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1、Lesson 34 Making Breakfast,Guan JinfengJingtai No. 4 Middle School,Learning aims:(学习目标 )1.学习并掌握重点词汇:stove, cook, refrigerator, inside, dish, pass, knife, mine. 短语:have breakfast, wash dishes, would like, pass sb. sth 句子: Time for breakfast. What would you like for breakfast? Please pass me the knife

2、. I need it to put the jam on my toast.2. 通过自主学习,小组合作探究来谈论自己想吃的食物。3. 激情投入学习,体验学习英语的欢乐。,porridge,milk,juice,eggs,cereal,hamburger,toast,hot dog,beef noodles,记忆我最棒! 1. 火炉 2.烹调 3. 冰箱 4.在里面 5. 水槽 6. 碟子 7. 烤面包 8. 果酱 9. 小刀 10. 传递 11.我的(名词性的物主代词),stove,cook,refrigerator,inside,sink,dish,toast,jam,knife,pas

3、s,mine,Jennys kitchen,Enjoy Listening,Listen and fill in the blanks.,1.Li Ming would like , , and for breakfast. 2.Jenny would like for breakfast. 3.Mr.Smith would like some and for breakfast .,eggs,toast,jam,juice,cereal,toast,jam,Enjoy reading,Discuss in groups,I would like some toast. 总结短语:想要某物 _

4、 想要做某事 _ 想要某人做某事 _2. Please pass me the knife.(同义句) =Please pass_ _ to _. 总结结构:pass sb. sth=pass _ _ _.3.I need it to put the jam on my toast. 总结短语 :需要某人某物做某事 _ 4.This is my book. (同义句) This book is _ 总结:名词性的物主代词=_+_.,would like/want to do sth.,knife,would like/want sth.,would like/want sb. to do st

5、h.,to,sth.,形容词性的物主代词,名词,me,sb.,the,need sth./sb. to do sth.,mine,1. Its time (go) home.2. This pen isnt Li Mings, its (I)3. He needs a knife (cut) apples. 4. Theyd like (buy) a new computer.5. Jenny (pass) the ball to me.,Exercises,to go,mine,to cut,to buy,passes,Do a survey.Ask your classmates abou

6、t their breakfast.You may use the following questions.,1.Where do you often have breakfast?2.What do you usually have for breakfast?3.What did you have this morning?An example(例子): My friend Li Ming has breakfast at home.He often eats some milk and bread . But this morning he had a bowl of beef noodles.,To keep our bodies strong, we should have breakfast everyday. To have a strong body, we should eat healthy food. All of us will have a strong and healthy body.,Keep Our Bodies Strong and Healthy!,Homework,Write a passage about your familys breakfast.,Goodbye,


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