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1、六年级下学期join in »知识点整理Unit 1 My cousins and I单词(要求会读,知道中文 意思)Auntie姑妈;姨妈;伯母;攵巾攵巾;舅妈 Australia Day澳大利亚国庆下 Canberra 堪培拉fact事实;真相 sixth第K October十月 May五月home town家乡重点单词 (要求背诵,会拼 写):Australia澳大利亚 Australian澳大利亚人 China中国Chinese中国人 Sydney悉 尼capital首都baby婴儿climb攀登,爬friendly友好的koala树袋熊,考拉 little 幼小的 outg

2、oing 外向的 Spring Festival石 p tail 尾巴 lovely 可爱的 pretty 漂凫的 kind友好的,善良的 clever聪明的 beautiful美丽的 strong强壮的重点句型 (要求会听写)There are many Chinese Australians in the country 这里有许多华裔澳洲人。 She has got big brown eyes and brown hair她启棕色的眼睛和棕色的头发。 Has your aunt got any children? 你的姑妈后小孩吗? They ve got two children.他

3、们后 两个小孩。It has got no tail.它没有尾巴。I was born in Australia.我出生在澳大利亚。I started playing the piano at four.我四岁开始谈钢琴。We had a happy Spring Festival together我们在 度过了一个开心的。 She went to Australia before I was born.她在我出生刖就去了澳大利亚。I took lots of photos at our big family get-together.我照了 彳艮多全家福。They work at the s

4、ame hospital.他们在同一家医院工作。We Ye having so much fun in Chin破们在中国玩的很开心。People are wearing cool clothes there 这儿的人在穿凉爽的衣®。It s good to see snow!能看雪真好!Where were you born? 你出生在哪里?How many people are there in your family?尔家里共有多少人?Who are they? 他们是谁?Who is Martin? 马丁是谁?What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的

5、?What do you like?你喜欢什么?Where does Ma Tacis aunt live and work?马涛的阿姨在哪里住在哪里工作呢?When did she go to Australia?也什么时候去澳大利亚?Why did they come to China碘们为什么去中国?What do you know about Australia?关于澳大利亚你知道什么? Did you have a good time at Spring Festiva你看 P过的愉快吗?Your cousins must speak good English?的堂兄妹们的央语肯定说

6、的很好。Bill can't speak.尔不会说。Come to my place and have a look, will you?到我这里来看看,好吗? Australia is the world s sixth biggest country澳大利亚是世界上第六大的国豕。 It is the biggest city in Australia.匕是澳大利亚最大的城市。She is a pretty girl from Australia她世个来自澳大利亚的漂亮女孩。语法1. There be (is / are) 有 There is a (单数)。There are (复

7、数)。2. (have/ has )got 拥启He has got two books.3. 被动用法be+过去分词 be born出生 I was born in Wuhan.4. 一般过去时5. start doing sth 开始做某事work at 在(地方)工作 I work at a big school.6 .现在进行时 be +在分词(动词+ing)7 . 特殊疑问句 Where ?哪里? Who.?谁? What.?什么? How many.?多少? When ? 什么时候(时间)Why?为什么?8 . 一M疑问句 Did、?9 . 情态动词 can能,会 must肯定句中

8、,应该,肯定10 .反义疑问句 Come and have a look, will you?11 .最高级+estthe biggest12 . be from来自13 .介词 in 用法 inOctober2005 in Beijing (对比 oninatfrom)Unit2 Food and health单词(要求会读,知道中文 意思)Glass 一杯之量 memory 记忆 own 自己的 whole grains 天然谷物 sugar糖 Corn-on-the-cob 玉米棒子 red food 红色食品 orange food 橙色食品 yellow food 黄色食品green

9、 food绿色食品blue food蓝色食品purple food紫色公品重点单词 (要求背诵,会拼 写):Active好动的celery芹菜cherry樱桃fit健康(X犬况) healthly健康的kind种 类look after照顾 not- at all 一点也不 plenty of丰富,充足 protein蛋白质 stay 维持 string beanSO1 warm 热情的 weight 体重 favouhte 最喜爱的 grapeUW carrot胡萝卜vegetables蔬菜 milk牛奶fruit水果 chips署片 hamburger汉堡包 chocolatebread

10、面包 candies糖果 drinks 饮料 brown rice fe* chicken鸡肉egg鸡蛋juice橙汁cola可乐重点句型(要求会听写)If you have a favourite food, you can try a new one.如果你后最吊欢的食物, 你可 以尝试新品种。If you like grapes, try cherries, too .如果你喜欢葡锢,你也试试樱桃。Like corn-on-the-cob, try string beans. 如果你喜欢玉米棒,试试菜豆。Something new to you.对你来说是新品种。What is your

11、 favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?My favourite red food is mutton.我最吊欢的红色食品是羊肉。My favourite orange food is orange juice.我最吊欢的橙色食品是橙汁。My favourite yellow food is pear.我最吊欢的黄色食品是梨子。My favourite green food is celery. ffcft 吊欢的绿色食品是斤采。My favourite purple food is grape. ffcft吊欢的紫色食品是匍匐。Green fruit and vegetable

12、s are good for your bones and teeth. 绿色蔬果对你的骨 骼和牙齿好。Cola is bad for your health.可乐对你的健康不好。Chicken and eggs are also good for us®肉和鸡蛋对我们也彳艮好。Drink water or tea with little or no sugar.喝水或茶放少量或者不放糖。Drink one or two cups of milk, and a small glass of juice every day. 每天喝 杯或 两杯牛奶,一杯橙汁。Eat plenty of

13、 different fruit.吃大量不同品种的水果。Eat more whole grains.多吃全麦食品。Why are you so fit and strong?你为什么这么健康强壮?What can I do?我能做什么?What sports do you usually do?你经常做什么运动?How does she spend most of her day?也一天中大部分时间是怎么度过的?What do you think of Auntie Pang's habits?(尔认为胖姨的习惯怎么样?I have to eat and sleep well.我必须吃

14、好睡好。I eat different kinds of food.我吃不同种类的食物。I do a lot of exercise every day.我每天做大量运动。She eats a lot and drinks too much cola every day她每天吃;食物喝过乐。You have to look after yourself.你必须好好照顾自己。You have to change your eating habits你必须改变你的饮食习惯。She often gets ill and goes to see a doctor 她经常生病看医生。She doesnt

15、 watch her weight at all.她根本不注意自己的体重。Do you eat a lot every day?你每天吃很多吗?1. if条件句语法单词(要求会读,知道中文意思)2. 特殊疑问句 What ? How? Why? How many? How old?3. 一般疑问句 Do? Does?4. be bad for 对不好 be good for 对好5. a glass of 一杯 a (two) cup(cups) of 一杯(两杯)6. 区另I live in Scotland我住在苏格兰。 like reading and writing very much

16、.我彳艮喜欢阅读和写作。J some any , little a little, plenty of kinds of lots of a lot, very much too much7. love doing sth喜欢做某事8. 动词第三人称单数Unit 3 Mary s diaryFlavour味道 gentlemen 先生 lady女士 rope 绳索 saying格言,谚语 show 娱乐 表演tour参观vanilla香草精重点单词Diary日记difficult困难的horrible可怕的share分享strawberry草莓Scotland(要求背诵,会拼 苏格兰castl

17、e城堡ghost鬼魂 monster怪兽tower塔at seven在七岁in the写):morning在早晨At half past seven 在七点半 after lunch 午饭后 after dinner 晚餐后 on Saturday evening在星期六晚上 witch哪spirit精神share分享guide导游This castle is 800 years old. In this tower there s a ghost.这个城堡有八百年的历史 了。里面有幽灵。What s his name?他叫什么名字?Oswald.奥斯瓦德。My ice cream!我的冰淇淋

18、!课文图片句型(能熟读,明白意思)Stop shouting!不要叫了!I love ice cream.我爱冰淇淋。An ice cream, please.请给我一个冰淇淋。What flavour?什么口味?Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry香草、巧克力和草莓口 味的。That s one pound.一英镑。Sorry, I havent got any money对不起,我没钱。No money, no ice cream没钱,没冰淇淋。Help! Let me go, Oswald®命啊,让我走奥斯瓦德!Sorry, now Im the

19、guide.对不起,现在我是导游拉。What can I wear?我能穿什么?Now, ladies and gentlemen, this was Jessica the Beautiful生们女士们,这是女神 杰西卡。And this is how Henry the Horrible killed the people he didn t. like. Pull the rope, please这是恐怖亨利怎样杀死他不喜欢的人。请拉绳索。Thank you. That was wonderful.谢谢。彳艮棒。Great show!很赞的演出!Best tour in my life.

20、我人生中最好的旅行。Excellent.太棒了。You can come out nowf 现在可以出来了。87 ice cream, please!请给我 87 个冰淇淋。重点句型a diary, and坚持写日记,有天你会发现它记录了(要求会听写)你的曾经。Maths is difficult for me, and I don t like it.数学对我来说很困难,我不喜欢匕。Mr Brown gave us five sums to do, but I got two wrong. 布朗先生给我们五道算术 题做,但我做错了两题。He is good at maths,他擅长数学。He

21、 is going to help me. I will work harder他将会帮助我,我会更努力的。Yesterday I had a great time大我过的很开心。There is a ghost in the towe婚里有鬼。I don't think it is true.我认为这不是真的。I haven t got any money 点钱都没有。What will Sally do this Saturday新丽这个星期六将会做什么?She will go riding afte门unch.午饭后她将会骑车。What s Simon going to do t

22、his weekend'赛彖这周末将会做什么?Simon is going to play table tennis on Sunday afternoon. HRB 星期午将会打桌 球。Would you like to write it down in your diary or share it with friend on your Weibo orWeixin?你愿意把它写在日记里或者在微博或者微信上跟朋友分享吗?语法(了解四种问句,并 会做出对应的回答)1. live in sp住在某地2. There be 有3. Be difficult for sb 对某人来说很困难

23、4. 一般过去时5. 一般将来时will ; be going to打算做 将要做6. 否定句(+not).don't.haven't got9 . Would you like to .?你愿意去做吗? Would like to do sth = want to do10 . be different from 与不同11 .特殊疑问句 What - ?12 .介词用法 in at after on13 . stop doing sth停止正在彳的事stop to do sth停卜来,做另外一件事14 .情态动词can +v原15 .祈使句 Let me go!16 . 一

24、般现在时单词(要求会读,知道中文 意思)Around大约;在周围almost几乎,差/、多 camp活动营地 deer鹿footballer 足球运动员 heart心king国王 writer作者 Nottingham诺汗 hybrid rice杂 交水稻 Argentina阿根廷England英格兰重点单词 (要求背诵,会拼 写):Blind使失明brave勇敢的college学院,大学 con巾dent有信心的dead死的, 去世的die死去everything所以事物;每件事物fight与作战forest森林hold on紧紧抓住leave把留在某处 move打动,使感动soldier

25、士兵the poor穷人 wise有智慧的 woman 女人 young 年轻的 hero 英雄 popular受欢迎的 hero 英 雄hybrid混血儿scientist科学家课文图片句型(能熟读,明白意 思)Run, Robin, run跑啊!罗宾。Who are you?尔是谁?We live in the woods.我们住在灌木丛林中。We hide from the Sheriff of Nottingham and his soldiers.我们在躲避罗宾汉长官和 他的士兵们。Your father is not dead. The Sheriffs men took him

26、away.你父亲没后夕匕,是谢里夫 的部下把他带走了。I must help him. Please show me the way to Nottingham.我必须解救他,我去 找罗宾汉。All right, come with me.好吧,跟我来。Let s wait until he is very close.我们等他过来。Look, there s one of the Sheriffs soldiers.看,有个谢里夫的士兵。Help!救命啊!We ve got him.我们抓住他了。Bye-bye, Robin. Take care and good luck. Will yo

27、u come back?见罗宾,保重,祝 你好运。你还会回来吗?Yes, but only with my father.是的但是要跟我父亲一起。What do you want?你想要什么?The man who killed the King's deer. The Sheriff wants him.这个人杀了国王的鹿, 谢里夫想抓他。Father, its me, Robin. Come with me.父亲,是我罗兵。跟我定吧。Leave me here. They blinded me. I carb see.不要管我,他们弄瞎了我的眼睛,我 看不见了。Father , p

28、lease, come on. ve got a plan.父亲,请/、要这样。我已经计戈U好了。Where are you going?你要去哪里?The Sheriff wants this man. Help me get on the horse.长Wil抓这个人。Wfc上马。Stop! Where are you going?停!你要去哪里?Come back!回来!Hold on, Father, wgre almost there.等一下,父亲,我们马上到了。Thank you, My friends. IH stay with you. We 'll fight the

29、 Sheriff and help the poor. 谢 谢,我的朋友们。我将会与你们T抵抗谢里夫帮助平民。Hooray!万岁!重点句型 (要求会听写)About a hundred children are having a summer camp in Beijing. 大约有一百个孩 子在北京过夏令营。Some are from the USA, the UK, and Australia. Others are from China. 一些来自 美国,英国和澳大利亚。另外的来自中国。He also gives money to help the poor children in Ar

30、gentina. 他也资助阿根廷的贫 困孩子。Because of his work, we have more rice to eat and the world has fewer hungry people.因为他的工作,我们有更多的大米可以食用,世界上挨饿的人越来越少。 She died a long time ago, but her diary lives on and moves many people.她很久前就死了,但是她的日记却传了下来感动了许多人。She never gave up hope and always saw the good in everything. 她

31、从不放弃希 望,总是看到事情好的一面。She left college two years ago, but she didn't stay in the city. 她两年前就离校了, 但是她没有呆在城市里面。But at that time we were too shy to speak.那时候我们太害羞都不说话。We couldn t even speak Putonghua.我们连普通话都不会说。She taught us to sing and dance.她教我们唱歌跳舞。It feels good to be around her.跟她在一起感觉彳艮好。The pupi

32、ls are telling stories about their heroes. 学生正在讲关于他们的英雄的故 事。语法(了解四种问句,并会做出对应的回答)1. 现在进行时 be doing2. 一般过去时3. 否定句 not.4. be from 来自5. give sth to sb给某人某物6. be kind to sb对某人友好7. be friendly to sb 对某人友好8. live in住在,stay with sb和某人呆在一起 hide from 躲避.9. 动词第三人称单数形式Unit5 I loving reading单词(要求会读,知道中文Bookworm书

33、虫 California加利福尼亚州 heroine女主人公 hood风帽joy吊悦 nonsense胡说 Spiderman蜘蛛侠trick骗局,诡计 Sherwood Forest舍伍德森林意思)重点单词 (要求背诵,会拼 写):Celebrate庆祝 competition竞赛 read阅读 rest休息 win赢得 favouhte最喜爱 的课文图片句型(能熟读,明白意 思)For three years, noboby saw Robin Hood. But people told a lot of stories about him. 三年了,没有人看见罗宾汉。但是人们讲了关于他的

34、很多故事。He will come back one day.总有一他会回来的。And he will help us.他会帮助我们。Nonsense! Robin Hood is dead. Im going to Sherwood Forest. I m going alone. I m not scared.胡说!罗宾汉死了。我要去舍伍德森林。我L个人去。我不怕。I can sit down here and rest for two or three hours. Then I can go back. I can tell people that Robin Hood is dead

35、.我能坐下来休息两二个小时。然后我回去。我可 以跟人们说罗宾汉夕匕了。But Robin Hood was not dead. His men saw the sleeping Sheriff.但是罗宾汉没有 死。他的人看见谢里夫在睡觉。When the Sheriff opened his eyes, he had a shock. He saw Robins men.当谢里夫 睁眼的时候,他吓了一跳,他看见了罗宾汉的人。Welcome to Sherwood Forest, dear Sheriff.欢迎来到舍伍德森林,亲爱的谢里夫。Robin will be happy to see y

36、ou.罗宾看见你会很开心。Kill him.杀了他。Please dontkill me.请/、要杀我。Stop, Robin. The Sheriff is a bad man, but please let him go停!罗兵。谢里夫是个 坏人,但是请让他走。Take his clothes and his horse and send him back to Nottingham.把他的衣服和马 都准备好,然后把他送回罗宾汉那里。When the people in Nottingham saw the Sheriff, they all laughed. The Sheriff wa

37、s very angry.当人们在罗宾汉那里看见谢里夫时,人们都笑谢里夫当时很生 气。Look at the Sheriff.看看谢里夫。How can I catch Robin Hood? Ah, I have an ide a我怎么才能抓住罗宾汉?啊,我有一个主意。I 'll win the first prize!我将赢得第一名。Don't go, Robin. This is a trick!/、要走,罗宾,这是个骗局。The winner must be Robin Hood. Catch him when I tell you.赢 了 的人必须抓住罗 宾汉。当我叫

38、你的时候抓住他。And the winner is the man in the green hood.第一名是中喝绿色头巾的人。Come on, men, catch him加油,伙计们。抓住他。The Sheriffs men caught Robin. But Robins friends came to help him. They jumped out from behind the trees and bushes. There was a long fight. But in the end, Robis men were the winners.谢里夫的人抓住了罗宾。但是罗宾的

39、朋友们来帮助他。他 们从后面的灌木树丛中跳出来。经过一番打斗,最后罗宾的人胜利了。Let s go back to the forest and celebrate!我们回森林去庆祝吧!重点句型(要求会听写)I love reading books. 我热爱读书。It s true that I m a bookworm.我真的是个书虫。There are monsters, big and small.有怪兽,有大的有小的。One day the Sheriff and his men caught Robin in the forest. 有:谢里夫的人在 森林里抓住了罗宾。My favo

40、urite comic is spiderman. ffcft导欢的是蜘蛛侠。My favourite book is called Gold.我最吊欢的一本书是金子。The people understand that the gold is not so important. 人们明白了 金子并没有 那么重要。语法(了解四种问句,并 会做出对应的回答)1 .现在进行时be doing2 .That从句3 .一般过去时4 .介词 in on about from with without for5.let祈使句Unit6 The world of my dreams 我梦中的世界单词(要求会

41、读,知道中文意思)Ocean海洋owl猫头鹰sure当然;确信的 wish希望 war战争beautiful美丽的 expensive贵的 computer 电月而重点单词 (要求背诵,会拼 写):Dangerous危险的 enough 充足的 every now and then 偶尔 glad 局兴的 robot 机器人 situation情况 dream梦想 peace和平课文图片句型(能熟读,明白意 思)I want to see the ocean.我想看海。Don't go. It s too far/、要去,太远了。Don't go. It s too dange

42、rous /、要去, 太危险了。Excuse me. How do I get to the ocean?®歉,打扰一下,我怎么去海边呢?Come with me, Ill show you.跟我 ,起,我只给你看。Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!兔子早餐,好吃!I'll get you!我要抓你!I m glad Im faster than the lion.我好开心我比狮子跑的快。Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ocean?抱歉,打扰一下,你能告诉我去海边的路吗?Sorry, I cant he

43、ar you. Come close对不起,我听不见。离点。Rabbit for dinner, mmm.兔子晚餐,嗯嗯嗯。Got you! Oh, no!抓住了!哦,不!phew! That was close啊!好近!What s that? I m scared那是什么?我好害怕。Who are you?你是谁?I'm the rabbit. I want to see the ocean. Can you tell me the way ?我是小兔,我想看海,你能告诉我怎么去去吗?Sorry, I cant help you. Ask the owl.对不起,我不能帮你。问问老

44、鹰。Can you tell me the way to the ocean?尔能告诉我去海边的路吗?Sure, it s this way当然,这条路。I can take you there.我能市你去。No thank you.不用了,谢谢。Wow, the ocean.It looks beautiful. I wish my friends could see it.哇,大海好漂亮。我希望我的朋友能够看见它.It was night. The sky was full of stars. The rabbit was very tired. He remembered all the

45、 dangerous situations, but he was very happy. Then he closed his eyes, madehis bed in the sand and started to dream.晚上,天空后很多星星,兔子很累了, 他记得所有危险的情形,但是他还是很开心。然后他闭上了眼睛。在沙滩上睡 觉马上进入了梦乡。重点句型(要求会听写)In the world of my dreams people live in beautiful houses with big gardens. 我理 想中的世界是人们都住在美丽的带着花园房子。People from

46、 many countries live together in peace.许多国家的人们者 B 和平的住在T。In the world of my dreams there are no wars. 我理想中的世界是没有战争的。There are more expensive cars有更贵的汽车。It s true that I love my school.我真的爱我的学校。But every now and then I start to dream in the middle of the day. 我偶尔在中午的 时候做梦。People have enough to eat.人们

47、有足够的吃的。Everywhere are parks and woods where we all can go and meet.But why don t you just close your eyes?你没什么不闭上眼睛呢? Don't go!It s dangerouso /、要去,入危险了。Which city is the biggest, Shanghai, Wuhan or Nanjing?1个城市最大,上海、武汉 还是南京?Shanghai is the biggest 上海最大。Which city is bigger, Wuhan or Nanjing?哪个城市比较大,武汉还是南京? Wuhan is bigger than Nanjing.武汉比南京大。语法(了解四种问句,并 会做出对应的回答)1 .There be 有.2 .最高级the形容词+est in / of3 .比较级形容词+er than4 .定语从句that where引导5 .特殊疑问句 why don't you.?你为什么不 ?6 .祈使句 Don't go!/、要去.


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