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1、Module 5 Time Unit2 whats the time, please?Function: 1.Taking about “time”. 2. Enable the Ss to say “has breakfast” “has dinner”.一、Warming up:1. Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss Its day.T: Whos on duty today?Ss: I am on duty to

2、day. (某个Ss) 2. Singing a chant:Get up, get up, get up quick.Breakfast, breakfast, I have breakfast.3. Singing Whats this?二、New concept:1. T: First, lets review weve learned at last class, OK?Ss: OK.T: I say Chinese and you translate.起床,回家,去睡觉,看电视,吃午饭。Ss: get up, go home, go to bed, watch TV, have lu

3、nch.T: Lets make some sentences. I say Chinese and you translate.我七点种起床。Ss: I get up at seven oclock. .Practice :1.我五点回家。 2.我12点吃午饭。2. T: Look at the clock, whats the time ,please?(出示图片)Ss: Itsoclock.T: OK, Ill tell you .Its half past seven.在几点半时用halfFor example: 8:30 half past eight.Practice: 1) 10

4、:302弥散性血管内凝血的基本特征是2) 2:30T: I have dinner at half past six. What about you?(Explain dinner in Chinese)要求:请从王某注册会计师的角度回复李某邮件,回复要点包括但不限于如卜|内容:Ss: I have dinner at3.4. C凝血酶时间延长Do exercise:住院情况:产妇于8月22日凌晨1:00/AM开始腹痛,4:00/AM,阵发痛加剧送入产房待产。6:30AM产妇出现阴道流血,胎心减慢到50-70次/min。怀疑胎盘早剥、胎儿宫内窘迫。经家属同意,7:20AM入手术室抢救,行剖腹产

5、,术中发现,有子宫不完全破裂,腹腔积血300ml,血尿100ml,胎儿娩出已死,产妇术中情况一直不好,9:50AM行子宫全切,血压仍不稳,11AM紧急抽血化验,PT60sec,pt 8万/mm3,TT60sec,Fbg100mg/dl,3P试验阳性。经紧急会诊,全力抢救,输全血1300ml,但血压仍进行性下降,中午12点心跳呼吸停止,继续抢救1小时无效死亡。I have dinner at D纤溶酶分解纤维蛋白多聚体作用减弱I have breakfast at5.6. 答案:Listen and say:7. Show the Ss some pictures “have breakfast

6、” “have dinner” and practice the phrases.8. Text 1) Listen and look简述甲公司出租办公楼在合并财务报表中的处理及理由,并编制相关调整分录。2) Answer questions: What time does Lingling have breakfast?“What time does Lingling have dinner?”3) Read the text.C凝血酶生成增加三、Homework.1. Translate:1)2) 将“以前年度损益调整”结转至留存收益,分录如下:我在六点半吃晚饭。3)4) 在合并报表中甲公司应收乙公司款项在合并报表中不应该反映,因为属于内部的交易,认为集团内部不存在内部之间的应收款和应付款。I have breakfast at half past seven. 2 Write the important phrases 5 times “have breakfast” “have dinner”.


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