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1、红对勾高三英语课时作业13:Unit3 The MillionPound BankNote . 多项选择1(2012 ·会昌中学第二月考)Idon'twant to _ the topic,but why on earthdid you get home that late last night?A take upB make upC break upD bring up 解析 bring up提出。 take up占用; break up破碎; make up 化妆,编造,和解。句意:我不想提出这个话题,但究竟为什么你昨晚回家那么晚?答案D2(2012 ·山东济宁

2、市期末考试)Mary often does some translation work to earnextra money, which_half of her income.A acco unts forB makes forC allows forD cares for 解析 account for占的比例。句意:玛丽经常做一些翻译工作来挣一些额外的钱,这占她收入的二分之一。答案A3 Don't find_with others. It's no good doing that.A errorB faultC mistakeD issue 解析 find fault wi

3、th故意找某人的茬。答案B4 Visitationtime shouldtakeinto_ both the needs of the parentsandthe best interests of the children.A reasonB statementC useD account 解析 句意:探访时间应该把家长们的需要及孩子们的最大利益考虑进去。take.intoaccount相 当 于take.intoconsideration将 考 虑 进 去 。 没 有take.into reason/use/statement短语。本句中both the needs of the pare

4、nts andthe best interests of the children为 take的宾语,因宾语较长,故放在take intoaccount后面。答案D5 With no hope for cure and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the用心爱心专心1terrible disease, the patient _ her doctor's help to end her life.A commandedB soughtC foundD ordered 解析 句意:因为没有希望治愈疾病,也没有方法减轻病痛,那位

5、病人请求医生结束自己的生命。答案B6 It was _ of you to share your food with me. That's all right.A sharpB dullC meanD generous 解析 句意:你把食物分给我真是太慷慨了。没什么。generous慷慨的,大方的; sharp锋利的,敏锐的;dull迟钝的,单调的;mean 小气的,吝啬的,依照句意选 D。答案D7 After the explosion, the factory was a _ of total confusion.A sceneB situationC viewD occasion

6、 解析 句意:爆炸之后,整个工厂陷入完全混乱之中。scene 意为“现场,场面”,常指展现在眼前的情景,符合题意。situation情形,境遇; view “视野,风景”,常指人从一定的角度所看到的景色;occasion场合。答案A8 The driver shall be fined if he drives without a(n) _.A permissionB permitC allowanceD admittance 解析 句意:如果无证驾驶车辆,司机将被罚款。 permission允许, 许可; permit许可证,执照;allowan ce 补助,津贴;admittance进入权

7、。答案B9 He _ the beautiful painting without hearing me.A stared atB glared atC glanced atD looked at 解析 stare at凝视,入神地看;glare at怒目而视; glance at一瞥,匆匆一看;look at (一般地 ) 看。由句意:“他入神地看着那幅漂亮的画,没有听见我的到来。”可知 A 项正确。答案A用心爱心专心210 He hurt his finger _ when cutting vegetables.A by accidentB on purposeC on businessD

8、 by design 解析 句意:他切菜时不小心伤了手指。by accident“偶然,无意中”为固定短语。by design故意地; on purpose故意地; on business在出差。答案A . 完形填空The passengerson the bus watched with sympathy as Susan made her way carefully,up the steps.Shepaid the driverand then,using her hands to_1_theseats , settledin one of them.It had been a year

9、since Susan became blind.As the result of an accident shewas suddenlythrown intoa worldof_2_.Susan'shusband Mark watched her_3_intohopelessness and he was_4_to use every possible means to help his wife.Finally, Susan felt ready to_5_to her job, but how would she get there? Sheusedtotakethebu s,b

10、utshewas now too_6_togetaroundthecitybyherself.Mark_7_toridethe bus withSusan each morningand evening_8_shecouldmanage it by herself.For two weeks, Mark_9_Susan to and from work each day.He taught her how torely on her other_10_, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was andhow to adapt t

11、o her new_11_.At last,Susan decidedthatshe was readyto trythe trip_12_.Mondaymorningarrived.Beforeshe left,she hugged her husband_13_ , her eyes filledwithtearsofgratitude(感 激 ) Shesaidgood-byeand,forthefirsttime,theywenttheir_14_ways.Eachday went perfectly,and a wildexcitement_15_Susan.Shewasdoing

12、it!On Fridaymorning , Susan took thebus to work_16_.Asshe was gettingoffthebus,thedriversaid , “Miss , Isure_17 _you. ”Curious , Susanaskedthedriver_18_.“You know, every morning for the_19_week, a fine-looking gentleman in amilitary uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you

13、enteryour office building safely.” the bus driver said.Tears of happinesspoured down Susan's cheeks.Shewas so luckyforhe had givenher a gift more powerful than_20_.That is the gift of love that can bring light where t here is darkness.用心爱心专心31 A.touchC count2 A.weaknessC darkness3 A.runC jump4 A

14、.inspiredC honored5 A.returnC contribute6 A.tiredC depressed7. A volunteered C continued8 A.whenC until9 A.droveC accompanied10 A.feelingsC skills11 A.positionC status12 A.on her ownC to her benefit13 A.politelyC briefly14 A.oppositeC fixed15 A.took charge ofC took advantage of16 A.as usualC as well

15、17 A.respectC knowB grabD feelB sicknessD sadnessB sinkD stepB determinedD pleasedB adjustD stickB astonishedD frightenedB attemptedD struggledB asD afterB directedD sentB organsD sensesB environmentD roleB in personD on footB calmlyD tightlyB separateD lonelyB took place ofD took hold ofB as a rule

16、D as a consequenceB envyD support用心爱心专心418 A.whatB howC whyD who19 A.pastB sameC firstD next20 A.courageB willC sightD wisdom答案与解析 语篇解读 这是一则感人的生活故事。丈夫为了关爱因遭受意外而双目失明的妻子,起初每天护送她上下班,继而每天默默地跟着她,以防出现意外。丈夫的关爱给了她战胜黑暗的决心和毅力。1 D下面一段开头说,Susan 双目失明已经有一年了,由此判断,这里表示她上公交车之后, 用双手摸索着找座位,因此选 D,表示, “触摸, 摸索”。 本题考生易错选A

17、 项。touch :press or strike(sth./sb.)lightly,esp.withthe hand 轻触,轻碰 ( 某物 / 某人 ) ;grab攫取,抓取,夺取,霸占;count计算,数,认为,看作,计数,有重要意义,有价值。2C本段第一句交代了Susan双目失明已经一年了,因此语境表示“由于一场事故,她突然被抛进了黑暗的世界”。weakness 软弱; sickness疾病; sadness 悲伤。3 BSusan 的丈夫 Mark看着自己的妻子陷入绝望的状态,于是决定想尽一切办法来帮助她。 sink intosth.(不用于被动语态) :go into(a less

18、activeor happy state) “陷入 ( 消极、不活跃或不愉快的状态) ”,符合语境。run into偶然遇到,途中遭遇( 恶劣天气等 ) ; jump into跳进; step into走进去,步入。4 B根据语境,丈夫看见妻子由于意外事故而双目失明并且对生活感到绝望,此时的他当然是要下定决心,采取一切办法帮助妻子,因此选B。 be determined to do sth.下定决心做某事。5 A由空后her job及“她怎么能到那里呢?”,可知本空表示Susan决心重返工作岗位,因此选A。 return : come or go back to a place回,返回。6 D

19、结合语境看,Susan 突然双目失明,此时的她面对生活的变故,自然是惊魂未定,因此选D,frightened恐惧的,害怕的,受惊的。此时的她不是感到疲倦(tired),也不是感到惊讶、吃惊(astonished)。 C 项 depressed “忧愁的,消沉的,沮丧的”不如D项更符合她突然失去光明时茫然与无助的心态。7A她的丈夫主动陪伴她乘坐公交车上下班。这里用 volunteerto do sth. 表示“自愿地或无偿地给予或提供( 帮助、建议等 ) ”。 attempt to do sth.试图 / 企图 / 尝试做某事,用于过去时往往含有该动作失败的含义;continue to do s

20、th.继续做某事,不符合语境,因为是妻子出现这样的情况之后Mark才这样做的; struggle表示“挣扎”,不符合语境用心爱心专心5中对丈夫主动关心妻子的叙述。故选A。8C 从语境的连贯看, 这里用 until引导时间状语从句表示“直到为止”。Mark每天早上陪妻子上班,晚上陪妻子下班回家,直到她能独自坐公交车上下班。9 C 根据上文,丈夫 Mark每天早晚都要陪妻子一起坐公交车(ride the bus withSusan each morning and evening),因此这里用accompany表示“陪伴,陪同”。其他选项的主要含义: drive开车; direct指导,引导; s

21、end 派遣。10 D 妻子双目失明,此时丈夫就教妻子如何利用其他感官的功能。用sense表示“感官”,包括视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉。如:the five senses五种感官; have akeen sense of hearing听觉灵敏。 A 项意为“情感,感觉”;B 项意为“器官”; C 项意为“技巧”。11B 结合语境看, 本题选 B 表示“环境”。 他教给她如何依靠自己其他的感官能力,特别是她的听觉, 以此来判断自己在什么地方,以及如何适应她所在的新环境。 position位置,方位,地点; status 状态,地位,情形;role 角色。这三者都不符合语境。12A 她最终决定

22、在双目失明的情况下,不要丈夫陪伴而独自试着去上下班。(all)onone's own : alone 独自,如: I'm all on my owntoday. 今天我是独自一人。She liveson her own. 她独自过日子。 without help or supervision; alone独自地,单独地,如: He can be left to work on his own.工作可交给他一个人去做。其他选项的含义不符合语境。 in person : physically present亲身,亲自,本人;to one's benefit对某人有利; on

23、 foot 步行。13 D 对 Susan来说,作为盲人的她要第一次试着独自出门乘坐公交车,是一个特殊的事情,因此她眼里含着感激的泪水“紧紧地”拥抱丈夫。A 项意为“有礼貌地”;B 项意为“冷静地”; C项意为“简短地”,都不符合语境。14 B 根据语境可知“妻子这次要独自一人乘坐公交车”,因此本题选B,表示“分别,各自”。他们说了一声再见,然后各自去上班。separate:forminga unit by itself;existing apart 单独存在的,分开的。 opposite相反的; fixed固定的; lonely孤独的,均不符合语境。15 D 从此, Susan 每天都能独自

24、乘车上下班了,她充满了兴奋的感觉。take holdof “抓住, 拿住,握住 ( 某人 / 某物 ) ”, 这里表示“兴奋的感觉笼罩着她”。takechargeof(sth.) 控制或掌管 ( 某事物 ) ,承担 ( 某事物的 ) 责任;B 项是错误搭配, 应该是 taketheplaceof ( 取代,代替 ) 或 take place (发生 ) ; C 项 take advantage of sth./sb.: make useof sth.well ,properly,etc. 充分利用; make use of sb./sth.unfairlyor deceitfullyto ge

25、t what one wants; exploit sb./sth.(为达到个人目的而不正当地或不老实地) 利用某人或某事物。16 A 有一个星期五的早晨,Susan和往常一样坐公交车去上班。as usual 与往常用心爱心专心6一样; as a rule按规定; as well也; as a consequence因此,结果。根据语境选A。17 B从下文这位司机所说的话判断选B,表示“羡慕,嫉妒”。司机说,“这位小姐,我好羡慕你啊。”A项意为“尊敬”;C 项意 为“知道,认识”;D项意为“支持”,都不符合语境。18 C在下公交车的时候,司机突然说了这样一句话,这让Susan不明白是什么意思,

26、就问司机为什么要这样说。这里用why 表示“为什么”。19A本句的谓语动词使用了现在完成进行时,表示延续到现在的动作,因此这里选A,“在过去的一周里”,用“in/for/during the last/past一段时间”表示“在过去的多长时间里”。 B 项意为“同样的, 相同的”,不符合语境;选 C项意为“在第一个星期”,选 D 项意为“在下个星期”,均与主句谓语动词的时态不相符。故选A。20C她虽然失去了光明,但是丈夫给予她的礼物比她所失去的光明更坚强有力:这是丈夫的爱的礼物,这份礼物能驱赶黑暗,带来光明。 . 阅读理解(2010 ·山东高考 )Batteries can powe

27、r anything from small sensors to large systems.While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even morepowerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves.University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source t

28、hat is smaller, lighter and more efficient.“To provide enough power, we need certain methods with high energy density( 密度 ) ” said Jae Kwon, assistantprofessorofelectricaland computer engineeringat MU. “The r adioisotope(放射性同位素 )battery can provide power density that ismuch higher than chemical batt

29、eries.”Kwon and hisresearchteam have been workingon buildinga smallnuclearbattery,presentlythesizeandthicknessofapenny, intendedtopowervariousmicro/nanoelectromechanicalsystems(M/NEMS) Althoughnuclearbatteriescan causeconcerns , Kwon said they are safe.“People hear the word nuclear'and think of

30、something very dangerous.”hesaid. “However,nuclearpowersourceshave alreadybeen safely poweringa varietyof devices, such as pace-makers,space satellites and underwater systems.”Hisnew ideaisnotonlyinthebattery'ssize,but alsoinitssemicon ductor(半导体 ) Kwon's batteryuses a liquidsemiconductorrat

31、herthan a solidsemiconductor.“The key part ofusing a radioactivebatteryisthatwhen you harvesttheenergy,part ofthe radiationenergycan damage thelatticestructure(晶体结构 )ofthe solidsemiconductor. ”Kwon said. “By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can用心爱心专心7minimize that problem.”TogetherwithJ D

32、avid Robertson,chemistryprofessorand associatedirectorof the MU Research Reactor, Kwon is working to build and test the battery.In thefuture, they hope to increase the battery's power, shrink its size and try withvarious other materials.Kwon said that the battery could bethinner than thethicknes

33、s of human hair.1 Which of the following is true of Jae Kwon?A He teaches chemistry at MU.B He developed a chemical battery.C He is working on a nuclear energy source.D He made a breakthrough in computer engineering.2 Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4_.A to show chemical batteries are widely app

34、liedB to indicate nuclear batteries can be safely usedC to describe a nuclear-powered systemD to introduce various energy sources 3 Liquid semiconductor is used to_.A get rid of the radioactive wasteB test the power of nuclear batteriesC decrease the size of nuclear batteriesD reduce the damage to l

35、attice structure4 According to Jae Kwon , his nuclear battery_.A uses a solid semiconductorB will soon replace the present onesC could be extremely thinD has passed the final test答案与解析 语篇解读 电池的用途非常广泛,但大而重的电池会带来一些问题。为了制造出体积小但能量大的电池,Jae Kwon 和他的研究团队正致力于一种放射性同位素电池的研究。1C事实细节题。根据第三段第一句Kwon and his resear

36、chteam have been workingon building a small nuclear battery. 可知 C 项正确。2B推理判断题。 从文章 However,nuclearpower sourceshave alreadybeen safelypowering a variety of devices,such as.可知此处列举例子是为了证明核能源的安全性。用心爱心专心83 D事实细节题。根据倒数第二段中partof the radiationenergy can damage thelattice structure.及最后一句中we believe we can

37、minimize(将减到最少)thatproblem 可知 D 项正确。4 C事实细节题。根据文章第三段中presently the size and thickness of apenny( 便士 ) 可知“该电池像一枚硬币一样薄”,故选C。 . 完成句子1 He_that he missed the train.(lose)他看书如此入神以至于错过了火车。2 The little boy_the stranger for a few minutes before answering hisquestion.(stare)在回答陌生人的问题之前,这个小男孩盯着他看了几分钟。3 He has

38、made it clear_.(give)他声明他不会屈服。4 As there was not much chance to find good jobs in their hometown, a lot ofyoung people tried to_in cities.(seek)因为在家乡找到好工作不太可能,许多年轻人到城市去发财。5 When I was wandering on the pavement near a park, I_ the otherday.(accident)前几天,当我在公园附近的人行道上闲逛时,偶然遇到了一位老同学。6 We decided to_on t

39、he weather and have the party outdoors.(chance)我们决定碰碰运气,在户外举行宴会。7 The reason why he didn't attend the meeting was_(seriously)他没有参加会议是因为他病得很重。8 _spent on tobacco every year.(amount)每年大量的钱花在烟草上。9 I wonder_some stories written by Mark Twain.(would)我想知道你是否喜欢看马克·吐温写的一些故事。10 When he tried to open

40、 the door, he_the room.(lock)当试图打开门的时候,他发现自己被锁在房间里了。答案1 was so lost in (reading)his book2 stared at3 that he will not give in4 seek their fortune用心爱心专心95 met an old classmate by accident6 take a chance7 that he was seriously ill8 A large amount of money is9 whether you would like to read10 found himself locked in


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