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1、教案首页课程名称英语国家概况与文化项 目The United States课题Geography课型理论授课班级12英语(4,5,6)班授课时间2014.04.28课时2授课教师王晓华学习目标专业能力A General Introduction to Physical Geography and Population核心能力Physical Geography教学对象分 析教学方法Lecturing and Q&A教学回顾推荐精选教案内页教学过程及时间分配教学内容Part onePart One: General Survey1. Name: the United States of

2、America, the U.S. the USA, America, the States, Columbia,etc.2. Population: 300 million (up to Oct 17, 2006)3. Capital: Washington D.C.(District of Columbia哥伦比亚特区)4. Area: 9.3 million square kilometers (the fourth largest country in the world)- Alaska & Hawaii)5.The most famous river: The Missis

3、sippi River (密西西比)6. The largest lakes: The Great Lakes(大湖区) 7. The mountains: the Rocky Mountains(落基山脉)8. 50 states (48 contiguous states, 2 non- contiguous onesSymbols of America United States Flag Stars and Stripes Grand Union Flag or “Cambridge” FlagNational Anthem(国歌) "the Star-Spangled Ba

4、nner" 星条旗永不落“national floral emblem“(国花) RoseThe Bald Eagle - An American EmblemAmerican EmblemNational Motto: In God We TrustThe Formation of American People推荐精选Part TwoRace: Whites 73% Latinos(拉美人)less than 13% African Americans 11.4% Asians 3.3% Native Americans(Indians) 1%The American India

5、ns (Native Americans)Part Two: VocabularyWestern myth 西方神话Midwestern 美国中西部的Contiguous 连续的;邻近的;接触的Arctic 北极的;极寒的;北极圈;Domain 领域;域名;产业;地产Bulk n. 体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块· vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要Tame adj. 驯服的;平淡的;乏味的;顺从的· vt. 驯养;使变得平淡;制服· vi. 变得驯服·the Great Lakes (世界上最大的淡水水域)苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)

6、、最大休伦湖(Lake Huron)、密歇根湖(Lake Michigan)、独属美国伊利湖(Lake Erie)安大略湖(Lake Ontario)最高山:麦金利山 Mckinley Mount,海拔6194米,位于美国阿拉斯加州中南部的大草原上,是阿拉斯加山脉的中段山峰。它也是美国的最高山峰,号称“美国屋脊”。Drainage 水系;排水;排水系统;污水;排水面积Fertility 多产;肥沃;丰饶;生育能力推荐精选Meteorological 气象的;气象学的Dictate 支配;命令;指示;口述 In large measure 很;在很大程度上;大部分Topographical 地志

7、的;地形学的Middle America 美国的心脏地带;中美洲(墨西哥及美洲中部)Drain vi. 排水;流干· vt. 喝光,耗尽;使流出;排掉水· n. 排水;下水道,排水管;消耗Tributary 支流;附属的;附属的Navigable river 可通航河流 Thrust 推力;刺;推挤;插入Bulwark 壁垒;保障;防波堤Canadian Shield 加拿大地盾(区)北美洲板块是最坚硬、最稳定的核心,又称为前寒武纪地盾区,或者加拿大高地区。主要是由六亿多年前的前寒武纪岩石构成。它的覆盖面积达四百五十万平方公里,约占加拿大领土面积的一半,也是加拿大的地理核心

8、。Imperceptible 感觉无不到的;极细微的Fringe 边缘;穗;边缘的;附加的· Flank n. 侧面;侧翼;侧腹· vt. 守侧面;位于的侧面;攻击侧面· vi. 侧面与相接· adv. 在左右两边Appalachian 阿巴拉契亚山脉Alabama 阿拉巴马州Set back 推迟;使受挫折;把往回拨Interior basin 内陆盘地Cordillera 山脉Intermontane 山间的Portentous 奇特;不祥的;预兆的;令人惊讶的Humid 湿润的;潮湿的Swath 细长的列;收割的宽度 Maine 缅因州Swampy

9、 沼泽的;湿地的;沼泽多的推荐精选Arid 干旱的;不毛的;荒芜的Rain-shadow 雨影Sierra Nevada 内华达山脉(位于美国加州)Cascade kæs'ked 小瀑布Oase 软泥Surface soil 表土;地面土壤Humus腐殖质;腐殖土 loess 黄土Dormant 休眠的;静止的;Bumper crop 丰收Germinate 使发芽;使生长Plow 耕地;犁Barn 谷仓Sierra ( Nevada)内华达 Ridge line山脊线;甲板中线;分水岭Oasis英 'ess  美 o

10、'ess   · n. 绿洲;舒适的地方;令人宽慰的事物Oregon 俄勒冈州 Blistering adj. 猛烈的;极热的,极快的· n. 涂料 起泡;发疱· v. 起水疱;起气泡;使受暴晒(blister的ing形式)Wilamette Valley of Oregon俄勒冈州的威勒米特盆地Mediterranean climate 地中海气候Ohio 俄亥俄州 Maine 缅因州 Homogeneous 均匀的;同种的 Confederacy 联盟;联邦Kentucky 肯德基州Missouri 密苏里Oklahoma 美国俄克

11、拉荷马州Cash crop 经济作物Indentured in'dentd  · adj. 受契约束缚的· v. 以契约约束;签订契约(indenture的过去分词)推荐精选Part ThreeSocial fabric 社会结构;社会架构Caste system 种姓制度;等级制;阶级制度Undercut 廉价出售;底切Legacy 遗赠;遗产Tier 层,排;列St Louis 圣路易斯(密苏里州)Kansas City 堪萨斯城Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯(印第安纳州首府)Milwaukee 密尔沃基 Minneapolis 明尼阿波利斯

12、市Nevada n'væd 内华达Wyoming wai'umi   · n. 美国怀俄明州Idaho 爱达荷州Reno 里诺(著名的“离婚城市”)Stand out as 突出;引人注目;坚持到底Great Basin 大盆地(美国西南部)Rocky Mountain States 落基山(脉)Berkeley 伯克利(美国城市)Oakland 奥克兰(加州西部城市)Napa Valley wine district 纳帕谷(美国加州葡萄酒的主要产地)End stop 终点止动装置Conglomerate 企业集团Latino Mexi

13、can Part Three: Exercises 1. What is the most pronounced feature of the U.S. in terms of geography?The most pronounced feature is not its size but its diversity. Its natural environment varies from the arctic to the tropical, from rainforest to desert, from vast plains to cliffs 推荐精选and mountain pea

14、ks.2. What does the statement “America is a nation with an abundant of geography, but a shortage of history” mean?P 115 (Line 15)3. What are the characteristics of “Middle America”, geographically, culturally and politically?P 115 (P3)4. Could you describe in a few words Americas geological and topo

15、graphical framework?P 116 (P3)5. Both the East and the West Coast are humid; why is the climate in the two regions so different from each other?Owing to its large size and varied landforms, it has different types of climates in different regions.6. What makes the Northeast stand out as a unique cult

16、ural region?P 119 (P 3, since this area)7. Which states do people tend to regard as belonging to “the South”?南卡罗来纳、 South Carolina佐治亚、 Georgia 弗吉尼亚、 Virginia西弗吉尼亚、 West Virginia北卡罗来纳 North Carolina、肯塔基、 Kentucky田纳西、 Tennessee路易斯安娜、 Louisiana密西西比、 Mississippi亚拉巴马、 Alabama 阿肯色、 Arkansas佛罗里达、 Florida俄克拉荷马 Oklahoma得克萨斯州 Texas8. In terms of cultural geography, what is the image of the 推荐精选Midwest in the American mind?P 120 (last Para)Part Four: After-class assignmentsDo exercises No. 4-No. 8 on page 123 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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