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1、2020-2021学年湖南长沙高三上英语月考试卷一、阅读理解1.Here some programs at 8 tonightCountry MusicAre You Sure Hank Done It This Way? (19731983)8:00 PM/ PBSWitn ess alivelyera in country music, with Dolly Part on finding mainstream success; Hank Williams Jr. and Rosan ne Cash emerging from their famous fathersWhat do we

2、know about Hank Williams Jr. and Rosanne Cash?A. Their fathers were once successful. shadows; and Willie Nels on and Wayion Jennings lau nching the "Outlaw" movement.Expedition UnknownLegends Never Die (Seas on 62/ Episode 1)8:00 PM/TRAVELJosh uncovers the mystery of a treasure left behind

3、 by Brother XU. Then he travels to Eastern Europe to investigate the ancient origins and modern legacy of scaring figuresGold Rush/ 58 METASCOREBack to the Future8:00 PM/ DSCAn extended sneak peek of the all-new seas on of Gold Rush reveals a crisis in the Klondike forcing the miners in new directio

4、ns. We go back to the beginning, nine years ago, revealing the important moments that got each man to the crossroads they now faceThe Conners/ 75 METASCOREPreemies, Weed and Infidelity (Season 2/ Episode 1)8:00 PM/ABCThe Season 2 premiere (首映式) After Emilio's deportation (驱逐出境)z Jackie steps int

5、o the role of a paternal figure and creates a vivid birth plan for Becky; but as the Conners know; nothing ever goes according to plan.Meanwhile, Darlene is tangled in a complex love triangle with David and Ben, andlike her motherHarris is caught up in a problem of her ownB. They are badly defeated

6、now.C. They now follow their fathers' steps.D. They aren't in the main stream (2) What kind of program is Expedition Unknown?A.Science.B.Terror.C.Sports.D.Kno wledge.第2页共14页(3) Which would you watch if you're interested in family program?A.Go/d Rush.C.The Conners.Country Music.0.Expediti

7、on Unknown.2.It was a very hot day in late summer. I was a young dad working in a local wood mill. It was dangerous, back-breaking work that paid very little In the year I had worked there only four other people hadn't quit and been replaced with new faces Those of us who stayed did so only beca

8、use there was no other work to find to support our families.On this day the fans weren't working and all of us were covered in sweat and sawdust When I looked around every face I saw looked angry and frustrated Suddenly, a voice called out:11 Hey! There's a deer in here.11 A lost little doe

9、had wandered through the open loading bay doors and was now cowering (蜷缩)in between the huge stacks of wood All of us stopped working and went looking for her as she ran about looking for a way out.Now most people where I live hunt deer for meat in the fall, but also treat them with great kindness t

10、he rest of the year. Ma ny will even buy 501b bags of cor n to help feed them duri ng the harsh win ter months It was no surprise then that all of us were soon quickly working together to free this little doe. By blocking off all the other routes we were able to guide her panic search back to the op

11、en bay doors We watched as she jumped out of the building and back into the woods Then we walked back in to work I noticed something, though On every face there was a joyful smile. It was as if this one single act of kindness had energized us again and reminded us of what life is all about(1) Why we

12、re few people willing to work in the wood mill?A. The pay and conditions were badB. They wanted more freedomC. They wanted more pleasureD. They didn't like the boss.(2) What can be inferred from paragraph 2?A. The deer was trapped in a big well.B. The workers often saw a deer thereC. AII the wor

13、kers wanted to catch the deer.D. The deer was a light to the dull work(3) How did the men free the deer in the end?A.By using familiar signalsB.By opening one routeC.By imitating another deer.D.By dropping some food.(4) Which of the following best describes the workers?A.Cautious and courageousB.Bad

14、-tempered but patientC.Bad-tempered and demandingD.Hard-working and loving(2) Why does the author use driving as an example in expressing his points?A. Driving safely is harder than language learningB. Learning Ianguages has specific charactersC. Driving and language learning share similar skillsD.

15、Skillful drivi ng ben efits Ian guage learning (3) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 2 refer to?A. Spending more time on the topicB. The meaning we want to expressC. Devoting more conscious attention.D. Struggle with Ianguage learning problems.3.When we learn to drive, we n

16、eed to learn basic skills such as how to switch on the engin巳 turn on the wipers, operate the brakes, etc. before we actually take to the road Once the lower order operations and skills listed above have been automatized or at least routinized to the extent that we do not have to pay attention to th

17、em (by-pass Working Memory's attentional systems) , we can actually be safe in the assumption that we can wholly focus on the higher order skills which will allow us to take the split seconds decisions that will prevent us from getting lost, clash with other cars, break the traffic laws while de

18、aling with our children messing about in the back seatsThis is what the brain does, too, when learning Ianguages Because Working Memory has a very limited space available when performing any task, the brain has learnt to automatize lower order skills so that, by being performed 'subconsciously1

19、they free up cognitive (认矢口) space So, for instance, if I am an advanced speaker who has routinized accurate pronunciation, grammar and syntax to a fairly high degree, I will be able to devote more conscious attention ( Working Memory space) to the message I want to put across On the other hand, if

20、I still struggle with pronunciation, word order, irregular verb forms and tenses most of my attention will be taken up by the mechanics of what I want to say, rather than the meaning; this will slow me down and limit my ability to think through what I want to say due to cognitive overloadIn Ianguage

21、 teaching this important principle translates as follows: in order to enable our students to focus on the higher order skills involved in comprehension and production we need to ensure that the lower-order ones have been acquired or performance will be reduced(1) What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us

22、?A. Only by mastering driving skills can we drive safely.B. We should improve our driving skills on the roadC. We must operate automatically when driving on the roadsD. Our basic driving will be better as time goes on and on.第3页共14页(4) What conclusion can we draw from the text?A. Practice makes perf

23、ectB.Well begun, half done.C. Learn to walk before you run.D.lt is never too old to learn4.Pioneering research from the University of Portsmouth that aims to find a solution to the global plastic pollution crisis is to share in £15.9 million of in vestment from the Sole nt Local Enterprise Part

24、nership (LEP)The Sole nt LEP will use the Government's HGetti ng Building Fund” allocatio n to finance the expansio n of the University's Centre for Enzyme Innovation (CEI) z which takes enzymes (丙$ ) from the natural environment and adapts them in the laboratory to recycle and reuse some of

25、 our most polluting plastics. The CEI will receive £1 million investme nt from the Sole nt LEP.The CEI is one of several projects that have been funded by the Solent LEP, which plays a leading role in determining economic priorities in the region. The projects will benefit the region's econ

26、omic recovery in the present environment.The CEI ExpansionIndustrial Engagement Hub project will almost double the current size of the CEI and create three new specialist laboratories, to bridge the gap between the current research capabilities and what this tech no logy n eeds to develop into in or

27、der to be adopted by in dustr y.In addition, the In dustrial En gageme nt Hub will be a space for interacti on between researchers and industry collaborators and become a testbed for growing local and national partnerships.Professor Graham Galbraith, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Portsmouth,

28、said: nThe CEI is a unique environment for industry and academia to work together to shape, refine, develop and test the new tech no logies emergi ng from this ground-breaking research.11HThe funding from the Sole nt LEP to support the developme nt of the CEI will deliver sign ificant economic and s

29、ocietal ben efits and clearly delivers our ambitions for research with impact and sustai “ability (持续性)as set out第4页共14贞in our vision for 2030."(1) What's CEI's experiment?A. Removing waste land.C.RecycIing materials.B. Collecting enzymesD. Making building material.(2) What's CEI

30、9;s aim of the project?A. To determine economic priorities in the region.B. To get investment for the national programC. To get a chemical for the reduction of plastic pollution.D. To help the Solent LEP man age its producti on.(3) What can we know from Professor Graham Galbraiths words?A. The CEI h

31、as connected research and industry.B. lt is hard to reduce polluting plastics.C. Scientific research must need industries1 support.D. The LEP funding has short-term benefits(4) What's the best title of the text?A. Local and National Partnerships Strengthen the ResearchB. University Receives Fund

32、ing for Plastics RecyclingCndustries1 Support is the Key to Reducing Polluting PlasticsD.What's the Best Way to Get Rid of Polluting Plastics二、七选五阅读阅读下而短文,从短文后的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some times meeti ng frie nds can be confusing, especially when you sudde nly find yourself in a new city or

33、forwhatever reason totally without friends(1) However; it might take more work to others If you'restumped (难住)for where and how to meet new people, this list of suggestions is sure to inspire you.(2 ) Perhaps the best way to meet new friends is when you're getting outside your comfort zone a

34、nddoing something new Getting involved in a new hobby, taking a class that makes you stretch your mind, orsomething else are all good ways to connect with someone new. First of all, with this way you'll be meeting newpeople you probably would never have crossed paths(3) A new class or project wi

35、ll automatically helpyou feel you're open to learning and conversationWhile traveling If youle introverted (内向的)like me, meeting new friends while traveling can seem like a really frighte nin g thing (4) It's amazi ng to me how importa nt the In ter net has become in the last few yearswhen i

36、t comes to friendship A few years ago, I might never have even attempted to make friends while traveling, because I'm just too shy.Book club I'll bet you thought that we had less opportunities to meet friends Not so! If you're into books and authors, there are several great ways to conne

37、ct with new people One of them is by joining a book group(5)A. Doi ng new things B Meet a new friend in a work environmentC. Making new friends can come easy to some peopleD. This way you'll meet a surprising variety of peopleE Instead, I took a break, chatting with some peopleF. Then you'll

38、 be in the mood to experienee something out of the ordinary.G. But you can connect with others from several organizations and websites.三、完形填空The teachers I k no w did n't expect how (1) this remote teaching would be There are so ma ny (2)that arise: families not responding, students who can'

39、t (3 ) new platforms, new platforms not doing what they are (4) to do The list goes on.But that's just from the teacher's (5) Principals (校长)have to hear the teachers' issues, and theyhave to help parents (6) their kid in the virtual classroom, getting (7) daily from the district,findi n

40、g devices for every on 已 and much more Our principal's work was incredibly hard before the world turned upside down. Now, she's dealing with it all, (8) teachers, parents, and students, while (9) what the district is carrying out. There are sleepless nights and (10) stressI organized a littl

41、e (11) today from the staff. We were all on campus today to drive through the localneighborhood with signs on our cars, pressing our horns and (12) at our students in their yards and ontheir porches I asked the staff to bring (13) for our principal: paper towels, hand sanitizer; latex gloves,masks,

42、and some other (14) things. Others brought wine and chocolateWe could n't take all her (15) off her back, but we could show her that we love and appreciate her.(1)A.b oringB.developedC.importa ntD.hard(2)AessonsB.adva ntagesC.thoughtsD.issues第6页共14贞(3)A.turn downB.move offC.get onD.look after(4)

43、A.directedB.supposedC.believedD.scared(5)A.effortB.interestC.viewD.career(6)A.getB.educateC.findD.praise(7)A.suppliesB.paymentsC.instrume ntsD.in structions(8)A.avoidingB.ig noringC.ha ndlingD.rem oving(9)A.delayi ngB.de nyingC.treasuringD.solving(10)A.excitedB.in credibleC.joyfulD.frighte ned(11)A.

44、rideB.driveC.raceD.walk(12)A.wavingB.shouti ngC.aimingDaughi ng(13)A.booksB.clothesC.papersD.items第7页共14页(14)第9页共14贞A.valuableB.dailyC.colorfulD.importa nt(15)A.routi nes四、语法填空B.positio nsC.wishesD.plans阅读下面短文,在空白处填入个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Canada is bilingual (双i吾的),with English and French as the official

45、 languages As of 1996z the percentage of Canadians reporting English (1) their mother tongue was just under 60 percent while those reportingFrenchastheir mother tongue was (2) (slight) less than 24 percent The percentage of native English(3) (speaker) had rise no ver the previous decad 已 while (4) o

46、f Fre nch speakers haddeclined At the same time, about 17 percent of all Canadians could speak both official languages,though this is a regionalized phenomenon. In those provinces with the (5) (large) number ofnative French speakers,38 percent and 33 percent respectively were bilingual, numbers that

47、 had been increasing steadily over the previous twenty years In contrast, Ontario, (6) accounts for more than 30 percent of the total population ofCanada,has been an English-French bilingualism rate of about 12 percent. This is in part a result of the patterns of(7) (immigrate) over time, which (8)

48、(see) the majority of all immigrants getting toOn tario. A nd in part becausG all official a nd commercial services in O ntario (9) (con duct) in English,even though French is available by law, if not by practice. EnglishFrench bilingualism is less important in the everyday lives of those (10) (live) outside of Que bee a nd New Bru nswick 五、书面表达22月3日是世界助残日(the World Disabili


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