Unit2Thelibraryisontheleftoftheplayground. (2).pptx

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1、Module 3 My school,Unit 2The library is on the left of the playground.,学校:合肥市望龙中学 班级:七(2) 教师:王燕,Step 1: Warm up & lead in,1.Lets sing the song!,2. Prepositions review,on,in,under,Q: Where is the fish? A: Its the box.,2. Prepositions review,behind,in front of,betweenand,on the left/right (of),Q:

2、Where is the fish? A: Its the box.,BB,1. Where are we?,Q1: Where is Ms. Wang?,Ms. Wang is in front of the students.,Q2: Where is _?(1)He/She is in front of/behind/on the left of/on the right of _.(2)He/She is between _ and _.,Step 2. Pre-reading,Daming,Gao Yan,Zhao Feng,Li Min,Lingling,Read Bettys w

3、ords, and write her classmates names on their desks.,behind, between, in front of, on the right,Li Min,Gao Yan,Zhao Feng,Daming,Lingling,2. Where are Bettys classmates?,3. What can you see in our school?,I can see the ,gate,playground,3. What can you see in our school?,building,dining hall,I can see

4、 the ,3. What can you see in our school?,library,science lab,I can see the ,3. What can you see in our school?,sports hall,office,I can see the ,3. What can you see in our school?,4. Label the pictures.,dining hall,playground,office,library,science lab,gate,building,sports hall,building,dining hall,

5、gate,sports hall,playground,office,library,science lab,5. Game: Quick eyes!,Competition: Team Spiderman VS Superman,5. Game: Quick eyes!,Competition: Team Spiderman VS Superman,5. Game: Quick eyes!,Competition: Team Spiderman VS Superman,5. Game: Quick eyes!,Competition: Team Spiderman VS Superman,1

6、. The map of Bettys school,=,In the middle of the school is the playground.,Step 3: While-reading,The playground is in the middle of the school,BB,2. Watch the video and answer the questions,1). How many buildings are there in the school?There are six buildings in the school.2). Whats on the right o

7、f the library?On the right of the library is the playground.,3. Watch the video and answer the questions,3). Whats in the library? There are many books, maps and computers in the library.4). How many classrooms are there in the classroom building? There are twenty-four classrooms.5). Where are the c

8、omputer rooms and science labs? They are in the science building.,4. Read the passage quickly and do the task 1,Task 1: circle the prepositions.,This is a map of our school. There are six buildings in our school: a library, an office building, a classroom building, a dining hall, a sports hall and a

9、 science building. In the middle of the school is a big playground. The library is on the left of the playground near the school gate. There are many books, maps and computers in it.,4. Read the passage quickly and do the task 1,Task 1: circle the prepositions.,Behind the library, on the left, are t

10、he school offices. Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. On the right of the classroom building is the dining hall. In front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front of that is for science. There are six science labs a

11、nd five computer rooms in the science building.,Task 2:label the map,Library,School offices,Sports hall,Dining hall,Science building,4. Read the passage carefully and do the task 2,5. Read the passage 3rd time and do the worksheet 1.,six,_ _ _ _ the school is a big playground. The library is _ _ _ _

12、 the playground near the school gate. _ the library, _ _ _, are the school offices. _ this building _ the dining hall is the classroom building. _ _ _ _ the classroom building is the dining hall. _ _ _ the dining hall is the sports hall.,the right of,on,In front of,Behind,left of,on the,In the middl

13、e of,the left,On,and,Between,Worksheet 2:Write a short passage to introduce our school,Sciencebuilding,Sports hall,Dining hall,Classroom building,Officebuilding,Library,Our school,Step 4: After-reading,Writing, in front of behind between on the left/right (of) in the middle (of),My school This is a map of our school. There are _ buildings in my school. _ _ _ _ the gate is the office building and behind this is the _ _. This is my school. I love it so much.,Step 5: Conclusion,1. Vocabulary,2. Structures,Step 6: Homework,Finish your writing on your worksheet.,


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