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1、冀教版英语七年级下册 Lesson37Mr.Woods lesson教案Lesson 37 Mr. Wood's lessonTeaching content1.new words: temperature,outside, cup, shape, circle, line, pizza2.a dialogue L Ming and his friends3.howto ask and answer about the temperatureLesson objectives1. After this, studentsshouldbe abletounderstandthemeani

2、ngofthetext2.remember and use themasteryvocabulary and know some words that can help one imagine future transporttation3.write something abouttransportationinthefuture4.understandand write down somemissing words as heard in sentences or passages in different contexts.Key points: express weatherDiffi

3、cult points: how to express weatherType:dialoguePreparations: pictures of different shapes, audiotape, recorder, slideprojectorClass openingFor ideas and tips on beginning a class, see“TeachingTechniques ” at back of this teacher's guide. You may wish to have the class sing“Let's Take a Driv

4、e.”Studentbook( fifteenminutes ) Thereisone readingforthislesson.Thereadingpresentsnew vocabularyand reviewsthevocabularyforthislessonincludesthe following words and phrases:Mastery Vocabularyround( adj ) Oral Vocabularyinvent, present( v.),presentationBeforeyou beginthe reading,introduceunitproject

5、s2. see “ TeachingTechniques ” at the back of this teacher's guide for general information aboutintroductory page in this teacher's guide, Instructions for unit project 2 are inthe student book.There are many waysto teach immersion reading. Here issome step-by-stepinstructions for one way to

6、 teach the reading in this lesson.Step1: Check tosee ifthestudentshave previewedthereadingas required.Ask if they have any questions concerning the meaning of the text.Encourage other students to try to answer the questions.Step 2: Play the audiotape. Have the class follow the audiotape whilelooking

7、atthetext.At thispoint,you may wish toaskthestudentstoexplainthemeaning ofsome sentencescontainingkey words orphrases.What strategiesdidtheyuse topuzzleoutthemeanings?Remembertogivelotsofpraisefora good try,evenif it's wrong.Step3: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to use theiri

8、maginationand talkabout theirideas fornew typesoftransportation.They shouldtry to use what they have learned in this unit to talk about their inventions.Step4: Have some groups volunteerto telltherestof theclassabouttheirinventions.用心爱心专心1Step 5: If you have time, ask three volunteers to act out the

9、 reading inany way they choose.UNIT PROJECT 2: FUTURE TYPE OFTRANSPORTATION(15 MINUTES) Begin unitproject2. Thisprojectcoverstwo lessons.Dividethe classintosmallgroups.Eachgroup thinks up a new type of transportation for the future and begins to preparea presentation about it for the class. They sho

10、uld include a drawing.ACTIVITY BOOK( 5 MINUTES) Play the audiotape.The auralexercisesforthislesson are:1. Listen to the audiotape. Follow the instructions.a. Listen. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.Babo'sBike,PartThreeBabo learnedhow to rideRon's bicycle.Itwas veryhard work to r

11、ide the one-wheeled bike. So Babo thought of a new way to make hismoney.One day,therewas a rope in the airabove the street.Babo was on the rope.He was on his one-wheeled bicycle! Babo rode his bike across the rope. Many peoplestoppedto watch.They were very interested.They gave Babo lotsof money! Bab

12、o wasrich!CLASSCLOSING( 5 MINUTES) Below is the suggested homework forthislesson.Aim to givestudentsabout thirtyminutesof homework. Use your discretionin decidinghow much readingor how many exercisesto assignas homework. Base yourdecision on students' progress.the fourth reading in the readerthe remaining activity book exercisesthe next lesson in the student book用心爱心专心2


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