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1、中级口译第二局部口试-7总分:20.00,做题时间:90分钟一、Part A 总题数:0,分数:0.00 二、Passage 1总题数:1,分数: 5.001.分数:5.00 正确答案:我为能再次受到邀请来到贵公司与您探讨建立合资企业的可能性而深感愉快。 美丽的上海, 尤 其是你们的投资环境,给我留下了深刻的印象。近来,越来越多的欧洲公司来到中国进行投资。显然,每个人都想搭乘中国的经济快车并分享你们的经济成果。在对市场做了许多调查后,我发现中国乃至全世界的大型数码电视机的市场潜力巨大。所以,我愿意提供合资企业投资总额50%的资金。我公司将负责购置进口设备提供技术和管理,以及负责数码电视机在海外

2、市场的销售。我建议我们建立董 事会,以平等的伙伴关系分享权利和义务。解析:听力原文It is my great pleasure to be invited again to your company to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint ven ture. I have bee n impressed by the beautiful city of Shan ghai, i n particular, your in vestme nt en viro nment.Rece ntly a great nu

3、 mber of Europea n firms have bee n coming to China for in vestme nt. Appare ntly every one would like to get on Chin a's econo mic express train and share your econo mic success. After making a lot of research, I find there is a potential market for large size digital TVs in China and the world

4、 as a whole. So my contribution will be 50% of the total in vestme nt in the joi nt ven ture.My compa ny will be resp on sible for the imported equipme nt, tech no logy, man ageme nt, and the sales of digital TVs on the oversea market. May I suggest that we set up a board of directors and share righ

5、ts and obligations as equal part ners?三、Passage 2总题数:1,分数: 5.002.分数:5.00正确答案:阅读技能很重要。专家估计,任何一个说英语的普通成人经过特别的训练,有可能每分钟读一 千个词,甚至更多。然而大多数学生每分钟只能读约三百个词。阅读时要尽可能快于你习惯的速度。你正常的阅读速度变得愈快,理解就会愈强。阅读时不要让自己倒退 回去, 即使遇到了生词也要继续一句句读下去。你阅读的时候,要有意识地努力把名词、代词和动词与别的词分开,因为这些词使所读的东西具有意义。实际上,你应该认真读名词、代词和动词,而句子里其余的词只要看一下就行了。大多

6、数大学课程里指定的阅读都十分长,学生应该安排每天阅读。但是如果刚开始他们发现不能完成所有指定的阅读,他们不应该惊慌,而应该问问其他同学读了多少。解析:听力原文Reading skills are important. Experts estimate that it is possible for any normal adult Englishspeaker to read 1,000 words a minute and more with specialtra ining. Yet most stude ntsread onlyabout 300 words per minu te.Al

7、ways read faster tha n is comfortable. The faster your no rmal rate of read ing becomes, the better your un dersta ndingwill be. While read ing, do not allow yourself to regress, but keep read ing ahead in every senten ce, eve n whe n you come across a new word.As you read, make a con scious effort

8、to scree n the nouns, pronouns and verbs from the other words, since these are the words that give meaning to what you have read. In effect, you should really read the nouns, pronouns and verbs and merely see the rest of the words in the senten ce.Because the read ing assig nments in most college co

9、urses are very long, stude nts should pla n to read every day. If, however, they find that they cannot complete all of the assig ned read ings in the beg inning, they should not panic. In stead, ask their classmates how much they are readi ng.四、Part B (总题数:0,分数:0.00 )五、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数: 5.00)3.分数:

10、 5.00 ) 正确答案: (Practice has told USthat the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only correct way that will lead China to its prosperity and strength.Y esterday we adopted the Suggesti ons on the Formulati on of the Eleve nth Five-Year Pla n, a docume nt that hasiden tified

11、 an all-ro und pla n for Chin a's reform, ope ning up and modemizati on, drive in the coming five years.In the following five years, China will unfold its economic development campaign on a large scale and on a new basis and will continue to press ahead with its reform and opening-up.A vigorous

12、and prosperous Chi na will not only br ing about more ben efits to the thousa nds of millio ns of the Chin ese people, but also con tribute to the cooperatio n and excha nges betwee n China and other coun tries of the world. 解析:听力原文实践告诉我们,坚持走有中国特色的社会主义道路是实现国家繁荣富强的唯一正确选择。昨天,我们通过了“关于第十一个五年规划的建议,对未来五年的

13、改革开放和现代化建设做出全面部署。在将来的五年里,我们将在新的起点上开展更大规模的经济建设,继续推进改革开放。一个充满活力、兴旺兴旺的中国,不仅会给亿万人民带来更大的福祉,而且必将有利于同世界其他各国的合作与交往。六、Passage 2总题数:1,分数:5.004.分数: 5.00 ) 正确答案: (Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada, the educati onal departme nts of the two coun tries, especially the in stit

14、uti ons of higher lear ning have built up excha nges and cooperati on in various forms.The high level academic excha nges are con ducted in various fields. Besides, the two sides have also excha nged academic delegatio ns, teachers, stude nts, in formatio n and materials and made cooperative researc

15、hes.We have made joi nt efforts in our holdi ng PhD programs, symposiums and trai ning courses. As a result, theun dersta nding betwee n the educati onal departme nts and academic circles of the two coun tries was deepe ned, and the academic / research capability and man ageme nt skills of both side

16、s were improved.Mea nwhile, the official and non-gover nmen tal cultural excha nges are stre ngthe ned, coveri ng many fields such as culture, arts, book publish ing and sports, which vigorously promotes the further developme nt of bilateral relati ons of the two countries.)解析:听力原文中国和加拿大自建交以来,两国教育部门,特别是高等院校之间,建立了多 种形式的交流与合作关系。双方学术交流的领域广,层次高,两国互派学术团体访问, 互换教师、留学生和信息资料,开展合作研究。双方联合培养博士生,共同举办研讨会和培训班。这些活动增进了两国教育学 术界的相互了解,促进了双方科研和管理水平的提高。同时,两国官方和民间文化交流不断加强,其范围涉及文化、艺术、图书出版、体育等领域,有力地推动了两国双边关系的进步与开展。


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