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1、【教学设计中学英语】Why not carry on her good work 教学设计 学校:西安惠安中学姓名:温维娜联系方式:15829551970推荐精选Why not carry on her good work 教学设计一教材依据:人教版,Book 4 Module 1 , Using language : reading二设计思路:1.教学指导思想:在培养学生的语言知识,语言技能,情感态度的基础上发展学生综合运用语言的能力。让学生能够通过观察,体验,探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,提高自主学习的能力。让他们在英语学习的过程中,树立正确的人生观,世界观和价值观.2.教

2、材分析:本单元的中心话题是“女性”。这部分紧扣主题,它介绍的是一位杰出的女性林巧稚,我国著名的妇科病专家。她以其执着的追求和不懈的努力获得事业上的成功。她关注贫穷的妇女和母亲,尤其是农村妇女.她还把毕生的心血全部奉献给了她的病人和中国的医疗事业。这篇文章不仅要让学生了解一位中国杰出女性的生平,更重要的是它在如何选择未来事业的问题上给了学生一定的启发。3.学情分析:学生在学习了必修1必修3后,其阅读技能(Scanning 和Skimming)基本形成,因此教师在本节课中主要起到的是启发作用。三教学准备:PPT 录音机四教学过程: Teaching aims:1.Knowledge and abi

3、lity: Master important words and expressions; know Lin Qiaozhi and her life; improve Ssreading ability further.2.Procedure and methods: reading, listening, individual work and group work(discussion)3.Feelings, attitude and value: Inspire Ss to learn them and learn how to choose their career in the f

4、uture.推荐精选Teaching important point: How to find out the answers of the questions quickly and correctly.Teaching difficult point: How to find out the answers of the questions quickly and correctly.Teaching procedureStep1: Lead-in Give some pictures of Great women in China and in the world, such as So

5、ng Qingling, Lin Huiyin, Jane Doodall and so on.Questions: Who are they? What do you know about them?In the medical world of China, there was an important woman - Lin QiaozhiStep2: Reading1.Read the whole passage by yourselves and judge whether the following sentences are ture or not.1.Before doing

6、some research on great women of china, the author didnt know what to choose to study at university.( )2.Like the author, Lin Qiaozhi enjoyed english, biology and chemistry. ( )3.It was difficult for a woman to get medical training during Lin Qiaozhis time. ( )4.Lin Qiaozhi showed kindness and consid

7、eration to all her patients. ( )5.The author decided to study medicine when she went to university. ( )2.Now listen to the tape carefully and finish the following questions. 1. Find out the three achievements of Lin Qiaozhi.2.For whom and for what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about ho

8、w to look after babies?3.Was it easy for a woman to get medical training at the time Lin Qiaozhi lived? Give a reason.3.Discussion:In groups, discuss who is your idol and what career you are willing to do and give the reason.4.Language points:推荐精选1. I looked carefully at the text and realized that i

9、t was intended for women in the countryside.考点:intend 的用法intend to do sth. 打算做某事intend sb. To do sth. 打算让某人做某事be intended for = be designed for 为了. 目的是.Eg: lets ask her what she intends us to do. This book is intended for women and children.2. Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to g

10、et medical training at that time.考点:hit 是突然想起;偶尔发现Eg: I was about to give up my effort when a good idea hit me.句式:It hits sb. that .= It occurs to sb. that. = It strikes me that.某人突然间想起某事Eg: It hit him that he had an important conference to attend the next moring.3.cantcouldnt wait todo sth. 迫不及待去做某

11、事Eg: I cant wait to go out with my mother.4.Futher reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.考点:强调句的基本句式:It iswas+被强调部分+thatwho+其余成分(除谓语之外的所有成分) Eg: I bought this dress in a shop nearby yesterday. It was yesterday th

12、at I bought this dress in a shop nearby.(强调时间)It was in a shop nearby that I bought this dress yesterday.(强调地点状语)5.I discovered that LinQiaozhi had devoted her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own.考点:devote .to.或 be devoted to 致力于.,献身于.Eg: Nowadays children devot

13、ed too much time to playing computer games.课堂检测:Translate these sentences into English.推荐精选1. 我打算出国学习。( intend )2. 他昨天偶然遇到了他的朋友。( come across)3. 当他正要放弃的时候突然想起了一个好主意。( hit )4. 他昨天在会议上发表了演讲。( deliver )教学反思:本节课的话题“女性”学生还是比较感兴趣的,课堂气氛比较活跃,学生能够在有限的时间完成所给的问题。在讨论环节学生能够积极踊跃地参与其中。不足之处:课容量稍有些大,在以后的教学中我会更加注意这个问题。 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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