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1、2021新版三年级下册英语单元测试题 Unit 1 Name: Mark:笔试局部1找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。10分1.()A. duckB. elepha ntC. dogD. she2.()A. Chi naB. catC. USAD. Canada3.()A. stude ntB. pupilC. teacherD. he4.()A. boyB. whiteC. purpleD. orange5.()A. youB.heC.sheD. gril二、读句子,排一排。(10分)()Mr Jon es,this is Amy. She is a new stude nt.(

2、)Good morni ng, Amy.() I'm from America.()Good morning, Mr Jon es.() Where are you from?三、选择正确的答案完成对话,将其编号写在括号里。(15分)()1.-Where are you from? -A. I "m from China.B. I'm Mike.C. Thank you.()2. -Good after noon.-A. Good morni ng.B. Good after noon.C. Goodbye.()3. -Can I have some water? -

3、A. Sure. Here you are. B. Here it is.C. Hi!()4. - Nice to meet you. -A. My n ame is Jack. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. See you.()5. - How are you? -A. Nice to meet you. B. I "m fine, thanks. C. Hello, John.四、看图,将相应的单词前面的字母标号填在图片下面的括号里。10分A.ca nadaB. Teacher C. girlD. boyE. USA五、阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。(1

4、5分)This is my new frie nd. She is a gril. She is 10 years old. She is from Can ada. Her n ame is LiYa n. She is a good stude nt.1. I have a ne .A: teacher B: friend2. LiYan is from .A:ChinaB: Canada3. She isA:te nB: nine4. LiYan is a good .5. My n ame is aA: stude ntA: boy笔试局部2B:teacherB:gril六、读句子,选

5、择恰当的答语()1. -Nice to see you aga in!A. Nice to meet you!()2. -Where are you from?A. I'm from Can ada.B. Nice to see you, too.B. My name is Mike.()3. -We have a new friend today!-A. Welcome!B. Good morni ng!()4. -What 'syour n ame?-A. I "m from Canada.B. My name is Mike.七、Read and circle.

6、圈出每组中不同类的一个1. Chi na2. frie nd3. boy4. teacherpanda stude ntgirlMr JonesCanadateacherpupilMiss White七、看一看,圈一圈。下面的建筑属于哪个国家?将它们的国旗圈出来。1.HI2.八、看图,连线:Chi naCan ada Australia USA十.Read and tick.读一读,选一选,在正确句子后的括号中划VThis is Mr Pan.He's a teacher.(She'sa teacher.(This is Sarah.She's from the USA

7、.() He'a stude nt.( )This is Mike.She'sfrom Can ada.()He's a stude nt.( )This is Amy.She'from the UK.() She'sa teacher.( )十一 Read and tick.读一读,勾划出与句子意思相符的图片4. This boy is Chen che n. H6s a pupil.2. This is Miss Wang. Shesa teacher.3. This girl is Niu niu. She 'a stude nt.She'from China。He'from the UK.


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