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1、.Future job1李:好久不见,你们最近怎样?Long time no see.How are you getting along?1孙:还好吧,又到了一年一度的毕业季了,校园里都是毕业的气氛呢。Thats OK .The annual graduation season is coming.The campus is full of the atmosphere of graduation.1马:是啊,时间好快啊,我们马上就大三了,马上就要毕业了。对了,你们想好以后做什么了吗?Yes,how time flies .Next time we co

2、me back from home ,we will be Grade Three. And we will graduate soon. Well, have you thought what will you do in future?1王:那当然,我早就想好了。以后我要当一名公务员。Of course I have thought about it ,I want to be a civil servant.2李:哇 是吗 想法不错啊,不过我听说公务员很难考呢。Wow, really? Its a good idea. But it is said that the civil serv

3、ants are difficult to test.Have you got ready yet?2孙:是挺难考的,我的哥哥考了两次还没考上呢。你可要加油啊。Well , it is really difficult to pass by .My brother had attended two ,but all failed . You really need to have a good review.2马:他平时学习那么认真,我相信他一定可以考上的。考公务员的人可真多啊,公务员到底有什么好处呢?Ah ,he works so hard in daily time that I beli

4、eve he is bound to pass. The number of people intended to be a civil servant is so large , what the benefits of being a civil servant ?2王:好处可多着呢,工作稳定,薪水也不低,节假日多,而且福利好。这也是我要考公务员的原因。There are so many benefits for being a civil servant .The work is stable, the salary is not low, the holiday is much, an

5、d the insurance is good.Actually it is also the reason why I want to be a civil servant.3李:那你到底是喜欢这份工作呢,还是喜欢他给你带来的好处?So, you really like the job, or like the benefits it bring you?3王:事实上,我还是更喜欢他带来的好处,至于做什么工作在其次。To be honest ,I prefer the benefits it bring to me . 3马:我不同意你的说法,我觉得做一份不是自己喜欢的工作实在太痛苦了,我以

6、后一定要做一份自己喜欢的工作。I don agree with you .Doing a job that you dont like will be a very painful thing. I must do a job I really like in future.3孙:我非常赞同你的观点。毕竟工作是一件长久的事,如果不喜欢还要天天做真是太可悲了。对了,你以后想做什么呢?Yes, I cant agree with you any more . After all, work is a long-term thing, if you do what you do not like,

7、that will be really sad.By the way ,what do you want to do in future.4马:我以后一定做一名心理咨询师,这也是我选择这个专业的原因。Well, I will be a Psychology counselor,and it is why I choose this major.4李:挺好的,不过我其实对本专业没太大兴趣,我想当一名销售人员。Well , thats good ,but I am not so interested in my major, to be honest I want to be sales

8、man.4王:销售人员?那太累了吧。A salesman? That is too tiring.4孙:我倒是觉得她的性格挺适合的当销售人员的,开朗又热情。But as far as I am concerned ,her characteristic is suitable to be a salesman for she is outstanding and enthusiastic.5李:虽然销售人员有些累,但是我喜欢,并且赚钱也挺多的。Yes it is really a little tired ,but I do like to deal with people. I love s

9、elling goods to others,and on the other hand I can get a lot of money.5马:确实是这样的,干销售挺赚钱的,对了,你有想做什么呢?That's really the way. You can get a better salary by being a salesman.Besides, what do you want to do in future ?5孙:让我想想,其实我还不太确定。有时候想当一名老师,有时候想当一名心理咨询师。Let me see, actually, I have no decided yet

10、 . Sometimes I want to be a teacher ,and sometimes I want to be a Psychology counselor.6李:我觉得你挺适合当老师的,你很温柔而且很有耐心。I think you are fit to be a teacher. You are very gentle and very patient.5王:我也这么觉得,你真的挺适合当老师的。I agree with her ,you really suitable to be a teacher.6孙:真的吗?其实我觉得当一名老师也挺好的。我很享受给别人传授知识的感觉。Really? In fact, I think being a teacher is also very good. I enjoy the feeling of imparting knowledge to others.7李:时间不早了,Oh,It's so late. 6马:我们下次再聊吧Let's talk about it next time.6王:拜拜。OK see you.;.


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