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1、教学基本信息课题冀教版八年级英语 Unit3 Lesson 17 I Love Autumn作者及工作单位 张 海 民 临漳县称勾中学指导思想与理论依据    将自己在本节课教学中的亮点设计所依据的指导思想或者核心教育教学理论简述即可,指导思想和依据的教育理论应该在后面的教学过程中明确体现出来。本部分内容必须和实际的教学内容紧密联系,避免出现照搬课标中整个模块的教学指导思想等情况In this lesson,at first,I use some questions to lead in,for example, How many seasons are ther

2、e in a year? What are they? Which season do you like best ? What Chinese festivals are in fall/autumn? What festival is in fall/autumn in Canada and the U.S.? and so on.I think I can lead the students to the atmosphere of festivals in this way.Then during the teaching procedure,it is my main aim to

3、encourage the students to take part in the activities in class through the four skills listening, speaking, reading , writing ,for example,the students can try to find their own problems about the lesson,and then other students can help them solve the problems. At last, the teacher can point out the

4、 difficult and important points that the students dont find. This kind of design presents the thoughts of regarding the students as the main body of class. 教材分析(可以从以下几个方面进行阐述,不必面面俱到)l         课标中对本节内容的要求;本节内容的知识体系;本节内容在教材中的地位,前后教材内容的逻辑关系。l   

5、60;     本节核心内容的功能和价值(为什么学本节内容),不仅要思考其他内容对本节内容学习的帮助,本节内容的学习对学科体系的建立、其他学科内容学习的帮助;还应该思考通过本节内容的学习,对学生学科能力甚至综合素质的帮助,以及思维方式的变化影响等。In this part I mainly talk about the status and function of this teaching material .This course is the seventeenth lesson of Book Three which comes out of t

6、he Hebei education press. In every lesson some activities ,such as listening, speaking, reading and writing,are designed according to this core. The 17th course is the first lesson of this unit , focused on Canada and the Autumn Festival in China, such as Thanksgiving, national day, Mid-Autumn Festi

7、val celebrations. Students can know a lot about the cultural differences between China and western countries after learning the two e-mails.The first one is about the daily life to which students are familiar ,so the students can learn and achieve the ability of use English.The second one mainly tal

8、ks about a western festival“Thanksgiving”,this part plays an important role in this whole unit. 学情分析2 / 7(可以从以下几个方面进行阐述,但不需要格式化,不必面面俱到)教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等是比较有效的学习者分析的测量手段。l         学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线,即从学生现有的认知基础,经过哪

9、几个环节,最终形成本节课要达到的知识。l         学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点,可能是知识基础不足、旧的概念或者能力方法不够、思维方式变化等。As to the students of Grade eight , they already have some knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, but also the initial skills.At the same time ,the students are interested in E

10、nglish,especially they have a strong sense of curiosity for Western culture, they are willing to express their views, therefore teachers should encourage students to actively participate in classroom activities, boldly opening, the courage to express themselves. 教学目标(教学目标的确定应注意按照新课程的三维目标体系进行分析) Aims

11、 of knowledge:Learn and master the following words and expressions: Middle-Autumn Festival mooncake National Day celebrate celebration Thanksgiving wonder have toEveryday expressions: I love I like Goodbye for now. Thank you for What would you like ? I wonder Grammar : simple future tenseAims of abi

12、lity :Train the students to learn by themselves and achieve the ability of using English.Aims of moral education:After learning this lesson ,students can know about and respect the culture of different countries. Love our motherland, set up "work for the rise of the Chinese" determination.

13、 教学重点和难点Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn to write e-mails. 2.Talk about your plan and what you will do.Teaching Difficult Points: Simple Future Tense教学流程示意(按课时设计教学流程,教学流程应能清晰准确的表述本节课的教学环节,以及教学环节的核心活动内容。因此既要避免只有简单的环节,而没有环节实施的具体内容;还要避免把环节细化,一般来说,一节课的主要环节最好控制在46个之间,这样比较有利于教学环节的实施。)Step1.Ask questions

14、 to lead in .How many seasons are there in a year? What are theyWhich season do you like best ? What Chinese festivals are in fall/autumn?What festival is in fall/autumn in Canada and the U.S.?What do you do to celebrate Mid- Autumn Festival?What do you do to celebrate National Day?Step2 Listen to t

15、he tape and answer some easy questions about the two e-mails.1. Whats Li Mings favourite season?2. How old will Li Ming be?3. Where is Jenny going to celebrate Thanksgiving? Step3.Read quickly and answer the questions:1. Who is the e-mail from?2. Who is it to?3. Whats the subject?4. When did Li Jenn

16、y send the e-mail?5. Whats the main idea of the e-mail?  Step4.Read carefully and answer the questions:1. Who will go to Jennys grandmother and grandfathers house, too?2. When is Canadian Thanksgiving?3. When is American Thanksgiving?Step5.Read carefully again and try to find the important

17、 language pointsEncourage the students to try to find the important and difficult language points by themselves and then the teacher make it up. Step6.Homework: Write a plan for Li Mings birthday.1. What things do you need?2. Where will the party be?3. Who will come to the party?4. Who will bring th

18、e birthday cake? 教学过程(教学过程的表述不必详细到将教师、学生的所有对话、活动逐字记录,但是应该把主要环节的实施过程很清楚地再现。)教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图Step1.Ask questions to lead in .Present the questions to the studentsThe students will talk about and answer the questions.It aims at creating an atmosphere of festivals for this lesson.Step2 Listen to the t

19、ape and answer some easy questions about the two e-mails.Play the tape recorder and present the following questions.The students will listen to the listening materials carefully with the questions followed.This step will foster the students abilities of the listening .Step3 and step4.Read quickly an

20、d carefully then answer the questions:Present some questions about the e-mails to the studentsThe students will read the two e-mails with the questions in their mind.This part will train the students abilities of reading.Step5.Read carefully again and try to find the important language pointsEncoura

21、ge the students to find the questions they cant understand .The students will speak out the questions they cant solve alone.Regard the students as the main body of the class,we should encourage them to form the habit of helping each other and solve the problems by themselves.Step6.Homework:Present t

22、he task of writing.The students will think about how to write.Train the ability of writing. 板书设计(需要一直留在黑板上主板书)Unit3 Lesson 17 I Love AutumnStep1. Listen to the tape and answer some easy questions about the two e-mails.1.Whats Li Mings favourite season?2.How old will Li Ming be?3.Where is Jenny going

23、 to celebrate Thanksgiving? Step2.Read quickly and answer the questions:1.Who is the e-mail from?2.Who is it to?3.Whats the subject?4.When did Li Jenny send the e-mail?5.Whats the main idea of the e-mail?   Step3.Read carefully and answer the questions:1.Who will go to Jennys grandmother a

24、nd grandfathers house, too?2.When is Canadian Thanksgiving?3.When is American Thanksgiving?Step4.Read carefully again and try to find the important language pointsStep5.Homework: Write a plan for Li Mings birthday.1. What things do you need? 2. Where will the party be?3. Who will come to the party?

25、4. Who will bring the birthday cake? 教学反思(教学反思的撰写应避免对教学设计思路、指导思想的再次重复。教学反思可以从以下几个方面思考,不必面面俱到):l     反思在备课过程中对教材内容、教学理论、学习方法的认知变化。l     反思教学设计的落实情况,学生在教学过程中的问题,出现问题的原因是什么,如何解决等,避免空谈出现的问题而不思考出现的原因,也不思考解决方案。l     对教学设计中精心设计的教学环节,尤其是对以前教学方式进行的改

26、进,通过设计教学反馈,实际的改进效果如何。l     如果让你重新上这节课,你会怎样上?有什么新想法吗?或当时听课的老师或者专家对你这节课有什么评价?对你有什么启发?这是一节有两个电子邮件组成的课。属于篇章教学范畴,对于篇章教学,主要在于培养学生的阅读能力,附带培养其它三个技能,以阅读为主。刚开始这节课拿到市里边参加优质课比赛,由于设计的环节太多,繁琐,反而效果适得其反。经老师的点评,我把环节删减为六个,这样看起来更加紧凑,效果更好。同时,听课老师比较赞同的环节就是能够激励学生自己寻找问题,同学之间互帮互助共同解决,符合了新课堂以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的主观能动性。如果重新上这节课我会感觉更自信,更轻松,课堂效果会更好。 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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