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1、Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and OrganizationsTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSA MANAGE'RS DILEMMA1. Today's managers are just as likely to be women as they are men.2. Management affects employee morale but not a company's financial performance.WHO ARE MANAGERS3. In order to be considered a m

2、anager, an individual must coordinate the work of others.4. Supervisors and foremen may both be considered first-line managers.WHAT IS MANAGEMENT5. Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.6. Effectiveness is concerned with the means of getting things done, while efficienc

3、y is concerned with the attainment of organizational goals.7. A goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs.8. Efficiency is often referred to as“ doing things right.9. Managers who are effective at meeting organizational goals always act efficiently.WHAT DO MANAGERS DO10. The four contemporary

4、 functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.11. Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.12. Directing and motivating are part of the controlling function of management.13. Fayol 's management functions are basically equiva

5、lent toMintzberg 's managementroles.14. The roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison are all interpersonal roles.15. Disturbance handler is one of Mintzberg's interpersonal roles.16. Mintzberg 's informationalmanagement role involves receiving, collecting, anddisseminating information.17

6、. Mintzberg 's resource allocation role is similar to Fayol 's planning fun ction because it involves the coordination of employee' s activities.18. Resource allocation and disturbance handling are both considered decisional roles.19. A finance manager who reads theWall Street Journalon

7、a regular basis would beperforming the figurehead role.20. Katz found that managers needed three essential skills: technical, human, and informational.21. Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management.22. Conceptual skills become less important as a manag

8、er moves into top management.23.Interpersonal skills involve a manager's ability to think about abstract situations.24.Coaching and budgeting are skills closely related to the management function of leading.25.Budgeting is a skill that is related to both planning and controlling.26.In today '

9、;s world, organizational managers at all levels and in all areas need to encourage their employees to be on the look-out for new ideas and new approaches.27.Only first-line managers and employees need to be concerned with being customer- responsive.28.Innovation is only important in high-tech firms.

10、WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION29.A distinct purpose is important in defining an organization.30.A nontaxable organization, organization.such as the United Way, cannot be consideredanMULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the followingchoosetheanswer that most completely answersthequestion.A MANAGE'RS DIL

11、EMMA31. Which of the followingstatementsregarding managers in today 's worldisaccuratea. Their age range is limited to between 30 and 65.b. They are found only in large corporations.c. They can be found exclusively in for-profit organizations.d. The single most important variable in employee pro

12、ductivity and loyalty is the quality of the relationship between employees and their direct supervisors.32.According to data collected by Catalyst, a nonprofit research group, percent of corporate officers inFortune 500 companies are women.a.b.c.d.WHO ARE MANAGERS33.Someone who works with and throug

13、h other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals is .a. an assembly line workerb. a laborerc. a managerd. a salesperson34.In the past, nonmanagerial employees were viewed as employees who .a. reported to top executivesb. reported to middle managersc. s

14、upervised othersd. had no others reporting to them35. Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organizationwide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organizationa. first-line managersb. top managersc. production managersd. research managers3

15、6. All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization are termed .a. middle managersb. first-line managersc. supervisorsd. foremen37. Which of the following levels of management is associated with positions suchasexecutive vice president , chief operating of

16、ficer , chief executive officer , and chairman of the boarda. team leadersb. middle managersc. first-line managersd. top managers38. Agency head or plant manager is most likely associated with which of the followinga. team leadersb. middle managersc. first-line managersd. top managers39. The lowest

17、level of management is .a. a nonmanagerial employeeb. a department of research managerc. a vice presidentd. a first-line manager40.Supervisor is another name for which of the followinga. team leaderb. middle managerc. first-line managerd. top manager41. Managers with titles such asregional manager ,

18、 project leader , or plant managerare .a. first-line managersb. top managersc. production managersd. middle managers42. Which of the following best reflects the management structure of a traditional organizationa. pyramidb. circlec. hub with spokesd. infinite line43. Division manager is associated w

19、ith which of the following levels of managementa. team leadersb. middle managersc. first-line managersd. top managersWHAT IS MANAGEMENT44. is the process of getting activities completed efficiently andeffectively with and through other people.a. Leadingb. Managementc. Supervisiond. Controlling45. Th

20、e distinction between a managerial position and a nonmanagerial position isa. planning the work of othersb. coordinating the work of othersc. controlling the work of othersd. organizing the work of others46. Which of the following is an example of an efficient manufacturing techniquea. cutting inven

21、tory levelsb. increasing the amount of time to manufacture productsc. increasing product reject ratesd. decreasing product output47. Wasting resources is considered to be an example of managerial a. efficiencyb. effectivenessc. inefficiencyd. ineffectiveness48. An automobile manufacturer that increa

22、sed the total number of cars produced at the same cost, but with many defects, would be .a. efficient and effectiveb. increasing efficiencyc. increasing effectivenessd. concerned with inputs49. Effectiveness is synonymous with .a. cost minimizationb. resource controlc. goal attainmentd. efficiency50

23、. Efficiency refers to .a. the relationship between inputs and outputsb. the additive relationship between costs and benefitsc. the exponential nature of costs and outputsd. increasing outputs regardless of cost51.In successful organizations, .a. low efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in hand

24、b. high efficiency and low effectiveness go hand in handc. high efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in handd. high efficiency and high equity go hand in hand52. Whereas is concerned with the means of getting things done, is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.a. effe

25、ctiveness; efficiencyb. efficiency; effectivenessc. effectiveness; goal attainmentd. goal attainment; efficiencyWHAT DO MANAGERS DOMANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS53. How many management functions were originally proposed in the early part of the twentieth centurya. threeb. fourc. fived. nine54. was a French in

26、dustrialist who first identified themanagement functions.a. Weberb. Taylorc. Herzbergd. Fayol55. Today, the basic management functions are considered to be .a. planning, coordinating, staffing, and directingb. planning, organizing, leading, and directingc. commanding, organizing, leading, and staffi

27、ngd. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling56. Which of the following management functions from the mid-1950s is no included in the basic functions of managementa. commandingb. staffingc. leadingd. controlling57. Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the management functi

28、on.a. leadingb. coordinatingc. planningd. organizing58.Organizing includes .a. defining organizational goalsb. hiring organizational membersc. motivating organizational membersd. determining who does what tasks59. A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing functiona. con

29、trollingb. commandingbasiclongerwhatc. directingd. leading6O.The process of mon itori ng, compari ng, and correcti ng is calleda. controllingb. coordinatingc. leadingd. organizingMANAGEMENT ROLES61. developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do,con sist ing of 10 differe nt but hig

30、hly in terrelated roles.a. Henri Fayolb. Henry Fordc. Henry Mintzbergd. Henry Morris62. According to Mintzberg ' s management roles, the roles are thosethat invo Ive people and other duties that are cerem onial and symbolic in n ature.a. informationalb. interpersonalc. technicald. decisional63.

31、The roles of disseminator, figurehead, negotiator, liaison, and spokesperson are more importa nt at thelevels of the orga ni zati on.a. lowerb. middlec. higheris not an example of a decisionalrole accord ing tod. supervisory64. Which of the following Min tzberga. spokespersonb. entrepreneurc. distur

32、banee handlerd. resource allocator65. A huma n resource man ager atte nding a local Society for Huma n Resource Man ageme nt meet ing would be fun cti oning in which rolea. informationalb. leaderc. liaisond. disseminator66. A finance man ager who reads theWall Street Journal on a regular basis would

33、 beperformi ng which rolea. figureheadb. monitorc. disseminatord. interpersonal67. Therole is more importa nt for lower-level man agers tha n it is foreither middle- or top-level man agers.a. leaderb. entrepreneurc. spokespersond. disseminator68. The emphasis that managers give to various roles seem

34、s to be based on theira. orga ni zati on al levelb. tenure with the organizationc. experience in their fieldd. personality69. Which of the followi ng isnot an example of an in terpers onal role accord ing toMin tzberga. figureheadb. leaderc. liaisond. spokesperson70. Accordingto Mintzberg ' s ma

35、nagement roles,the roles invoIverecei ving, collect ing, and dissem in at ing in formati on.a. interpersonalb. informationalc. technicald. decisional71. All of the followi ng are examples of in formatio nal roles accord ing to Mi ntzbergexcept .a. liaisonb. monitorc. disseminatord. spokesperson72. W

36、hich of the following is not an example of a decisionalrole according toMin tzberga. spokespersonb. entrepreneurc. disturbanee handlerd. resource allocator73. AII of the followi ng are man agerial roles that are more importa nt at the higherlevels of the orga ni zati on except.a. leaderb. disseminat

37、orc. figureheadd. negotiator74. Which of the followingrepresentsthe most useful way of describing theman age' s joba. rolesb. functionsc. skillsd. orga ni zati on al level75. Many of Mintzberg ' s roles align with the basic functions of management. Forexample, therole is a part of pla nning.

38、a. figureheadb. leaderc. liaisond. resource allocation76. Al l three of Mintzberg 's interpersonal roles are part of the fun cti on.a. organizingb. planningc. leadingd. controllingMANAGEMENT SKILLS77. Which of the followi ng ide ntified the three esse ntial man agerial skillsa. Katzb. Lewisbergc

39、. Rainesd. Chambers78. The three essential managerial skills include .a. technical, human, and empiricalb. human, empirical, and conceptualc. technical, interpersonal, and controllingd. technical, human, and conceptual79. Understanding building codes would be considered a skill for abuilding contrac

40、tor.a. humanb. technicalc. conceptuald. empirical80. Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skillsa. Human skills and technical skills remain equally important as managers move to higher levels.b. Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as manager

41、s move to higher levels.c. Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher levels.d. Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher levels.81. Managers with good are able to get the best out of their people.a. human skillsb.

42、 conceptual skillsc. technical skillsd. visual skills82. Technical skills include .a. leadership and efficiency in a certain specialized fieldb. knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized fieldc. familiarity with and interest in a general field of endeavord. skill and interest in a genera

43、l field of endeavor83. The ability to work well with other people, both individually and in a group, requires .a. technical skillsb. assessment skillsc. planning skillsd. human skills84. Which of the following types of skills are described with terms such as situations and visualizationa. interperso

44、nalb. humanc. technicald. conceptual85. Which one of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skillsa. decision makingb. communicating with customersc. using information to solve business problemsd. product knowledge86. Which of the following skills are more important at l

45、ower levels of management, as these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization worka. humanb. technicalc. conceptuald. empirical87. Budgeting is associated with the management functions ofabstractplanning anda. directingb. organizingc. leadingd. controlling88. Mentoring is p

46、rimarily associated with the management function ofa. planningb. organizingc. leadingd. controllingWHAT IS AN ORGANIZATIONa. the physical location where people workb. a collection of individuals working for the same companyc. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purposed. a

47、 group of individuals focused on profit making for their shareholders90.One of the common characteristics of all organizations is , which istypically expressed in terms ofthe organization 'sgoals.a. its peopleb. its goalsc. its systematic structured. its purpose91.One of the commoncharacteristics of all organizations is , whichclarifies members ' work relationships.a. its peopleb. its goalsc. its d


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