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1、2020 年职称英语理工类完形填空复习指导( 6 )Singing Alarms Could Save the BlindIf you cannot see,you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building and that could be fatal. Acompany in Leeds could change all that _1_ directional sound alarms capable if guiding you to the exit.Sound Alert,a company _2_ the

2、 University of Leeds,is installing the alarms in a residential home for _3_ people in Sommerset and a resource centre for the blind in Cumbria. _4_ produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the _5_ is coming from.Deborah Withington of Sound Alert says that the alar

3、ms use most of the frequencies that can be _6_by humans. "It's a burst of white noise _7_ people say sounds like static on the radio,"she says. "Its life-saving potential isgreat."She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal imaging cameras trying to fin

4、d their way out of a large _8_ room. It _9_ them nearly four minutes to find the door _10 a sound alarm,but only 15 seconds with one.Withington studies how the brain _11sounds at theuniversity. She says that the _12_ of a wide band of frequencies can be pinpointed more easily than the source of a na

5、rrow band. Alarms _13 the same concept have alreadybeen installed on emergency vehicles.The alarms will also include rising or falling frequencies to indicate whether people should go up _14_down stairs. They were _15_ with the aid of a large grant from British Nuclear Fuels.1. A. without B. with C.

6、 having D. selling2. A. run by B. changed by C. decorated by D. criticized by3. A. slow B. deaf C. blind D. lame4. A. Alarms B. Alarm C. The alarm D. The alarms5. A. noise B. sound C. music D. bell6. A. watched B. produced C. learnt D. heard7. A. where B. what C. that D. how8. A. smoked B. smoke-fil

7、led C. filled with smoke D. smoke-filling9. A. has taken B. takes C. took D. will take10. A. on B. near C. without D. from11. A processes B. produces C. possesses D. proceeds12. A. feature B. quality C. diagram D. source13. A. basis on B. base on C. basing on D. based on14. A. or B. and C. but D. ot

8、herwise15. A. developed B. determined C. discovered D. delivered 警报器救盲人 如果看不见,那你可能会因找不到路而逃不出一幢失火楼房,那 将是致命的。英国利兹市的一家公司发明的一种可指方向的警报器可 能会把你引向出口。声音警报是一家由利兹大学设立的公司。该公司现在正在为位于萨莫塞特的一家盲人收容所和位于卡姆布雷亚的一家盲人资源中心安 装此种装置。这种警报器发出的频率范围广,使人脑能够判断出声音 的来源。该公司的戴博拉?威星顿称此种警报器使用人类能够听到的绝大部分音频。她说: " 它们是一种突出的频谱连续而均匀的噪音。人们

9、感 觉它们听上去就像是收音机发出的静电噪声,其在救人方面潜力巨大。I!她实行了一次试验。她让人们在一所充满浓烟的大屋子里设法找 到出路,同时她用热效应成像摄像机实行拍摄。在没有警报器时,这 些人用了近 4 分钟才找到门,而在警报器的指引下,只用了 15 秒。她在大学里对人脑如何处理声音实行研究,并提出与波段窄的频 率相比,人们更容易发现波段宽的音响源。基于此理论的警报器已被 应用于急救车上。这种警报器也容纳了音频的升降,以指示人们上、下楼。这种设 备是得到英国核燃料组织的大笔资助才开发成功的。 解析标题:Singing (唱歌的)Alarms (警报器)Could (能够)Save (挽救)

10、the Blind (定冠词 + 形容词,表示一类人,盲人)文章精读:1>. If you cannot see (看见) ,you may not be able to find(找到) your way out of (出来) a burning (正在着火的) building (大楼) and that could be (可能是) fatal (致命 的)。2>. A company in Leeds (英国利兹市) could change (改变) all (所有的) that (代词,指前一句所表达的内容)_1_directional (定向的) sound ala

11、rms (声音警报器) capable of (有水平的) guiding (引导) you to the exit (出口)。A. without B. with C. having D. selling分析:通过阅读我们能够看出,空格后是一种装置,用它来改变 当火灾发生时找不到出口的危险境况,所以要表达"用装置"意思的只能用介词 with ,带着、带有。本句的意思是:利兹市一家公司发 明的一种可指方向的声音警报器能引导你到出口。3>. Sound Alert (声音警报器) ,a company (逗号前面是公司名 字) _2_ the University of

12、 Leeds(利兹大学) ,isinstalling (安装) the alarms in a residential home (收容所) for _3_ people in Sommerset and a resource centre(资源中心) for the blind (盲人) in Cumbria.A. run (经营) by B. changed (改变) byC. decorated (装修) by D. criticized (批评) by分析:我们知道 Sound Alert 是一家公司的名字,从语意上判断 应该是由某人经营,所以选择答案 A较为合适。3. A. slow

13、 慢的 B. deaf 聋的 C. blind 瞎的 D. lame 瘸的 分析:这篇文章的核心内容就是相关盲人警报器的,而且后半句 也提到 a resource centre (资源中心) for the blind (盲人), 所以顺理成章地得出结论应是 C.4>. _4_ produce (产生) a wide range (广的范围) of frequencies (频率) that (引导定语从句) enable (使 能够) the brain to determine (决定) where the _5_ is coming from.4. A. Alarms B. Ala

14、rm C. The alarm D. The alarms分析:我们知道该空的名词应出现在前文,上一句就提到 Sound Alert,is in stalli ng the alarms in a reside ntial home,所以这里所要填的词也应该是 the alarms ,选择答案 D.5. A. noise 噪音 B. sound 声音 C. music 音乐 D. bell 铃分析:句子前半句是说 a wide range (广的范围) of freque ncies(频率),所以发出的应是sou nd,所以答案选B.5>. Deborah Withington (人名)

15、 of Sound Alert says that the alarms use (使用) most of (绝大部分的) the frequencies that can be _6_by humans (人)。6. A. watched 观看 B. produced 产生 C. learnt 学习 D. heard 听到分析:文章一直在讨论警报器、声音,所以很容易推断应该是被 人听到。6>. "It's a burst (突然发出的) of white noise (连续而均 匀的声音) _7_ people say sounds like static(静电噪音)

16、on the radio (收音机里) ,"she says. "Its life-saving(挽救生命的) potential (潜力) is great."7. A. where B. what C. that D. how分析:A B、D都不能构成语意上的连贯,而只有 C,构成一个句 型,强调句,it's 。that。这句话强调的是主语。去掉 it ' sthat,剩下的完整句子就是:A burst of white noise ,people say (插入语), sounds like static on the radio.7>

17、. She conducted (实行) an experiment (实验) in which (引导定语从句,在这项实验中) people were filmed (被拍摄) by thermal imaging (热效应成像) cameras (照相机)trying tofind their way out of(找到从出去的路)a large _8room.A. smoked 烟熏的 B. smoke-filledC. filled with smoke D. smoke-filli ng使烟火弥漫的分析:从上下文能够看出,是一个定语修饰room,表示"充满了烟火的房间&qu

18、ot;答案A, D意思不吻合,C作为定语,位置不应放在room前,应放 后面。只有 B 才符合句子。8>. It _9_ them nearly(几乎) four minutes to findthe door _10 a sound alarm,but only 15 seconds(秒)with one.9. A. has taken B. takes C. took D. will take 分析:显然,这个空是考察常用句型: it takes / took sb sometime to do sth. 关键是确定动词时态,从前面看都是过去时态,所以 选择 C.10. A. on

19、B. near C. without D. from分析:逗号后面的 one 应该是指 a sound alarm ,从连词 but 能够 推断,前后应是意思相反,后面已有了 with, 那么前句应是 without, 所以选择C.读读意思很通顺。9>. Withington studies how (如何) the brain (大脑) _11sounds at the university.A processes (处理) B. produces (产生)C. possesses (拥有) D. proceeds (前进)分析:句子主语是 the brain 应和"处理&q

20、uot; 构成主谓关系,而其它 动词均不合适,所以选择 A.10>. She says that the _12_ of a wide band of frequencies (波段宽的频率) can be pinpointed (精确地确定) more easily than the source of a narrow band (窄波段)。12. A. feature 特征 B. quality 质量、素质C. diagram 图解 D. source 来源分析:解题关键是要看出句子中主要结构是morethan,后面出现核心词 the source, 所以能够推断得出结论,前面的名

21、词也应是 source. 这样符合比较级用法,用来实行比较的事物必须具有可比性。 所以选 D.11>. Alarms _13 the same concept (观点、概念) havealready been installed (已经被安装) on emergency vehicles (急救车)。A. basis on B. base on C. basing on D. based on分析: Alarms 是主语, have already been installed 是谓语, 所以要填的动词应该是分词形式,做定语,所以四个答案只有D可能,be based on 以为基础。12

22、>. The alarms will also include (包括) rising (上升) or falling (下降) frequencies to indicate (指示) whether (是否) people should go up _14_ down stairs.A. or B. and C. but D. otherwise分析:根据前半句的 rising or falling frequencies,能够看出这句话也应该填连接词 or, 表示或者。13>. They were _15_ with the aid of a large grant from

23、 British Nuclear Fuels.A. developed B. determined C. discovered D. delivered分析:主语 they 代指 the alarms, 后半句是说这种设备得到大笔 资助。根据上下文,资助的目的是为了开发,所以应该选 A.14.A 根据上半句中的 rising or falling frequencies ,这里应 填入 or, 与上半句表达的意思相一致。音频升高表示上楼,音频降低表 示下楼。15. A. 首先确定主语 They 指的是第一句中的主语 The alarms , 后半句说这种设备得到大笔资助,根据上文内容,我们知道资助的目 的是开发这种 alarms ,所以应该选择 developed.


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