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1、Reading (2),Unit 1 Know yourself,1.一个天生的艺术家2.讲话多3.整个国家4.用给人留下印象5.赢得艺术团体的高度赞扬6.他为阳光镇广场而作的雕塑7.搜寻更好的东西,1.a born much3.the whole country4.impress high praise from the art community6. his sculptures for Sunshine Town Square7. search for sth. better,Preview,1.放弃她的会计工作2.为一家大公司的销售部工作3

2、.在我的上一份工作中4.整天和数字打交道5.总经理6.领先、落后7.时刻准备接受新挑战,1.give up her job as an accountant for the sales department in a big company my last with numbers day after day5.the general manager6.take the lead/fall ready to take on new challenges any time,Preview,1.总工程师2.高速铁路3.连接A和B4.

3、差之毫厘,谬以千里5.注意细节6.他的一个队友7.高标准要求工作8.容易合作,the chief engineerhigh-speed railwayconnect A to / with BA miss is as good as a attention to every detailone of his team members work to high standardsbe easy to work with,Preview,阳光医院院长心脏手术开拓者愿意延时工作做手术为她的工作付出 大部分时间,the head of Sunshine Hospital,a pion

4、eer heart surgeon,be willing to work for extra hours,do operations (on),devote most of her time to her work,Preview,TRUE OR FALSE,( )1. Wu Weis friend does not think that his work is very good.( ) 2. Wu Weis sculptures are famous all over the country.( ) 3. Su Ning was once happy with her job as an

5、accountant.( ) 4. Su Ning changed her job 5 years ago.( ) 5. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the new bridge.( ) 6. Liu Haos team members find it difficult to work with him.( ) 7. Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be careful.( ) 8. Fang Yuan spends most of her time on her work.,( ) 1. Wu Weis friend d

6、oes not think that his work is very good.( ) 2. Wu Weis sculptures are famous all over the country.( ) 3. Su Ning was once happy with her job as an accountant.( ) 4. Su Ning changed her job 5 years ago.( ) 5. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the new bridge.( ) 6. Liu Haos team members find it diffic

7、ult to work with him.( ) 7. Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be careful.( ) 8. Fang Yuan spends most of her time on her work.,F,T,F,T,F,F,T,T,Revision,Read Para.1 and answer:,What has he impressed the whole country with?What place did he make sculptures for?Where have his works won high praise from?W

8、hat is he always searching for?,He has impressed the whole country with his creative work.,Sunshine Town Square.,The art community.,Something better or different.,Read Para.2 and answer:,What was her first job? An accountant. 2. Why did she give up her first job?Because she could only work with numb

9、ers day after day. That made her unhappy. 3. What is her present job?Shes the general manager of the company. 4. What words did she say about life?Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.,Read Para.3 and answer:,What did he say about mistakes? A miss is as good as a mile. 2. Wha

10、t is necessary for people?Its necessary to pay attention to every detail. 3. What does his workmate think of him?He always works to high standards, but hes modest and easy to work with.,Read Para.4 and answer:,What is a disaster to doctors and patients? Carelessness. 2. What is she always willing to

11、 do?Shes always willing to work extra hours. 3. How long does she often operate?She often operates for about ten hours. 4. How do people in her town treat her? They respect her.,Language points,Wu Wei is a artist. adj. 天生的 rich 天生富有 a leader 天生的领袖 e.g.有些人天生聪明。 Some people are .,2. His sculptures for

12、 Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community. praise n./v. ( ) receive praise ( ) win high praise ( ) e.g. 桂林美景令人称道。 People Guilin its beautiful view. 影片得到了高度赞誉。 The film received .,3. Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago. = 放弃某物 give it/them up说明代词要放在 give up

13、 的 。 give up 放弃做某事 e.g.你必须戒烟。它对你的健康有害。 You have to . Its bad for your health.,4. You either take the lead or fall behind. (1) take the lead (in doing sth) . under the lead of 在的领导下(2) fall behind . fall down/off/over/into(3) either or . (连接两个主语时,遵循“就近原则”) Either you or Jim _(看)TV on Sunday. =Either

14、Jim or you _ TV on Sunday.,4. You either take the lead or fall behind. (1) take the lead (in doing sth) 带头;领先 under the lead of 在的领导下(2) fall behind 落后 fall down/off/over/into(3) either or 或者或者 (连接两个主语时,遵循“就近原则”) Either you or Jim _(看)TV on Sunday. =Either Jim or you _ TV on Sunday.,watches,watch,5.

15、 Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. (1) 划线部分为现在分词作后置定语(2) connect to/with . e.g. 你可以在图书馆里上网。,5. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. (1) 划线部分为现在分词作后置定语(2) connect to/with 与相连,连接 e.g. 你可以

16、在图书馆里上网。 You can connect to the internet in the library.,6. All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail. pay attention to sth . pay attention to doing sth . pay no attention to .e.g. 我们都应注意保护环境。,6. All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail. pay attenti

17、on to sth 注意某事 pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事 pay no attention to 对不予理睬e.g. 我们都应注意保护环境。 We all should pay attention to protecting the environment.,7. You cant be too careful. cant . too . 无论也不过分 e.g.我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。8. She has devoted most of her time to her work. devote to (doing) 把贡献于 e.g.他把很多时间专用

18、于帮助穷人。 He much of his time the poor.,7. You cant be too careful. cant . too . 无论也不过分 e.g.我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。 We cannot praise him too much.8. She has devoted most of her time to her work. devote to (doing) 把贡献于 e.g.他把很多时间专用于帮助穷人。 He devotes much of his time to helping the poor.,天生的艺术家用给留下印象从赢得高度赞扬 搜寻更好的

19、东西极有乐趣放弃她的会计工作日复一日的总经理处于领先地位落后要么.要么迎接新挑战,outcome,a born artistimpress with win high praise from search for something bettergreat fungive up her job as an accountantday after daygeneral managertake the leadfall behindeither or take on new challenges,高铁把和相连失之毫厘谬以千里做不起/承担不起某事注意每个细节高标准地工作容易共事先锋心脏外科医生再小心

20、也不为过 不仅而且 (给某人)做手术 加班,high-speed railwayconnect to a miss is as good as a milecant afford to do attention to every detailwork to high standardsbe easy to work witha pioneer heart surgeoncant be too carefulnot only but also do an operation (on sb.)work extra hours,Complete the sentences with

21、the right forms.1. Qi Qin is a _(bear) singer.2. Jackie gave up _(smoke) in the end.3. I am ready _(take) on challenges.4. To us, a miss is as _(better) as a mile.5.We should pay attention to _ (improve) our spoken English.6.As a driver, you cant be too _(care).7._(care) will be a disaster not only

22、to ourselves but also to others.8.The man devoted his time to _ (help) the poor children.,Exercises,Complete the sentences with the right forms.1. Qi Qin is a _(bear) singer.2. Jackie gave up _(smoke) in the end.3. I am ready _(take) on challenges.4. To us, a miss is as _(better) as a mile.5.We shou

23、ld pay attention to _ (improve) our spoken English.6.As a driver, you cant be too _(care).7._(care) will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to others.8.The man devoted his time to _ (help) the poor children.,born,smoking,to take,good,improving,careful,Carelessness,helping,What personalitie

24、s do you think they need to have?,Discussion,farmers/cooks/nurses/teachers/ sportsmen/singers/writers/patient/creative/kind/careful/helpful/ confident/humorous/never give up/good listeners/well organized/,Mind is determined by attitude;behavior by mind;habit by behavior;character by habit;and fate b

25、y character!心态决定思想,思想决定行为,行为决定习惯,习惯决定性格,性格决定命运!,Summary,Write about your best friends personality and suitable job. Give your reasons.Finish off the relevant exercises.,Homework,Thank you!,阳光医院院长心脏手术开拓者愿意延时工作做手术为她的工作付出 大部分时间,the head of Sunshine Hospital,a pioneer heart surgeon,be willing to work for extra hours,do operations (on),devote most of her time to her work,


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