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1、Section III一 Using Language, Summing Up& Learn i ng T i p一、将下列单词与其相对应的释义搭配起来A1. rot2. attach influence3. typical4. delicate5. fragranta. representativeb. to decay naturally or as the result of some outsidec. to connect one thing to anotherd. having a pleasant or sweet smelle. fine;sensitivem三二、汉

2、英互译1. be rewarded with2. pass on3. take place4. adapt to5 例如6 在尽头7 接近K黜輛二口三、阅读课文 FLOWERS AND THEIR ANIMAL POLLINATORS, 并回答下列问题1. What is the advantage for animals of visiting flowers?A. Because animals feed on the flowers.B. Because animals can get enough water from the flowers.C. Because animals ca

3、n get food called nectar from the flowers.D. The passage doesn5t tell us.2. Why do some plants need animals?A. The animals visit can make the plants grow better.B. The animals can help the plants get rid of pests.C. The plants will grow stronger if they are disturbedD. Some plants need animals to po

4、llinate them.二口3. Which of the following are better in pollinating?A. Flies.B.Wasps C.Beetles.D.Bees.4. Which of the following is FALSE?A. Flowers that are white or pale can be seen by night pollinators.B. Bats pollinate flowers at nightC. The moth can get close to the flower whose petals lie flat.D

5、. Flies like the flower whose colour is bright yellow.Ke勰朋K議舔uH2l.Over time,many flowering plants and their animal pollinators have evolved together.(P38)许多开花的植物长期以来是和它们的动物传媒一起进化的。考点:evolve W&诡发展;进展;进化©Language is constantly and gradually evolving语言在不断地缓慢发展。 There was a debate as to whether

6、 birds evolved from dinosaurs 关于鸟是否由恐龙进化而来还存在争议。 The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.这个简单的计划发展成了一项复杂的规划。归纳:evolve可以和介词from和into连用,构成evolve.from.“由演变(进化)而来Revolve. into."演变(进化)成H2345The space program is the evolution of years of research. 太空计划是多年研究的发展结果。词性:名词 含义:进化;发展Life has its o

7、wn evolutionary process. 生命有其自身的进化过程。词性:形容词 含义:进化的,逐渐发展的匸 N即学即用 语法填空1) The Chinese political system(evolve)over a long period of time.2) A cultural and social(evolve)now becomes rapid2.Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to another planfs blossom

8、on its next visit. (P38)动物接触一朵花后,花粉就附着在它的身上,动物接触下一种植物的花时就把这些花粉传到花朵上。考点:attach皿贴上;系上;附加©Please attach labels to the luggage.请把标签贴在行李上。They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement.他们在协议上附加了一些条件。考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的短语和意义 We should attach importance to job training. 我们应该重视工作培训。短语:attach

9、importance to sth 意义:认为重要 We are all attached to our great motherland. 我们都热爱我们伟大的祖国。短语:be attached to意义:爱惜,爱慕.,Ke勰朋K議舔°1石3 4No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product. 没有人指岀这个产品可能会危害健康。短语:aTWch (o sth 意义:与某事物右关联:LII即学即用完成句子1)The old man didn't seem to(重视这个问题).2)1(依恋)e

10、very tree and bush in my hometown.Ke勰朋K議舔u123The type of pollinator depends on the characteristics of the flower such as its colour,shape,size and smell.(P38)花粉传播者的类型取决于花朵的性质,如花朵的颜色、形状、大小和 气味。考点:depend on依赖,依靠,取决于 You cannot depend on others to help you. 你不能指望别人来帮你。 Our success depends on whether ev

11、eryone works hard.我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。 一When will you start for Beijing?你何时动身去北京? 一It depends.这很难说/要看情况。归纳:It depends.看情况而定,视而定,视情况而定。常用在交际用语中。Cii即学即用完成句子l)Our future prosperity(依赖经济的发展).2)We may go out next Sunday,but(那要看情况而定).Ke飆朋K議舔u4.Typical flower characteristics(P38)花朵的典型特性考点:typical adj.典型的;有代表性的

12、;特有的,独特的 ©Botswana is not a typical African country.博茨瓦纳并不是典型的非洲国家。 This wine is typical of the region. 这种酒是本地区的特产。考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出typical的短语和意义 It is typical of him to take hard jobs.抢重活干就是他的特点。短语:be typical of 意义:是的特点;是特右的2 3 E5II即学即用语法填空1) This poem is typicalthe Romantic period.2) was typical

13、of her to forget.Ke飆朋K議舔u125.Smell:strong,sweet perfume,typically only given out at night.(P38) 气味:浓烈的香甜味,特别只在夜晚散发出来。考点:give out表示“分发;公布;发出" The teacher gave out the exam papers 老师分发了试卷。 He has refused to give out any information on the matter. 他已拒绝发表有关此事的任何消息。 The radiator gives out a lot of h

14、eat. 散热器释放出大量的热。©After a month their food supplies gave out. 过了 一个月,他们的食物已消耗殆尽。归纳:give out可以用作及物动词,表示“用尽,耗尽;停止运转”。考点延伸阅读下列句子,指出give的其他短语和意义 He gave away a part of his income to his needy friends.他把收入的一部分送给经济困难的朋友们。 短语Qve “wg意义:捐赠,赠送 Tom always gives in to his big brother. 汤姆总是屈从于他的大哥。短语卫We in意义

15、:屈服;投降;让步 The apples give off a very sweet smell. 这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味儿。短语:give off 意义:发出,方攵出(气味、热、光等) He gave up teaching only two years ago. 两年前他才离开教学工作。短语:give up 意义:放弁;屮止二II即学即用用适当的副词填空1) After the Christmas tree was lighted,presents were givento each child.2) She gaveher seat to an old man.3) The old teacher gaveall his books to the school.


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