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1、Period TwoLesson栏目索引当堂达标基础落实 核心突破 检测巩固词语识记I 单词自测le motto n.2> conservative adj. conserve v. conservation n.3> punishment n. punish y.4> slight adj.5. loose座右铭,格言保守的,旧式的保护,保存保存;保护区惩罚,处罚惩罚微小的,少量的指言行等)不严谨的,放荡的6.obey vt.7,mi|d_ adj.8>receiver n. receive y.9. outstanding adj. lQ.reflect vt.re

2、flection n.11. select vt. selection n. 12misunderstand v. misunderstanding n.服从,听从 接受者 接受,收到 杰出的,优秀的 反映,反射 反映,映射 挑选和的,轻微的挑选,选择 误会,误解 误解答案返回在某种程度上贡献;增进参加,参与分发;给予(建议、惩罚等)心情不好学着做;(开始)从事;拿起;占据落后推迟,延期II 短语自测leto a certain extent 2>contribute to 3>participate in 40hand out5 jn a bad mood 6>take u

3、p7. fall behind8. put off句式背诵1 .Founded in 1896 , 66Tredona School” is proud of its long list of outstanding past studentsTredona学校成立于1896年,它为自己培养出众多的优秀学生而感到骄傲。2.Our goal is to contribute to the students9 whole being by giving each of them real-life skills我们的目标就是通过为每一个学生提供现实生活的技能,从而有益于他们 的身心发展。3.1 h

4、ate to think what will become of my reputation as an excellent accountant!作为一名优秀会计师我极不愿意去思考我的名声将会变成什么样!课堂讲义核心突破重点单词I Jack had a “traditional,education and Nicholas had an“alternative,one.杰克接受过一种“传统的”教育,而尼古拉斯接受过“非传统的”教育。归纳拓展alternative供选择的事物;(两者或以上)可能的选择;坳供选择的,二选一的have no alternative/choice but to do

5、 sth.别无选择只好做某事there9s no alternative.别无选择an alternative to的替代品(2)alternatively加卩可供选择地答案(l) If this plan is not accepted, we have an alternative one.如果这个计划不被接受,我们还有另一个计划。(2) The alternative is to focus your resolution on the input(2014*北京 f 阅 读C) 可能的选择是把你的决心放在你的食物摄入量O即时跟踪(1) 111 have no alternative b

6、ut to go (go) with you.(2) Without any better alternatives , the committee eventually accepted his program.没有更好的选择,委员会最终接受了他的计划。Our school motto reflects the importance we place on good manners, hard work and success.我们学校的校训反映了礼貌、勤奋、成功的重要性。归纳拓展(1) reflect W反映;反射,照出;惋反射;考虑,深思,常与 on连用°(2) reflect

7、ion 反映;反射;映像;深思 on/upon reflection经再三思考 without reflection轻率,不经思考(1) She sat reflecting on how much had changed since she had bought the farm.她坐在那里思考着自从买下这个农场以来发生了多少变化。(2) When the suns rays hit the earth, a lot of heat is reflected back into space.太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热量被反射到太空。(3) 1 accepted it without re

8、flection.我没有经过深思就接受了。即时跟踪(1) In 2014, China-Japan relations remained strained because of Japans refusal to reflect °n its wartime history.(2) Shirleys strong love for her hometown is reflected (reflect) in her new songs.(3) The woman can see herself reflected (reflect) in the water.=The woman c

9、an see her own reflection (reflect) in the waterDue to the limited number of places and our excellent reputation,students should apply early.由于学校的声誉好而且地方有限,学生应早来登记。归纳拓展reputation n.名声,名誉have a good/bad reputation有好/坏名声have a reputation for以而闻名have a reputation as作为而闻名live up to onet reputation不负盛名;名

10、 不虚传(1) 1 have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. 我从来没有想过为名声和荣誉而创作。(2) His failures did his reputation a lot of harm.屡次失败使他的声誉受到了很大损害。(3) She has a reputation for generosity.她出了名地慷慨。易混辨析reputation/famereputation可指好名声,也可指坏名声,强调人们心目中的印象。fame仅指好名声,强调较髙的知名度。即时跟踪用fame, reputation选词填空(1) A

11、fter his CCTV show-up in 2015、 he gainetfame almost overnight.(2) This could seriously injure the company's reputation .(3) While Chengguan have a particularly bad reputation 弓 they are not the only ones accused of abusing their positions.Well, select another one then.噢,那么再挑选一个吧。归纳拓展(1) select v

12、t.挑选,选择,选拔select sb. to do sth挑选某人做某事select sb./sth. from从挑选出某人(物)select sb. as挑选某人作为(2) selection n.挑选,选择,选拔(1) We selected him to make a speech at the opening ceremony. 我们选他在开幕式上致词。(2) She selected a diamond ring from the supermarket.different她在那家超市挑选了 一枚钻戒。(3) A11 you have to do is to select the

13、phrases from the categories.你需要做的就是从不同类别中把这些短语选出来。易混辨析select/choose/elect/pick四个词均含有“选择”之意。selectchooseelectpick强调在广泛的范围内进行“精选或淘汰”,侧重以客观为标准 进行选择。普通用词,侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选 择,着重指被选者的优点。指按照一定的规章和法律,用投票方式进行的慎重的选择。 口语用词,强调“从个人角度在众多事物之中进行挑选”,有 时含有“任意选择”的意思。即时跟踪用select, choose, elect, pick的适当形式填空 Please p

14、ick a good book for me. She selected a diamond ring from the collection. We elected our monitor by a show of hands. She chose the red sweater rather than the pink one.(2)Tom owed his being selected (select) for the important task to his courage, devotion and knowledge of the area.重点短语I Well, to a ce

15、rtain extent you,re right. 在某种程度上,你是对的。归纳拓展to some /a certain extent/degree在某种程度上to a great/large extent在很大程度上to such an extent 简直to the extent of/that 达到程度(1) To a certain extent, I am responsible for the delay. 一定程度上,我对拖延负有责任。(2) What you said just now is reasonable to a certain extent.刚才你所说的,从某种程

16、度上是合情合理的。(3) He is in debt to the extent of £ 200>他负债达200英镑。即时跟踪(1) He has changed to such an extent that I caift recognize him.他变化得我都认不出他来了。(2) These policies are to a large/great extent (在很大程度上)responsible for the region economic decline.get on with取得进展,与友好相处,继续做归纳拓展get on ±车;穿上get on

17、/along with进展,与相处get away with偷走,做(坏事)而未受到惩罚 go on with sth继续做某事 get down to开始做;开始认真对待答案(l) Do you get on with your parents?你和父母合得来吗?(2) Quieten down and get on with your work.静下心来继续工作吧。即时跟踪(1) He is out-going and eas#o get on/along with .他性格开朗,是个容易相处的人。(2) No sooner had the farmers gone on with the

18、ir work than the rain stopped 雨一停,农民就开始继续干活。go over仔细检査;温习归纳拓展get over克服run over碾过;思考 take over接管,接替 turn over翻倒,细想,移交 fall over跌倒,摔倒 think overff 细考虑watch over看守,照看(1) We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them. 在结账以前,我们必须把这些账单核查一下。(2) It would be wise to go over your test paper a

19、gain.还是把您的考卷再检查一遍的好。即时跟踪用over的相关短语填空(1) 1 had gone over what happened in my mind(2) Briggs will take over as general manager when Mitchell retires.(3) He retired and turned over the business to his daughter.(4) The Sports Council wants a non-voting member tovatch over the way the cash is spent.(5) S

20、he is patient enough to make me get over all the difficulties in my study.put off推迟归纳拓展carry off夺走,携走 fall off跌落,下降 ring off挂断电话,停止讲话 mnoff跑掉,迅速离开 show off 炫耀keep.eeOff不让靠近get off 下(车)pay off回报take off脱下,起飞,腾飞turn off关掉 see off送行(l)The meeting is put off for two weeks.会议推迟两星期后召开。(2)Why not put off y

21、our visit till Monday, then? 那么,你干吗不把访问推迟到星期一呢?即时跟踪用off的相关短语填空(1) He devoted most of his time to his research, believing his hard work would P町 off sooner or later.(2) His career began to take off in his thirties.(3) She wanted to show off her new husband at the party.(4) He lost his balance and fel

22、l off his bicycle.经典句式I hate to think what will become of my reputation as an excellent accountant!作为一名优秀会计师我极不愿意去思考我的名声将会变成什么样!归纳拓展What became/has become/will become of sb./sth.?(遭遇)如何?(结果)怎么样?答案(l)What has become of him?他后来情况怎么样?(2)What became of that student who used to live with you? 以前和你住在一起的那个

23、学生后来怎么样了?即时跟踪(1)1 caif t imagine what will happen to them if they lose their home(句型 转换)>1 caift imagine what will become of them if they lose their home.(2)What has become of your mother illness?(翻译句子) 你妈妈的病现在怎么样了?当堂达标检测巩固I 语境填词A根据首字母或汉语提示写出所缺单词l. The restaurant near my house has won a good repu

24、tation because of itsgood service.2. My father is a very mild man, and he never shouts at us.3. Fred is an outstanding (出色的)student in our class.4. The little boy ran home at a fast pace (步速).5He was sent to his room as a punishment (惩罚)i ii mB用所给词的正确形式填空或用适当的词填空(1个单词)6. Because of his strange behav

25、iour, we all suspected him of stealing Mr.Wangs money.7. When we came into the classroom, he buried himself in reading his books.&Reflecting(reflect)on his past mistakes, Ted realized that he had stayed around the wrong people.9. During the Economic Crisis, many workers in America were laid off

26、10. Do you agree with what he said, Jack?一Well, to a certain extent, yes, but I can,t really say, because I doif t know the product welLi ii mII同义词语替换l.To some extent what she argues is true.2.1 had no choice but to lay Tom off.To a certain extenthad no alternative butputting off3She keeps delaying

27、going to see the dentist.答案i ii inHI 完成句子l.A woman was dug out alive after being buried deep in the mins (深 埋在废墟中)for more than 200 hours.2.She sat reflecting on (反思)how much had changed since she had bought the farm.3.1f she is sent to prison, what will become of (会怎样)her children?4.We selected her to represent us (选她作为我们的代表)to attend the conference 有声望)a financial expert.5. Mr.Smith has a reputation as (作为答案返回本课结束


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