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1、教学内容Module 4 Food Unit 1 Do you like meat?教学课时3课时教学目标1.Get the students to master the following words and sentences:meat,rice,noodles,fish milk. Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2.Get the students to use the sentence patterns to ask about likes and dislikes.3.Through activities, the teacher should

2、 cultivate the students spirit of competition and cooperation.教学重难点The mastery of the new words and sentences.教学准备单词卡预习要求教学过程教 学 过 程教 学 建 议课时第一课时课时目标让学生理解运用 Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.教学过程Step1 Warm-up Activities1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song.(old Macdonald song)3. Have a competition between g

3、roups. Step2 Presentation and Practice1. Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (1) Yes, I do.T: (熊猫头饰) Im a. Look, Im very fat.(with gestures) So, I like basketball. Do you like basketball? S: Yes T: Yes, I do. CAIYes, I do. 贴卡片Yes, I do.(2) No, I dont.T: Do you like? S: No T: No, I dont.(Have the students answer

4、 the question.)CAINo, I dont. 贴卡片No, I dont.(3) Little chant.T: Follow me, Do, do, do. Yes, I do.Dont, dont, dont. No, I dont.(With gestures)2.New wordsmeat, rice, fish, noodles,milk .(1) meat(2) T: Do you like meat? (CAI present meat.)S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: What this? (CAI present noodle.) S:

5、 Its noodles.Let many students answer the same question.T: Do you like noodles? S:Writing on Bb: noodles.Read after the teacher. Highlow voice.T: Point to the bananas.(3) pear.T: What color is it? (Point to the banana) S: Its yellow.T: Any other yellow fruits? ( With gesture)S: Pear. T: Whats this?

6、Whats that? S:T: Do you like fish? Writing on Bb: fishRead after the teacher. Point to(4) milkT: What does Ms Li like? Guess with “Do you like?” S: Do you like?T: I like milk. Do you like milk? Ss:T: milk, can you read? Apple: T: Anymore? S: T: Do you like milk ? Writing on Bb: milk .Read after the

7、teacher. Point to(5) riceT: (CAI present rice) Are they meat?附件l:对乙公司、丙公司投资情况的说明Ss: No, they aret. Theyre rice.Writing on Bb: rice.调整后本年净利润为20000-50=19500(万元)Read after the teacher. Point to调整分录:T: rice, rice, do you like rice? S: Yes, I do.T: rice, rice, do you like rice? S: No, I dont.(6) Fast rea

8、ction.T: Little teacher. Who can try?借:管理费用 75(叫一名学生发令,其他学生在下面指。)(7) Play a game.(大脑风暴)T: Lets play a game. Guess, Stop at which picture?(屏幕上的物体出现后马上消失,让学生猜最后哪张图片不会消失,会停下来。)A投资活动现金流入240万元.Sentence: Do you like?T: Do you like pears?(接上面的游戏最后梨子停下来。) Ss:B凝血酶原的激活 E凝血功能异常T: Make sentence.(Right hand: Do

9、you like Left hand: picture) S:10、系统的可靠性一般是用 来描述。贴卡片:Do you like5下列各项交易或事项中,不会影响发生当期营业利润的有( )。T: Magic eyes.1、管理信息系统是基于 、 、 的一门综合性、边缘性、系统性的科学。(手持一张图片快速闪过,让学生用Do you like 这个句型和他所看到的单词联合成一个完整的句子。)Step3 Consolidation答案 纤溶酶分解纤维蛋白多聚体的产物,DIC诊断的重要指标之一。1. Play a game. (猜卡通人物的喜好屏幕上有各种物体,学生随意选择一种并用句型Do you li

10、ke?提问。猜对了,课件出示声音: Yes, I do. 反之:No, I dont.)2. Output.(1)Listen to the tape, point and tick. (2)Check the answers. (3)Listen and repeat.Step4 Task1. Chain game.(1)T: Boys and girls. You did a good job. Now, Lets play a game. First, Who wants to play with me.(2)The teacher play with students.(3)Let the students play the game.(老师手持秒表制造紧张气氛)(4)T: Which group is the winner?Step5 End1. Count the fruits.2. T: Class is over. Bye-bye, boys and girls.板书设计Unit1Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.教学反思 加以督促,争取跟高更好


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