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1、乡村遗产与乡村旅游jiraC Heritage and firaC (Lourism周俭联合国教科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心(上海)同济大学2014. 11Zhou Jian?WHITR-AP under the auspices of UNESCOTongji University1、乡村遗产是乡村发展的资源To turn heritage into a resource for rural development乡村遗产作为一种文化景观,具有独特的经济和美学价值,应该纳入乡 村发展的资源体系中,从而实现可持续的经济和社区双重发展的目标。Rural heritage, as a c

2、ultural landscmpe, has unique tourism values The heritage attributes of the rural heritage should be well retained, so as to achieve the dual objectives of sustainable development of both tourism and community.2、乡村发展的3重含义Three implications in rural development村民收入提高;To increase income of the village

3、rs村民就业能力与适应能力提高;To improve employment ability and adaptive capacity among the villagers村寨(落)自身价值提高。To enhance values of the villages3、乡村遗产旅游是乡村发展的路径之一Rural heritage tourism is one path to rural development.旅游村落(景区)是功能定义,极易演变为物质性和功能性的建设活动和 政策导向;The functional definition of tourism villages tends to d

4、irect material and functi on al-based activities of con structi on and policy orientati on.将乡村遗产旅游的概念从旅游社区(景区)转变为社区旅游; From Tourism comm unity to comm unity tourism社区旅游关注于村民本身,关注于创造文化景观遗产的人及其社会结构。 Community tourism shows concern for the villagers and the human being, as the creator of the cultural l

5、andscape, and for their social structure.1挑战一乡村遗产旅游发展的反思ChallengeMerits and Demerits in the Development of Rural Heritage Tourism28%60%28%60%你认为发展旅游会给你带来什么变化Impacts of tourism on your life28%60%28%60%Income increaseNew jobsDisturbance in lifeDisruption of serenity增加收入增加新的工作机会会干扰我的生活会破坏这里的安静环境28%60%景

6、区打造 constructing tourist attractions村民与外来人员经商 business and trade involving local villagers and migrants商业化的旅游 commercialized tourism村民收入突增Dramatic income in crease社区会分化吗?Division of society?村寨农业生产性机制会被损坏吗?Damage to the traditionalagricultural production of thevillages?田园景观会消失吗?Disappearance of farml

7、andlandscapes?村民改建.新建住房堂安村民居被随意改造小黄村的现代砖房30%堂安民居改扩建原因统30%堂安民居改扩建原因统您最不满点的是改、扩建房屋的原因家庭人口增加需雯分家用F农家乐、商铺30%堂安民居改扩建原因统2%6%9%20%32%80%8%13%30%堂安民居改扩建原因统自上而村民被动"受益” 村民等.靠.要上堡村的风貌保护工程"贵州省世界银行贷款文化与自然遗产保护和发展项目的民居修 缮子项目地方长期自上而下工作方式造成项目推进困难重重外包给旅游开发公司经营堂安原生态博物馆关闭2乡村遗产旅游与乡村遗产保护Reflection on Rural Heri

8、tage Tourism and Rural Heritage Conservation、地方i 管理者 ional/lo JthoritieIntern ational man dates1)"社区旅游"发展路径 "community tourism" development road各方路径的选择StakeholdSpath options社区的路径选择Community options1、通过参与旅游服务提升自身能力To improve capacity through participation in tourist services2、接受知识

9、教育和技能培训To accept education and skill Wainixi3、守护社区的文化资源To safeguard cultural resources of the comniiinity政府的路径选择Government options1、制定可持续的社区发展支持政策To develop sustainable supporting policies for comiiiunity development2、建立社区参与平台To build platforms for community involvement3、开展社区能力建设 To carry out capaci

10、ty building for communities第三方力量的导入各方路径的选择Stakeholderpath options旅游企业的路径选择Options by tourism companies1、收益合理地反哺村寨To properly finance villages throngli benefits2、保障与村寨合约的公正和公开 To ensure that contracts are fairand open3、为社区的能力建设提供服务To serve capacity building of communitiesIntroduction of third party f

11、orces1、扶助社区的能力建设To facilitate community capacity building 2、在社区和政府之间建立沟通合作平台 To bridge community and governineiit 3、为社区提供咨询服务To provide consultation service for commuiiitiesMechanisms outlined in the “Community Operationol Guidelines” for the World Bank Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protecti

12、on and Development Project没有与村寨原有社会内生机制融合,为项目建立的组织无法起到机制设计的作用,村民参与积极性和参与程度不高;There is no integration with the inherent social mechanism originated in villages; The institutes/organizations set up for the programme are unable to play a part in mechanism designing; There is less enthusiasm and low par

13、ticipation among villagers;村民没有契约的法律概念,对协议中约定自己的义务不履行; Villagers, who lack understanding of contractual implications, refuse to fulfill their obligations stated in the agreements, while only caring about their private benefits;虽然有公示机制,但没有接到过任何投诉;The publicity and notification system fails to functio

14、n, and has never received any complaints or reports 1)村落扩展与民居布局 New housing site selection贵州地扪:村民在自家承包地中建造住房选址尊重村民风俗习惯选址保证文化景观保护要求7+4:方向©72)建筑传承 Traditional building inheritance新民居:受外部文化和经济性的影响防火、防潮、坚固建造的经济性对"美观"看法的变化i n厂=7二nis 回剧盔坦攻s -m竈醫迪Suippnq mon J。ose。BIW尼购園翠手曲乞 昌盼拓*旖一_岡卷嗨昶奨U/ii

15、ii弋込uoiieio6au 冷 uoiejisiiouiaa 翌昭与肆土(£与业主协商后的修缮结果Repair and rehabilitation with owners村民参与管理提咼村民能力To involve villagers in managementAnd to improve their capacity记录村寨变化 收集硏究档案To record villageIransformation And to collect research data and archives培训村民技能 To provide skill trainings利用乡土原料开发产品I 小规

16、模客栈个性化体验Small innsCustomized experienee结论/Conclusions1)乡村社区是构成乡村文化景观的重要组成部分;2)乡村遗产旅游必须与乡村社区能力建设的目标相结合,3)社区参与是达成目标的重要途径。Rural heritage、 as a type of cultural landscape, serves as a unique resource to develop rural tourism Rural community is important part of cultural landscape.One of the important paths to rural development is capacity building for rural communities, whose objective should be made to guide the rural heritage tourism. Community participation is a useful tool to achieve the objectiveThanks!


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