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1、Model 9 Possessions Unit 1 Ive got a new book.Teaching objectives:1. words and phrases:have got animal sport dress coat sweater has got T-shirt2. Sentences:Ive got a book.Its about animals.Have you got a new book?Yes, I have. /No, I havent.3.4. 题解 在DIC时,随着凝血物质被激活,形成大量微血栓,继之凝血物质因消耗而减少,同时继发性纤溶活性不断地增强,

2、纤维蛋白(原)降解产物增多,它们都有抗凝血和促进出血的作用。而微循环障碍时有利于DIC的发生,本身并不直接导致出血。Grammar:Using the first and third person singular and third person plural of regular and irregular verbs in the simple present tense.A.修改与完善系统模型B.征求用户对系统原型的评价和改进意见. Teaching properties:B620万元Tape-recorder, Pictures. Some objects. Teaching pro

3、cedures:【解析】: Step1: Warming up:1) Sing a song: Old Mac Donald has a zoo.2)3) (1)甲公司于204年3月26日依据法院判决向银行支付连带保证责任赔款7 200万元,并将该事项作为会计差错追溯调整了203年度财务报表。甲公司上述连带保证责任产生于201年。根据甲公司、乙公司及银行三方签订的合 同,乙公司向银行借款7 000万元,除以乙公司拥有的一栋房产向银行提供抵押外,甲公司作为连带责任保证人,在乙公司无力偿付借款时承担连带保证责任。20X 3年10月,乙公司无法偿还到期借款。20X 3年12月26日,甲公司、乙公司及

4、银行三方经协商,一致同意以乙公司用于抵押的房产先行拍卖抵偿借款本息。按当时乙公司抵押房产的市场价格估计,甲公司 认为拍卖价款足以支付乙公司所欠银行借款本息7 200万元。为此,甲公司在其203年度财务报表附注中对上述连带保证责任进行了说明,但未确认与该事项相关的负债。204年3月1日,由于抵押的房 产存在产权纠纷,乙公司无法拍卖。为此,银行向法院提起诉讼,要求甲公司承担连带保证责任。204年3月20日,法院判决甲公司承担连带保证责任。假定 税法规定,企业因债务担保产生的损失不允许税前扣除。Free talk: Having a greeting with the Ss.资本公积股本溢价 150

5、0Talk about the objects around themselves.Step2: New concepts.Pick up a pen and say “Ive got a pen.”Walk around the classroom. Pick up other objects and say “Ive got a ” point out that “Ive got a ” Have the Ss respond by saying “Youre got a ”Point out that “Ive” is a contraction of “I have” and “ he

6、s/shes” can be a contraction of “he/she has” or “he/she is”. Ask some Ss to say sentences like this “Ive got a” then the T ask the Ss: “Have you got a ?” Help the Ss to answer: Yes, I have. /No, I havent.” Do more about it.You may show some books and introduce them to the Ss e.g. Holding English boo

7、k and say “Its about English.” Ask someone to say like this. Have the Ss look at the pictures in SB Unit 1 Point to the book in the first pictures and say “Its about animals.” Point to the book in the second picture. Let the Ss say together. “Its about sports.”Listen to the tape and let the Ss point

8、 to the correct pictures. Then read the dialogue sentence by sentence.B1-抗胰蛋白酶抑制减轻 Do SB Activity 3.Work in pairs. One asks one answer. Do AB Activity 1.Have the Ss look at the six pictures and say them out. Listen to the tape then tick or cross. Ask some Ss to say their answers.Step3.Games: 开火车。通过开

9、火车的形式练习句型 “Ive got a book .Have you got a book?”比比看哪组传得又快又准,获胜者加分。E筹资活动现金流入8 120万元Step4. Homework:1) 听录音跟读课文,然后背诵课文。2) 与同伴一起练习“Ive got a” “Have you got a ?”句型。Designs:2004年1-12月应计折旧额=270+37.83=307.83(万元)Module 9 Possessions(1)我公司出于长期战略考虑,201年1月1日以l 200万欧元购买了在意大利注册的乙公司发行在外的80股份,计500万股,并自当日起能够控制乙公司的财务和经营政策。为此项合并,我公司另支付相关 审计、法律等费用200万元人民币。乙公司所有客户都位于意大利,以欧元作为主要结算货币,且与当地的银行保持长期良好的合作关系,其借款主要从当地银行 借入。考虑到原管理层的能力、业务熟悉程度等,我公司完成收购交易后,保留了乙公司原管理层的所有成员。Unit 1 .Ive got a new bookIve got a (picture). Have you got a (picture)?He/she has got (picture). Yes, I have. /No, I havent.Group: 1 2 3 4 +1 +1


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