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1、Chapter 4Designing the Distributen Network in a Supply ChainTrue/False1. Distributi on occurs betwee n every pair of stages in the supply chai n.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Distributi on only occurs betwee n manu facturi ng and con sumers in the supply cha in.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Modera

2、te3. Compa nies in the same in dustry ofte n select very differe nt distributi onn etworks, because the choice of the distributi on n etwork can be used to achieve a variety of supply cha in objectives ranging from low cost to high resp on sive ness.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. Compa nies in

3、the same in dustry should always select similar distributi on n etworks, because their objectives will be similar.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate5. A customer always wants the highest level of performa nee along all dime nsions of customer service, in cludi ng resp onse time, product variety, pro

4、duct availability, customer experie nee, order visibility, and returnability.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. A customer does not n ecessarily want the highest level of performa nee along all dime nsions of customer service, in cludi ng resp onse time, product variety, product availability, cust

5、omer experie nee, order visibility, and returnability.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. Outbo und tran sportati on costs per unit tend to be lower tha n inboundcosts, because inbound lot sizes are typically larger.An swer: FalseDifficulty: Easy8. Outbound transportation costs per unit tend to be highe

6、r than inboundcosts, because inbound lot sizes are typically larger. Answer: True Difficulty: Easy9. Transportation costs are high with drop-shipping because the averageoutbound distance to the end consumer is large and package carriers are used to shipping the product.Answer: True Difficulty: Easy1

7、0. Transportation costs are low with drop-shipping because the averageoutbound distance to the end consumer is small. Answer: False Difficulty: Easy11. The main advantage of in-transit merge over drop-shipping is thesomewhat lower transportation cost and improved customer experience. Answer: True Di

8、fficulty: Moderate12. The main advantage of a distribution network with local storage is thatit can lower the delivery cost and provide a faster response than other networks. Answer: True Difficulty: Moderate13. The main advantage of a distribution network with local storage is thatit can lower the

9、inventory and facility costs. Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate14. The major disadvantage of a distribution network with local storage isthe increased delivery cost. Answer: False Difficulty: Moderate15. The major disadvantage of a distribution network with local storage isthe increased inventory a

10、nd facility costs. Answer: True Difficulty: Easy16. A distributi on n etwork desig ner n eeds to con sider product characteristics as well as n etwork requireme nts whe n decidi ng on the appropriate delivery n etwork.An swer: TrueDifficulty: Hard17. Only ni che compa nies will end up using a sin gl

11、e distributi on n etwork. An swer: TrueDifficulty: Easy18. Most compa nies are best served by a sin gle distributi on n etwork. An swer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate19. Distributors add value to a supply cha in betwee n a supply stage and a customer stage if there are many small players at the customer

12、 stage, each requiri ng a small amount of the product at a time.An swer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateMultiple Choice1. The steps take n to move and store a product from the supplier stage to a customer stage in the supply chain is referred to asa. tran sportati on.b. retaili ng.c. wholesali ng.d. distri

13、buti on.e. manu facturi ng.An swer: dDifficulty: Easy2. Distribution is a key driver of the overall profitability of a firm becausea. the addition of distributors only adds cost to the supply chain.b. it directly impacts both the supply cha in cost and the customer experie nee.c. it slows dow n the

14、resp on sive ness of the supply cha in.d. it cannot be developed as a part of supply chai n strategy.e. Distributi on isnot a key driver of profitability.An swer: bDifficulty: Moderatesupply3. The choice of the distribution network can be used to achievechain objectives such asa. low cost.b. high re

15、sponsiveness.c. high cost.d. high responsibility.e. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty: Moderate4. Companies in the same industry often select very different distributionnetworks becausea. some companies are poorly run.b. different companies try to avoid using the same approach.c. different companies

16、have different objectives for their supplychain.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: c Difficulty: Moderate5. A poor/inappropriate distribution network cana. lead to high profitability.b. hurt the level of service customers receive while increasing cost.c. have a significant negative impac

17、t on the profitability of a firm.d. all of the abovee. b and c onlyAnswer: d Difficulty: Moderate6. Which of the following wouldnot be the result of a poor/inappropriatedistribution network?a. High profitabilityb. Low level of customer servicec. High costd. Poor profitabilitye. None of the above are

18、 true. Answer: a Difficulty: Easy7. On which dimensions should the performance of a distribution network be evaluated at the highest level?a. Profitability of individual supply chain componentsb. Efficiency of overall supply chain networkc. Customer needs that are metd. Cost of meeting customer need

19、se. c and d onlyAnswer: e Difficulty: Hard8. Which of the following are measures of customer service that areinfluenced by the structure of the distribution network?a. Response timeb. Product varietyc. Product availabilityd. Customer experiencee. all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Easy9. Which o

20、f the following are measures of customer service that areinfluenced by the structure of the distribution network?a. Returnabilityb. Order visibilityc. Customer experienced. Product availabilitye. all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Moderate10. Which of the following is not a measure of customer s

21、ervice that is influenced by the structure of the distribution network?a. Returnabilityb. Customer experiencec. Customer maturityd. Product availabilitye. All of the above are measures of customer service. Answer: cDifficulty: Easy11. The time between when a customer places an order and receives del

22、iveryisa. response time.b. product variety.c. product availability.d. customer experience.e. order visibility. Answer: a Difficulty: Easy12. The number of different products/configurations that a customer desires from the distribution network isa. response time.b. product variety.c. product availabi

23、lity.d. customer experience.e. order visibility. Answer: b Difficulty: Easy13. The probability of having a product in stock when a customer orderarrives isa. response time.b. product variety.c. product availability.d. customer experience.e. order visibility. Answer: c Difficulty: Easy14. The ease wi

24、th which the customer can place and receive their order aswell as other aspects of value that the sales staff provides isa. customer experience.b. order visibility.c. product availability.d. response time.e. returnability. Answer: a Difficulty: Easy15. The ability of the customer to track their orde

25、r from placement todelivery isa. customer experience.b. order visibility.c. product availability.d. response time.e. returnability. Answer: b Difficulty: Easy16. The ease with which a customer can return unsatisfactory merchandise andthe ability of the network to handle such returns isa. customer ex

26、perience.b. order visibility.c. product availability.d. response time.e. returnability.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy17. The costs incurred in bringing material into a facility area. sourcing transportation costs.b. outbound transportation costs.c. crossbound transportation costs.d. inbound transportatio

27、n costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy18. The costs incurred in sending material out of a facility area. sourcing transportation costs.b. outbound transportation costs.c. crossbound transportation costs.d. inbound transportation costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy19. O

28、utbound transportation costs per unit tend to bea. about the same as inbound costs.b. higher than inbound costs.c. lower than inbound costs.d. neither higher or lower than inbound costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate20. As the number of facilities in a supply chain increasesa. the

29、 inventory and resulting inventory costs also increase.b. the inventory and resulting inventory costs decrease.c. the inventory increases and resulting inventory costs decrease.d. the inventory decreases and resulting inventory costs increase.e. the inventory and resulting inventory costs remain the

30、 same.Answer: a Difficulty: Moderate21. As the response time desired by the customer decreases, the required number of facilities in the distribution networka. decreases.b. remains the same.c. increases.d. increases and then decreases.e. none of the above Answer: c Difficulty: Moderate22. As the num

31、ber of facilities in a supply chain increases, totaltransportation costa. decreases.b. remains the same.c. increases.d. increases to a point and then decreases.e. decreases to a point and then increases. Answer: eDifficulty: Hard23. As the number of facilities in a supply chain increases, total faci

32、litycostsa. decrease.b. remain the same.c. increase.d. increase to a point and then decrease.e. decrease to a point and then increase. Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate24. Total logistics costs for a supply chain network are a sum ofa. inventory and facility costs.b. inventory, facility, and distributor

33、 costs.c. facility, transportation, and distributor costs.d. inventory, transportation, and facility costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: d Difficulty: Moderate25. As the number of facilities in a supply chain network increases, totallogistics costs willa. decrease.b. decrease at first and then increas

34、e.c. increase.d. increase at first and then decrease.e. neither increase or decrease.Answer: b Difficulty: Moderate26. Which of the following are key decisions in the design of a distributionnetwork?a. Will product be delivered to the customer location or picked upfrom a pre-ordained site?b. Will pr

35、oduct flow through a production facility?c. Will product flow through an intermediary (or intermediatelocation)?d. all of the abovee. a and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate27. Which of the following is not a distinct distribution network design that may be used to move products from factory to cu

36、stomer?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with distributor pickupc. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickup Answer: b Difficulty: Moderate28. Which of the

37、following is not a distinct distribution network design that may be used to move products from factory to customer?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage w

38、ith manufacturer pickupe. Retail storage with customer pickup Answer: d Difficulty: Moderate29. In which distribution network design is product shipped directly fromthe manufacturer to the end customer, bypassing the retailer (who takes the order and initiates the delivery request)?a. Manufacturer s

39、torage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickup Answer: a Difficulty: Easy30. Which distribution netw

40、ork is also referred to as drop-shipping withproduct delivered directly from the manufacturer to the customer location?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor stora

41、ge with last mile deliverye. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickup Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate31. Advantages of manufacturer storage with direct shipping includea. the ability to reduce cost of inventory by centralizinginventories at the manufacturer.b. offering the manufacturer th

42、e opportunity to postponecustomization until after the customer order has been placed.c. supply chains save on the fixed cost of facilities, because theneed for other warehousing space in the supply chain has been eliminated.d. providing a good customer experience in the form of delivery tothe custo

43、mer location.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate32. Which of the following is an advantage of manufacturer storage with direct shipping?a. Transportation costs are low because the average outbounddistance to the end consumer is small and package carriers are used to shipping the product

44、.b. Supply chains save on the fixed cost of facilities, because theneed for other warehousing space in the supply chain has been eliminated.c. Response times tend to be small because the order has to betransmitted from the retailer to the manufacturer.d. Order tracking is easy to implement because o

45、f the completeintegration of information systems at both the retailer and the manufacturer.e. The handling of returns is likely to be simple and inexpensive,improving customer satisfaction.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate33. Disadvantages of manufacturer storage with direct shipping includea. Transport

46、ation costs are high because the average outbounddistance to the end consumer is large and package carriers are used to shipping the product.b. Response times tend to be large because the order has to betransmitted from the retailer to the manufacturer and shipping distances are on average longer fr

47、om the manufacturer' scentralized site.c. Order tracking becomes harder to implement because it requires complete integration of information systems at both the retailer and the manufacturer.d. The handling of returns is likely to be difficult and moreexpensive, hurting customer satisfaction.e. all of the above Answer: e Difficulty: Moderate34. Which of the following would be a disadvantage of manufacturer storagewith direct shipping?a. The ability to reduce cost of inventory by centralizinginventories at the manufacturer.b. The manufacturer has to post


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