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1、精品文档7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun重点短语与句型Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1.户外乐趣outdoor fun 户外活动 outdoor activities2你真会抱怨。3. 骑马/野营4. 你觉得野营怎么样?5. 给我拿着You compla in too much. go ridi ng/ camp ingWhat do you like about camp ing? carry it for me6. 快点,赶快7. 包不是那么重。8. 我太累了。9. 你想尝试什么户外活动?Reading1. 掉进兔子洞2. 阳光明媚的一

2、天3. 抬头看,向上看4. 她看到穿着衣服的兔子经过5. 把拿出来6. 多么令人惊奇呀!7. 跟着兔子跑到了田野上8. 跳进了一个大大的洞里9. 不想让兔子跑掉hurry up The bag isnI'm tired.t that heavy.What outdoor activity would you like to try? dow n the rabbit holeone sunny daylook upShe saw a white rabbit in a coat pass ing bytook out ofHow amaz ing!run across the fiel

3、d after the rabbitjump dow n a big holedid not want to let the rabbit get away10.她发现独自一人在又长又低矮的大厅里11. 但它打不开任何一扇门12. 在另一边She found herself alone in a Ion g, low hallBut it did not fit any of the doors.on the other side13. 尝试穿过门go through the door14. 花了她很长时间才撞到洞的地面上It took her a long time to hit the g

4、ro und in the hole.15. 在洞里和兔子谈话talked to the rabbit in the hole16. 这只奇怪的兔子使 Alice 很吃惊。The strange rabbit surprised Alice.17. Alice 用钥匙打开了那扇门Alice opened a small door with the key.18. 发现大厅里空无一人see no one in the hall19. 接下来发生了什么?What happened next?精品文档精品文档Grammar1.听到了声音2在家3. 我度过了一段美好的时光4. 他和他的朋友们练习打排球

5、5. 待在家里读书5. 在湖边支起了帐篷6. 你们整晚都待在外面吗?7. 它有趣吗?8. 我们还在湖上划船了。Integrated skills &studv skills1. 让西方人了解风筝2. 发现了一种造纸的心方法3. 用竹子制作风筝4. 用木材制作鸟5. 风筝在中国有着悠久的历史6. 放风筝成为非常流行的户外活动7. 从那时起hear a soundbe at homeI had a good time.He practiced playi ng volleyball with his friends stay at home and read some books put

6、up a tent n ear a lakeDid you stay outside all ni ght?Was it in teresti ng?We also rowed a boat on the lake.let people in the west know about the kitesfind a new way to make paperuse bamboo to make kitesmake a bird out of woodKites has a long history in ChinaKite flying became a very popular outdoor

7、 activity from the n on8.因为而出名be famous for9.去野餐have a pic nic10.我是如此的兴奋I ' m so excited11.恐怕不能12. 记得带着你的移动电话13. 现在一切准备就绪14. 在湖里游泳很危险。I ' m afraid not remember to take your mobile phoneNow everyth ing is ready.It 'sdan gerous to swim in the lake.Task:1.对感兴趣be in terested in2. Alice不知道做什么

8、3. 回到桌子那4. 瓶子上的字条Alice did not know what to dowent back to the tablea note on the bottle精品文档5. 它尝起来像果汁。6. 向下看7. 变得越来越小8. 过了一会9. 决定去做某事10. 她忘记钥匙了11. 她太小了够不到钥匙12. 在那之后,她会发生什么?It tastes like fruit juice. look down became smaller and smaller after a while decide to do somethingShe forgot about the key.She was too small to reach the key. What will happen to her after that?


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