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1、Unit 9 Writing53中七年级刘彦杰课题: Unit 9Staying Healthy 写作课教案一、教学理念:英语教学主旨是面向全体学生,以人为本,写作教学中主要培养学生对英语的综合语言运用的能力,乐于用书面语言表达事实、观点、情感,形成基本的写作能力。二、教材分析: EEC 教材的第九单元,本单元的话题为“ Staying Healthy ”,本节写作课是结合了一单元知识内容,并进行整合与运用后进行写作操练。三、学情分析:学生在学习了本单元的词汇,句型,对话以及篇章后,已初步形成了对本单元话题的认识,并已经积累一定的书写素材, 而且能够书写比较正确的句子。四、教学目标1、 帮助学

2、生运用已经学习的本单元的词汇,句型来进行写作。2、 指导学生先从范文入手,再总结句型句式,最后形成写作。3、 让学生知道要在写作中正确的运用语法,语言知识去写一篇与范文相仿的文章。4、 重点:要对范文篇章的结构进行理解分析。5、 难点:能写出无语法错误,语言优美,逻辑清晰的文章。五、教学方法及策略读写结合六、辅助手段幻灯片,导学案七、教学流程教学步骤教学内容师生活动Step 1Checking activities<1> The teacher asks theCheck the studentsstudents to finish the task toteaching case

3、 before classreview the knowledge in.Lesson 3<2> The leader guide theother students to review thestructure and sum up thecommon questions in his team设计意图通过这个活动进一步巩固学生对于本单元已经学会的句型。Step 2Learning new-knowledge<1>Let Ss read the passageactivitiesfluently by themselves<2> Finish the ta

4、sk on theMake the students read apaperspassage and finish the tasks on<3> Check the sentences.the papers,通过此活动让学生由文本理解到观察篇章结构,分析并归纳句型句式 , 并通过小组交流与合作学会去运用。Unit 9 Writing53中七年级刘彦杰Step 3Practice and show<1>Let the students read theLet students fill in the table.passage and finish the tasks.

5、<2> Each team will show theirHave the students showown ideastheir sentences.<3> have the students sum upthe structure of the passageand the key words in thesecond paragraph.给学生机会展示,让更多的学生在课堂活跃起来,从而锻炼学生的说与构思的能力。Step 4Expand and produceHave the students read the information and finish the

6、tasks on the paper.Step 5Consolidation and use:Ask the students to write a new passage and show the passage.Step 6Homework :Have the students recite and write down the key sentences that were learned in Unit 9<1> Teacher asks the students通过此活动to read the passage again and让学生由文本理finish the task

7、.解到观察篇章结<2> Have the students analyse构,分析并归纳句the structure of the passage型句式 , 并通过and make the writing outline小组交流与合作of the passage.学会去运用。<1> Students write their own锻炼学生用从范passage and correct it in文中已学的写作groups素材去独立完成<2>Students show their own一篇相关话题的passage文章,同时小组之间的互查也进一步提高学生的自查的

8、能力。Recite and write down the keyConsolidatesentences that were learned inUnit 9 .Unit 9.The Structure The Passage板书设计I: The importance of staying healthy , bring out the topic and lead in it to the second paragraphII: The ways of staying healthy.First, . Second, . Third, .III: Repeat the importance of staying healthy and call on the students to take actions.教学反思


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