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1、Herpes Zoster,奏呀掉胡兼眠蚌盏龙园塘册乾竹劳氦贬算乒仰谴脊唾腔贞弱绢崔虱蹋掌棚皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Definition Herpes zoster is caused by Varicella - Zoster virus (VZV) , classically occurs unilaterally within the distribution of a sensory nerve, being characterized by clustered vesicles and considerable neuralg

2、ia.,淡喳黔放精呐铀献烛娟狂伴带拉段懒狈肾雷舌粒焊拦克拱禹峰坊喘疫抬铬皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Pathogen and Pathogenesis Pathogen Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) is characterized by neurotropism and dermatotropism.,贪具序放糕久情今披印秦毒擦泻听置心鸥藻擅孜认绢塘稀寸洞极挨韧馋识皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Pathogenesis VZV causes varicella

3、 in childhood , and establishes latency in sensory ganglia after the primary infection. VZV may replicate later in life, taking advantage of the decline in immune function, traveling down the sensory nerve into the skin , showing neuralgia and clustered vesicles.,威拼釜枕家哀总斩商娩掖焚彩跪窗绩涯蚊合瘁步淋贩戳衬奄砾疽宣店舀税皮肤性病

4、学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Clinical manifestations Prodrome: headache and fever hyperaesthesia pain in the affected area.,郭冠宰之巾收险李剪捂解术岸萍纠悬裙婪把裂泪嘿混透啪蔓见岩豢青班稀皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Features of lesions The eruption presents as papules and erythema in the dermatome. Over a few

5、days, crops of clustered red papules form in a discontinuous band and quickly evolve to clear vesicles surrounded by erythema.,邹找当须赂捷力却镁庭荫兽馏轴澡逆庸蓉掖衬泥魔刹车棠封枣淡奔彻脯逾皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,The eruption may have few lesions or reach total confluence in the dermatome. Lesions may become hem

6、orrhagic, necrotic, or bullous.,祷址赠仁浴规干晒湘哈烹惋诧摧阑屁删嗽旅柔活孪始幌蛔待妄闪怒订邀避皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,The vesicles slowly become pustulars, and rupture to form crusts , which separate in two to four weeks, often with scarring. The regional lymph nodes are enlarged and tender.,赴坑糊旭捉尼焦职霜缓锯固四吼屿贩泰剑聘芳

7、臂庙猩妊审号聂靶憎阳铁庄皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Complications Postherpetic neuralgia(PHN) The pain persists after the skin lesions have healed, with the same quality as that of acute zoster pain. a month,搽宦毒陌硅根拢嘉筋训乖玉擂涵蜗榨栖胁拥遵掌炬爽癌糯时秘把由中才犁皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Ophthalmic Zoster

8、Ocular involvement is most commonly in the form of uveitis and keratitis.,怜初酮锨涤啼椒逢刨撅纷具肆袄费揖项蚕菲尾镶殉乎敖峙哦却埋猩钙程港皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Ramsay Hunt syndrome Results from involvement of the facial and auditory nerves by the VZV. The presenting features include : herpes auricularis, facial

9、paralysis, and auditory symptoms. VZV. Herpetic inflammation of the geniculate ganglion is felt to be the cause of this syndrome. The presenting features include : herpes auricularis, facial paralysis, and auditory symptoms.,充孜梢酗偏爸购聊偿完秽酣扑钝颈积麦绞鬃孜欠邀卡腥蚤银嘲盖脉粘境媚皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,In

10、complete herpes zoster There are may only neuralgia and papuloid lesions but with no blisters.,拓桶沥净改挪截案乡籽琼携次耪达赌享激柳芜濒迷氟纤吼锰道殆县阐秒赌皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Disseminated Herpes Zoster A generalized varicelliform eruption accompanying the segmental eruption. It has been defined as more tha

11、n 20 lesions outside the affected dermatome. It occurs chiefly in old or debilitated individuals, especially in patients with malignancy and AIDS.,似招多钱驯蔽童侩解宽舟特镜碎妨晨枚尿窒岛衅可洱摧鼻睬财师肆碟组障皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Diagnosis and Misdiagnosis Diagnosis Typical lesions: crops of clustered vesicle

12、s surrounded by erythema, forming in a discontinuous band, with enlarged regional lymph nodes. The distribution of a signal dorsal nerve root. Obvious neuralgia,癣绰正课驳筏鸭宋社俗悸曰束拽熟镀瓮得痔鸣灸域装前杆期孽餐达恕捉懈皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Misdiagnosis: Pain ususlly precedes the eruption by 3 or 4 days, s

13、ometimes it may be misdiagnosed to other diseases, depending on different part. Appendicitis Cholecystitis Angina pectoris,陀弄搁触魁烤锥生娩功迪娇宰氰哆擦较歉毅冗刷字并寇篇疡稻史反奋仿愉皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Treatment Bed rest Antivirival therapy: acyclovir (ACV) 0.2 5 times daily valacyclovir(VCV) 1.0 3 times

14、daily famciclovir (FCV) 0.5 3 times daily for 7 days,邪攫脯乾轩伙矾痘拾日验泣冉惶合延摆昭童仪纫居疾肩哼氧橡预瞧棍循依皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Vitamin B: help to relief the inflammation of the involved nerve and relief the pain. TTFD 25mg tid VitB12 0.5mg im qd Analgesic: aspirin indomethacin,崇炎皋判怀站溃嗜仔纲声委唆粤怔莆刷猎炬刨盗亲再

15、戎挽战愿睡班涌统屏皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Nerve blocks Improving immune function: transfer factor (TF) Systemic corticosteroid therapy: prednisone 10mg tid Physical therapy Topical therapy: 5% scl,栅滋势撮醋经苗乎氟乏殉浮蚜草劈每祷剩滨装哎驼找褪趾练额渔腰式教弓皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,In conclusion: Definit

16、ion Pathogen Clinical manifestations Complications Diagnosis and misdiagnosis Treatment,触暗扯壹症碴螺簿熔烁欧督亏乏亨延汹迈囊惧喇寒为徊岳啼晓闰鱼邪膘奔皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Definition Herpes zoster is caused by VZV, classically occurs unilaterally within the distribution of a sensory nerve, with the features of

17、 clustered vesicles and neuralgia.,费纂繁熄蝴雅症沤散饿撰雾白办滩粟袋指词租袍另档域芬泞涩鸡委掩二鲸皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Pathogen Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) is characterized by neurotropism and dermatotropism.,憾箕焙凡比柯戍赎水炔枢铸述名让窃姑坯挣婿嚼状嘻宽氓寓境蕾杭江系沁皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Clinical manifestations Prod

18、rome Typical lesions Distribution Neuralgia,扬唇犁央间芽绥广倪抡林鼎柱瘦漆船慰诀舀梨腑宿京匝槽痊微富圣咎吵杠皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Complications,Postherpetic neuralgia(PHN),Ophthalmic Zoster,Disseminated Herpes Zoster,Ramsay Hunt syndrome,卿坡窘咽哄娇友舔碍蛆猖炬穿红旺散豫曹恼佃媳遥属喇较聋然瀑斤够饱探皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Di

19、agnosis and Misdiagnosis Treatment Bed rest Antivirival therapy Vitamin B Analgesic Nerve blocks,晨李搂酵组鄂盗驳爽露泥累盟会简体抡樟弥撕迭蛛催隆危区俏掀噪健线冬皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Improving immune function Systemic corticosteroid therapy Physical therapy Topical therapy,词林厘同敛秤腾念缀院浑迭斡泪灌梦旭肃隔钎惶闷抗司灰靶汪丫煌序鸡娱皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,Thank you,墒善乾捕百陆奖供郝痊昂迫交培掖银胃仗值舟豌豢夏酗领材撬矫哟步婆快皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学皮肤性病学英文-陈爱军-带状疱疹英文教学,


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