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1、必修4Module 5课时作业二十三A Trip Along the Three Gorges一次三峡之旅i .单项填空1. There is a board by the road , which “ Parking !A .writes ; forbiddingB.reading ; forbiddingC.says; forbiddenD.saying ; forbidden2. A lot of children at the school do not live in the town, but come from thecountryside.A .surroundedB.surr

2、oundingC.surroundingsD.surround3. There are a great number of natural resources in the desert , which remain to be.A . exploredB . exploitedC. explodedD . exposed4 . The temperatureso rapidly , we couldn ' t go on with the experiment.A .fallsB .fellC .falli ngD .falle n5 . He required that hean

3、opportunity to explain why he had refused « to go there.A .is give nB .must giveC .should giveD .be give n6 . The Chin ese Educati onal Departme nt suggests teachers should receiveeducati on to catch upwith thedevelopme nt.A . farther ; lateB . farther ; laterC . further ; latelyD . further ; l

4、atest7 . One of the men held the viewthe book said was right.A .what thatB .whatC .thatD .that what8 . The water behi nd the Three Gorges Dam should behigher tha n dow n stream.A .sixty-fivemetreB .sixty-five-metreC .sixty-fivemetresD .sixty-five-metres9 . Many people in the West makea rule to buy C

5、hristmas prese nts for their relatives andfriendsA . thisB . thatC . itD . them10 . Well , lost again!It' s not very forget about it , OK?A . can' tB . may so soonC . might as wellD . won ' t soon11. I think I ' ll visit Jenny now that she is here. Youhaven' t been in touch with

6、her for ages.A . willC . have toB . mayD . should12 . I n eed somebody to lend me some mon ey.Why not ask Bill ? He has a goodfor his generosity.A .fortu neB .reputati onC .ide ntityD .n ick name13 . There is a say ing in Chinahe who has n ever bee n to the Great Wall is not a true man.A .whichB .wh

7、ereC .whatD .that14 . One of my old pals called me last it or not , it' sfive years since we last met.A.a len gthB. at leastD. at last15.Without the mobile phone and Internet , communicating with each otherquite difficulttoday.A.isB. will beC.would have bee nD. would ben .完形填空2021年东城检测L

8、ove in a BoxB. appearedWhen I was a little girl , I found love in aC.servedD.satbox all because of a class a Friday ni ght2.B. howeverI 1 at the dinner table,“ My teacher said weC.3.orD .B. plansohave to bring a box , a special box, for ourValentines 情人节on Monday. C.ideaD .projectMother said,“ We

9、9; ll see ,and she4.B. anxiouslycon ti nued eati ng.C.disappo in tedlyDpatie ntlyWhat did “We' ll see mean? I had to5.B. realizedhave that box 2 my second grade Valentine ' sC.knewD.imaginedDay would be a they did n ' t love me eno ugh to6.B. causehelp me with my_3_.C.markD. produceAll S

10、aturday I waited_4_and wit rh Sunday7.B. tookarriv inq , my concern in creased , but I 5 ansavedD . haden quiry about the box might_6_an ger or loud voice , for in my house children only ask than that 7 trouble.C.Late Sun day after noon , my father called meB.giftsinto the table was covered with col

11、orful_8_ofC.paperD.fooddiffere nt n _9_shoebox rested on top ofthrough9.B. bigme when Daddy said,“ Let' s getC.attractiveD.emptystarted 11 your project. 10B.ReliefIn the n ext hour my father 12 the shoeboxC.CheerD .Calminto an impressive vale ntinepaper covered the uglycardboard with red hearts_

12、13_to what I con sidered all the right sang while he he finished , he was so11C.inB. atD.ondelighted that a_14一smile spread over his face. “ What do you think of that ? he asked.12C.changedB. packedD .pressedI an swered him with a hug.13B. attachedBut in side ,15 dan ced all the way to myC.lin kedDc

13、onn ectedwas the fi rst time that my father devoted so14B . briefmuch 16 to me , for his world consisted of workC.broadD .con fide ntonly.15B . funThe holiday party arrived , and my terestD .amuseme ntput cards, and presents into the valentine filled our16B.timeclassroom until dismiss

14、al time_17_ .C.supportD .hopeOn the way home , I held out my valentine box17B.setfor the world love that filled it meant more to meC.spe ntD.cametha n all in side.18B . respectD . reco gnizeThe vale ntine box became a symbol of his loveC.admirethat_19- through decades of other Valentine s19B . keptD

15、gave me other gifts through the years , butnone_20. compared with the love I felt within t he1 ZfC.spreadlastedB. evenlimits of the old , empty shoebox.20yetstillC.D .皿.阅读理解2021年枣庄检测I don ' t know how I became a writer , but I think it was because of a certain force in me that had to writeand th

16、at fin ally burst through and found a people were of the work ing class of father, a ston e-cutter, was a man with a great respect and veneration 崇敬for had a tremendous memory , and he loved poetry , and the poetry that he loved best was naturally of the rhetorical kind that such a man would it was

17、good poetry , Hamlet' s Soliloquy , Macbeth , Mark Antony ' s “ Fun eral Orati on ", Grey' s “ Elegy", and all the rest of heard it all as a child ; I memorized and learned it all.He sent me to college to the state desire to write , which had been strong during all my days in h

18、igh school, grew str on ger was editor of the college paper , the college magaz ine , etc., and in my last year or two I was a member of a course in play writing which had just been established wrote several little one-act plays, still thinking I would become a lawyer or a newspaper man , never dari

19、ng to believe I could seriously become a I went to Harvard , wrote some more plays there , became obsessed with 着迷于the idea that I had to be a playwright , left Harvard , had my plays rejected , and fin ally in the autu mn of 1926, how ,why , or in what manner I have never exactly been able to proba

20、bly because the force in me that had to write at length sought out its channel , I began to write my first book inwas living all alone at that had tworooms a bedroom and a sitting room in a litter square in Chelsea in which all the houses had that familiar , smoked brick and cream-yellow-plaster loo

21、k.1. We may conclude , in regard to the author ' s development as a writer , that his father.A . made an important contributionB. insisted that he choose writing as a careerC. opposed his becoming a writerD. insisted that he read Hamlet in order to learn how to be a writer2. The author believes

22、that he became a writer mostly because of.A . his special tale ntB. his father' s teach in g and en courageme ntC. his study at HarvardD. a hidde n urge with in him3. The author.A . began to think of becoming a writer at HarvardB. had always been successful in his writing careerC. went to Harvar

23、d to learn to write playsD. worked as a newspaper man before becoming a writer4. The author really started on his way to become a writer.A . when he was in high schoolB. when he was studying at HarvardC. when he lived in LondonD. after he entered college5. What can we learn about the author ' s

24、life in the autumn of 1926?A . He left Harvard and got married.B. He could n ' t make up his mi nd what to do.C. He started his dream as a writer.D . He bega n to think seriously what to do.答案:I .单项填空1 . C 第一个空意为"牌子上写着",可用says或reads,因为是从句的谓语动词,不可用 reading或saying。第二个空是 forbid parking的变化

25、形式,因为两者之间是动宾关系,所以应是 Parking forbidden ! = No parking !禁止停车!2 . B 句中缺少一个形容词修饰countryside,意为"周围的农村"。A项意为"被包围的", C项意为“环境",所以选B。3 . B 考查词义辨析。explore意为“勘探;探索;exploit意为“开采;开发;利用; explode意为“爆炸";expose意为“暴露"。句意为:许多自然资源要被开采、利用。4 . C 前半局部是独立主格结构,相当于 Because the temperature f

26、ell so rapidly,又因fall与 temperature之间是逻辑上的主动关系,所以选 C。5 . D require后跟从句时,从句中的谓语应用should +动词原形,should也可省略。根据语境,he与give之间为被动关系,所以选 D6.Dfurther education 意为 进修,further为抽象含义,the latest development 意为 最新的开展。7.Dthat引导同位语从句说明view的内容。that从句中,what the book said 为从句中的主语。8.C此处指高岀 65米,所以用 sixty-five metres。B项sixt

27、y-five-metre 常作定语。 A、D两项形式上是不对的。9. C 考查it作形式宾语。it在此句中作形式宾语,指代后面的动词不定式。10. C 考查固定短语。might/may与as well连用可译为:还是为好;不妨。11. D should意为“应该;多表示某事宜做、应当做,强调主观。根据所提供的情景“ You haven' t been in touch with her for ages.可以判断岀由于多年没有联系,应该趁 Jenny在此逗留期间 去拜访她。will意为“将",may意为“可以",have to意为“不得不",表示因客观原因

28、不得不做 某事。12. B reputation名誉;名声;fortune运气,命运,财富;identity身份,特性;nickname绰号。句 意为:“我需要有人借给我些钱。“为什么不问问比尔?他因慷慨岀名。13. D There is a saying that.为惯用句式,意为“有这么一种说法 ;有这么一句谚语 。句意为“中国有句谚语不到长城非好汉。14. C at least至少;at length = at last最后;at most至多。句意为“昨晚一位老朋友打 给我, 信不信由你,我们至少五年没见面了。15. D 本句中 Without the mobile phone and

29、 Internet 相当于 If there were not the mobile phone and In ternet,表示假设,对现在的虚拟。n .完形填空【语篇解读】这是一个情感故事,讲述了一位父亲帮助女儿完成情人节作业一一制作情人节盒子的故事,表达了浓浓的亲情。1. A 从上下文可知,我在饭桌上向家人宣布了(announce)老师要求交的作业。appear表示“岀现;serve表示“效劳;sit表示“坐,都与语意不符。2. C 从上下文语句知,我必须要有情人节盒子,否那么(or)这个情人节将会是一场灾难。此处表示 转折,用or。3. D 下文11空格后的project有暗示,表示“

30、作业。4. B 从下文 my con cern in creased可以推断岀,我当时的心情焦急不安(waited an xiously),但是,我知道(know)我父母的脾气,在我家,小孩子只能问一次,过多的询问可能会使(cause)父母生气。5. C 语意参见4题解析。find表示“发现 realize表示“意识到,imagi ne表示“想像,都 不符合语意。6. B 语意参见4题解析。start表示“开始;mark表示“标记;produce表示“生产,都不 符合语意。cause表示“导致。7. A invite trouble是固定词组,表示“招灾惹祸。8. C 从第六段中的“ Colo

31、rful paper covered.知,当时桌上堆满了各式各样的彩纸(colorfulpaper),同时在上面还放着一只空鞋盒(empty shoebox)。9. D 语意参见8题解析。文章结尾的 empty shoebox有暗示。10. B 看到彩纸和盒子,听到父亲说要帮助自己做情人节盒子,我大感解脱(relief)。relief表示“解脱;relaxation表示“放松;cheer表示“振作,欢呼;calm表示“冷静。11. D 此时父亲说“让我们开始做你的作业吧。此处get started on sth.是固定词组,表示“开始做。12. C此处表示“父亲用一个小时把鞋盒变成了(chan

32、ge)令人印象深刻的情人节盒子。cha nge.i nto.表示“把变成。13. B 固定词组attach to表示"依附于,附属于14. C 父亲边做边唱,非常快乐,当他做完后,脸上露岀了开朗的笑容(broad smile)。slight表示 "轻微的";brief表示"简要的";con fide nt表示"自信的都不符合语境。15. A 我看到那做好的漂亮的盒子,心花怒放,选用joy “快乐,快乐。fun表示“乐趣; interest表示“兴趣 ;amusement表示“娱乐,消遣都不符合语境。16. B 我快乐,因为这是父亲第一

33、次把这么多的时间(time)花在我身上,他的世界原本只有工 作。17. D 从上下文知,最后,放学的时间到了(come)。18. C 回家的路上,我拿岀那盒子想让全世界的人都来欣赏(admire)它。accept表示“接受";respect表示“尊敬";recognize表示“识别"都不符合语境19. D 那个情人节盒子成了父爱的象征,一直持续了 (last)几十年,这些年,父亲给过我很多其他礼物,但从来没有一样能比得上那包含在破旧的空鞋盒里面的关爱。last在此表示“持续。20. A 语意参见19题解析。ever意为“在任何时候,从来,符合语意。皿.阅读理解【语

34、篇解读】从小受父亲的影响,作者酷爱文学创作,大学的写作经历培养了信心;虽然也有过挫折和迷茫,但最终内心写作的梦想变成了现实。1. A 考查细节理解。参照第一段的相关内容“ My father, .with a great respect and ven eration for had a tremendous memory, and he loved poetry.1 heard it all as a child, I memorized and learned it all. 可 知答案。2. D 考查推理判断。参照第一段中“ but I think it was because of a

35、 certain force in me that had to write and that fin ally burst through and found a cha nn el. 可知答案。3. A 考查推理判断。参照第二段中“.had my plays rejected 可排除B项;文章无C项相关内容;参考第二段中“I was editor of the college paper , the college magazine, ect, . 可推测 “作者仅是大学报刊杂志的编辑 ,所以排除 D项;参考第二段中“ Then I we nt to Harvard ,wrote some

36、 more playsthere, became obsessed with the idea that I had to be a playwright , 可推测 A 项正确。4. D 考查推理判断。参照第二段中“The desire to write ,which had been strong during all my days in high school, grew stronger still. 可知答案。5. B 考查句子理解。参考第二段中“ and fin ally in the autu mn of 1926 , how, why, or in what manner I have never exactly been able to determine. 可知答案。


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