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1、Teaching plan李堡镇中心小学李倩I. Teaching content:PEP小学三年级英语下册Unit 7 On the farm第三课时II. Teaching material:Students in Grade 3 are the primary learners. Teaching material contains a large amount of language information. The third period of Unit 7 On the farm is mainly about the animals and plantings in Engli

2、sh. I think it can let our students to know their mother s love.II. Teaching aims:1. Ss can be able to act Cartoon time out .2. Ss can be able to sing the song“On the farm ”to changethe lyrics.3. Ss can be able to know the sound of the letterand try“m”.4. Ss can be able to know the love of mother.II

3、I. Teaching important points:1. Ss can be able to be able to act Cartoon time2. Ss can be able to know the sound of the letterIV. Teaching difficult points:1.Ss can be able to sing the song“On the farm ”2. Ss can be able to know the sound of the letterV. Teaching aids:Pictures of Tom Sam and BobbyPP

4、T“m”“m”PresentsVI. Teaching methods:TPRTask-based teaching methodVII. Teaching process:Step 1. Warming up and lead in1.T: Hello, boys and girls. First lets have a free talk.(Show the picture of a farm)T: What are these?T :What are those?T: Where are they now?Ss: On the farm.【设计意图:由问题“Where are they?

5、 ”引出课题“ On thefarm ”也为下面介绍本节课主要人物“Tom”埋下伏笔】2. T:(PPT shows Tom and a farm)Now Im a farmer Tom. Today is my mothers birthday.I want to do something for her. Would you like to helpme to finish them?【设计意图:介绍本课主要人物Tom,让大家帮助他完成三个任务。激发学生学习的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性,将所要掌握的内容贯穿于三个任务中】Step 2. Presentation1.Task 1-Do far

6、m work(1) Lets guessT: Thereare lotsofanimalsand fruiton the farm.Canyou guess what are they?(PPTshows the picturesquicklyand ask the Ss to use theimportant sentence patterns“What are these? ” “Whatare those? ” to ask)(2) Time to pick fruit and feed animals.设计意图:利用“快速闪现图片让学生猜”这一游戏活跃课堂氛围,激发学生的好奇心,复习巩

7、固了本单元重点句型 “ Whatare these? ” “What are those? ”(3) Sing a song for youT: Thank you. I will sing a song for you.(Play the flash of the song“On the farm ”)T: Lets sing it together.(4) Make a new songT: Choose one of them and sing.设计意图:因为大家帮忙完成了第一个任务,所以请大家欣赏一首歌。 自然而然地引出了歌曲 “Onthe farm ”. 通过改编歌词,不仅让学生掌握

8、了该歌曲的意思,还能让学生复习之前学过的动物单词。通过两人完成,能培养学生合作的能力)2.Task 2-Prepare a show(1) Let s watch Ss: Watch Cartoon time(2) T: Whats in Bobby s hand?(Use pictures to teach“pictures”)(3) Lets read(Use pictures to teach“Whos that?” 以及回答)(4)Read in pairsSs: Dub for it.设计意图:通过“初看,回答问题,跟读,复习句型”为课文的表演做准备。让学生成为课堂真正的主人,自由发

9、挥。激发他们的表现欲望。 】(5)T: Thank you.Herere some fruit for you.每完成一个任务都会给学生一个小礼物,让学生更有兴趣去完成接下来的任务】3.Task 3-Make a gift(1) Listen and guess“Whats the present in thebox?”Ss: Listen to sound time(2)Teach the words“clever ” “from ”(3)Do you know the sound of the letter“m”(4)How many“m”s can you find?(5)Can you

10、 say more words like them?设计意图:通过听“ Sound time ”让学生猜 Tom 为自己的妈妈做的什么礼物。然后让学生自己领悟字母“m”的发音,再让他们自己想出所学过相似的单词。让学生自主学习,没有禁锢学生的思想,激发学生的思考(6) Choose four of them to make a new rhymeT: I will show you some words like these and choose four of them to make a new rhyme.设计意图:学生想完之后,老师再给出相应的单词,让学生选择其中四个单词完成一首小诗。不

11、仅仅局限于课本中的小诗,更能让学生有所得( 7)Herere some ice creams for you Step 3. Extension( 1)Mother s love is the greatest of all(2)Ticking timeHow many stars can you get?I can talk about things on a farm.I know some nouns have an I know the sound of the letter“s”at the end.“m”.让学生自己对自己所掌握的知识评价,才能查漏补缺, 知道自己还有哪些不足 Step 4.Homework1.Make a new song and sing to your parents2.Act Cartoon time out and add your expression3.Do something for your mother设计意图:课堂上运用语言的时间是有限的,更多的机会在课后。通过这个家庭作业既帮助学生进一步巩固上课所学,又拓展学生的发散思维, 使学生对语言的运用能力得到提升 VIII. Blackboard designUnit 7 On the farmwelcotimefamilymeMikmummothere


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