专题练习,佳作观摩,技法指导,专题练习,Unit 4Pygmalion,Section Grammar & Writing,一、过去分词(短语)作状语 过去分词作状语,修饰谓语动词,进一步说明谓语动词的 动作和状态,即动作发生时的背景或状况,其逻辑主语则 为句子的主语,其主语为过去分词动作的承受者。过去分 词作状语时,可单独使用,也可以在其前面加上适当的连 词,可表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、方式等。 When finished,the paper should be turned in without delay. 一完成,文件应立刻上交。(时间状语),

2、Given more time,I will do it much better.如果多给一点时间的话,我会干得更好。(条件状语)Inspired by what he said, the girl student decided to work harder.在他的话的鼓励下,女学生决定更努力地学习。(原因状语)He hurried to the hall, followed by two guards. 他快步走向大厅,身后跟着两个卫兵。(伴随状语)Asked many times, he still hasnt said a word about the matter.虽然已被问了好几次

3、,对这件事他仍只字未提。(让步状语),二、过去分词(短语)作状语在句中的位置 过去分词在句中作状语,可放在主句前作句首状语,后面 用逗号与主句隔开;也可放在主句后面,前面用逗号与主 句隔开。 过去分词(短语)作条件、原因及时间状语时,通常放在句 首;作伴随、结果状语时,通常放在句末;作方式状语 时,一般放在句末,有时也放在句首;作让步状语时, 一般放在句首,有时也放在句末。 He stood there silently, moved to tears. Moved to tears, he stood there silently. 他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶。,Given more

4、 time, he can do it better.如果给他更多的时间,他就能做得更好。(表示条件)Exhausted by the journey, he soon fell asleep.由于旅途劳累,他很快就睡着了。(表示原因)Defeated again, the scientist didnt give up.尽管再次被打败了,但这位科学家并不放弃。(表示让步),考题印证1,11(2012北京高考)_ with care, one tin will last for six weeks. AUseBUsing CUsed DTo use 解析:选 。考查非谓语动词。句意:小心使用,

5、一 罐可以持续用六个星期。use与其逻辑主语one tin存在 逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用used表示被动。,C,12(2012湖南高考)Time, _correctly, is money in the bank. Ato use Bused Cusing Duse 解析:选 。考查非谓语动词。句意:被用得合理,时 间就是银行里存的钱。由句意可知,use与句子的主语 time构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以选过去分词形式。,B,三、作状语的过去分词(短语)与状语从句的相互转换(1)作时间状语的过去分词(短语)可转换为when,while或after等引导的时间状语从句。Asked who had b

6、roken the vase,the children all kept silent.When they were asked who had broken the vase,the children all kept silent.当被问及谁把花瓶打破时,孩子们都不说话了。,(2)作条件状语的过去分词(短语)可转换为if,unless等引导的条 件状语从句。 United,we will make our life better.If we are united, we will make our life better. 团结起来,我们就会使我们的生活变得更美好。(3)作原因状语的过去分

7、词(短语)可转换为as,since或because 等引导的原因状语从句。 Encouraged by the progress he has made, he works harder. As he is encouraged by the progress he has made,he works harder. 由于受到所取得的成绩的鼓励,他工作更努力了。,(4)作让步状语的过去分词(短语)可转换为although或though 等引导的让步状语从句。 Exhausted by the hard work,we went on with it. Although we were exha

8、usted by the hard work,we went on with it. 虽然工作得很累,但我们仍然继续做下去。(5)作伴随或方式状语的过去分词(短语)通常不能转换为方式 状语从句,但可转换为一个并列分句。,Dressed in white,she suddenly appeared before us. She was dressed in white and suddenly appeared before us.她穿着白色的衣服,突然出现在我们面前。Aunt Wu came in,followed by her daughter.Aunt Wu came in, and sh

9、e was followed by her daughter.吴阿姨走了进来,(她)后面跟着她的女儿。,四、表示状态的过去分词(短语)作状语 有些过去分词因来源于系表结构,作状语时不表示被动而 表示状态。这样的过去分词或短语常见的有:lost(迷路); seated(坐);hidden(躲);stationed(驻扎);lost/absorbed in (沉溺于);born(出身于);dressed in(穿着);tired of(厌 烦)等。 Lost/Absorbed in deep thought,he didnt notice us entering the room. 因为沉溺于思考

10、之中,所以他没有注意到我们进入房间。,Tired of the speech,he left without saying a word. 厌倦了这个演讲,他一句话没说就离开了。五、过去分词(短语)的独立结构 过去分词(短语)作状语时,过去分词(短语)的逻辑主语通 常是句子的主语,否则,分词(短语)前应加上自己的主语。 这种带有自身主语的过去分词(短语)被称为过去分词(短 语)的独立结构。过去分词(短语)的独立结构通常在句中 作状语,可表示时间、原因、条件等。,The test finished, we began our holiday.考试结束了,我们开始放假了。More time giv

11、en,we could have done it much better.如果给我们更多的时间,我们会做得更好。All things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours.各方面考虑起来,她的论文比你的论文更有价值一些。,(2012新课标全国卷)The party will be held in the garden, weather _.Apermitting Bto permitCpermitted Dpermit解析:选 。考查独立主格结构。句意:如果天气允许的话,聚会将在花园里举行。weather permitting

12、( if weather permits)为独立主格结构,因为weather是permit这个动作的发出者,故用现在分词形式。,A,考题印证2,点击下列图片进入,根据下列提示,写一篇关于马克吐温及其作品哈克贝里费恩历险记的评论。 1马克吐温(Mark Twain)美国作家。本名塞谬尔郎赫恩克莱门斯(Samuel Langhorne Clemens,1835 1910)。马克吐温是其笔名。出生于密西西比河畔小城。 2代表作长篇小说哈克贝里费恩历险记(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。讲述了白人小孩哈克跟逃亡黑奴吉姆结伴在密西西比河流浪的故事。,3在这部小说中

13、,作者以孩子的眼光描述了社会各个阶层的人物,哈克的密西西比河之旅也就成了他的人生之旅。 4哈克贝里费恩历险记在美国文学史上一直被称为最伟大的作品。,Mark Twain,whose real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens(18351910),was an American writer, who was famous for his stories. He grew up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River. Perhaps his greatest book is The Adven

14、tures of Huckleberry Finn. This is the story of a boy called Huck,with a slave named Jim running away from home,traveling down the Mississippi River on a raft and getting himself in and out of danger along the way.,But it is more than that.The people the boy meets cover all walks of the society,and

15、his voyage down the river becomes a metaphor for a journey through life. Huckleberry Finn has been called the greatest novel in American literature.,本文首先要对马克吐温做简要介绍,并自然引入其代表作哈克贝里费恩历险记,对其内容作概括介绍,最后对其做出准确评价。,句中含有whose 引导的非限制性定语从句;句结构复杂,句式高级,其过去分词短语called Huck 作定语,修饰a boy, named Jim 作宾语补足语修饰a slave; 现在

16、分词短语running., traveling. and getting. 在句中作定语,修饰Jim及Huck;句中使用了高级短语more than;句是由and连接的并列句,在第一个分句中,定语从句the boy meets 修饰先行词the people;句中凸显了时态的变化,在句中使用了现在完成时。,如何写书评1首先应点出书的作者的姓名、书名,以及有关作者的简要信息,如过去的作品、曾获得的荣誉。2然后对所评书目的情节做简要勾勒,如果作品不是小说,要写明写作的目的和主题。3并对此书的优缺点进行适当的评论。4最后使用有力度的词语,尽量简短地总结你对此书的观点。如果可能,与篇首的评论遥相呼应,

17、使读者对此书有一个总体印象。,黄金表达,1The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. 2The book called. is written by. 3The book written by. is about.4The book published by. is a bestseller.5The book tells us a story of.6The novel is told in the form of.,7From the story, we can learn.8It is generally considered as his best.9It is sometimes classified as.10Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte is one of the most popular and highly regarded novels in English literature.,点击下列图片进入,


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