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1、课时作业 (十) Unit 3 ComputersSection II Warming up & Reading Language Points(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)I 单句语法填空1 Try to (simple) your explanation to the students to helpthem understand better.答案: simplify2With the help of his friends ,he finally (solution)the problem.答案: solved3Although they come from(

2、total) different cultures,theyget along well with each other.答案: totally4 She'tshe equal of her brother as far as(intelligent) isconcerned.答案: intelligence5With the(technology) development,we are leading amore and more comfortable life.答案: technological6. As we all know , air pollution is a(univ

3、erse)problem.答案: universal7 He spent much of his life(explore) the wildness.答案: exploring8 We should face the (real) bravely that we don'htaveenough money for the project.答案: reality9 . Withmuch effort , the team fin allygottwo(goal).答案: goals10. As our life(improve), we find more and more timee

4、n tertai ning.答案: improvesn .阅读理解Khan Academy is a website providing a free education for any pers on. The website in cludes more tha n 4,000 short teach ing videos about many differe nt subjects.Every mon th, over 7 millio n people go to the Khan Academy website to watch its videos.Khan Academy beg

5、an with one man named Salman Khan.As a young man, Khan got a degree from Harvard Bus in ess School and bega n to work in bus in ess.In 2006, Khan used the Internet to help his young cousins, who lived far away, with their mathematics schoolwork.He drew numbers and pictures on the website to teach th

6、em.After a time he put his videos on to the website YouTube.where his cous ins could watch them any time they wan ted, But Kha n no ticed that other people were also watchi ng his videos on YouTube.By 2009, the number of people watching his videos on YouTube was gett ing very large.Kha n decided to

7、make the videos his job in stead.So he officially began Khan Academy, providing videos on mathematics and other school subjects.People did not have to pay to watch the videos.But they could give Khan money if they wanted to support his work.Some people did give Khan small amounts of money, but he wa

8、s still having a hard time.Later, a woman told Khan that Bill Gates uses Khan Academy for his kids.After that,the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation began giving money to Khan Academy.In 2010 Google gave the website money too,wanting Khan to translate his videos into the world 'msost common langu

9、ages.Today, people can see Khan'svideos in many different languages.Some people think that Khan Academy will be the way more and more people learn in the future.Teachers can use it in their classrooms.Khan believes that Khan Academy will never,and should never,replace a school.But he believes te

10、achers and students can use it to make schools better.语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了一个学习网站。1 What can one get from Khan Academy?A Video-making methods.B Free learning information.C Any help with the schoolwork.D A good number of beautiful pictures.解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段的 Khan Academy is a websiteprovid ing a free edu

11、cati on for any person可知。答案: B2In its early days,Khan Academy.A faced money problemsB had trouble with languageC was unpopular with schoolsD had a shortage of skilled teachers解析: 细节理解题。 根据第五段的 but he was still having a hard time 可知, Khan Academy 网站在创办初期曾遇到资金问题。答案: A3 What does Salman Khan think of K

12、han Academy?A It will play an active role in school teaching.B It can replace teachers in classrooms.C It can replace a teaching school.D It 'thse future of education.解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段的 he believes teachers and students can use it to make schools bette可知,Salman Khan 觉得他的 网站可以促进教学。答案: A4The text i

13、s mainly written to.A describe an academic leaderBintroduce a learning websiteCoffer some network knowledgeDcompare two different learning styles解析:写作目的题。本文主要介绍了Khan Academy这个学习网站的成立背景、发展过程以及现状,由此可知 B 项概括准确。答案: B皿完形填空The day before Father 'Day, Mrs Berry asked her students to make a card for the

14、ir fathers.She passed out paper and pieces of cloth.Elizabeth looked for a while at the blue cloth and began to cut it.The n she_1_her paper in half and bega n writ in g.Whe n Elizabeth fin ally looked at the message the teacher gave on the paper she no ticed something else.She felt her 2_grow hoshe

15、 hadn heard that anyone who didn ' have a father could make one for a grandfather or an uncle.As her teacher walked to her Elizabeth tried_3_her card with her arm, but Mrs Berry gently_4_it so that she could read it.Elizabeth sat _5_, waiting for her to say something but she saw a _6_roll down M

16、rs Berry ' face.She had never made Mrs Berry so upset.When school was over Elizabeth_7_until all the other kids left so that she could_8_. “ I ' m sorry for not listening rfalke another card_9_you want, I ' do it10_and bring it tomorrow”“_11_are you talking abou? ” asked Mrs Berry.“ Mr F

17、ather ' Day card .I know you' reupset because I did n ' do it_12_ ”.“Elizabeth, that was the_13_card in the whole classt was so一14_that it made me cry".Elizabeth was so 15_that she ran out of the classroom.Whe n her mum came home from work that ni ght Elizabeth 16_to give her the ca

18、rd early.On the front of the card was a _17_of Elizabeth mum, with a blue piece of cloth cut like her hair .In side the card she had writtenDear Mum,I know you work really hard to be both a mummyand a(n)_18_ want to thank you and _19_ ou a happy Father's Day!Love,ElizabethWhen her mum read the c

19、ard she started_ 0 _ just like Mrs Berrydid.语篇解读在父亲节来临之际,没有爸爸的伊丽莎白制作了一张 特殊的贺卡,这张小小的贺卡让老师也为之动容。1. A.cutB. toreC. spreadD. folded解析: 把制作卡片的纸折叠(folded)起来,这样与下文提到的“卡片里面写有文字”的说法相符。答案:D2. A.heartB. faceC. handsD. body解析:从破折号后的部分和下文内容可知,伊丽莎白的卡片是送给妈妈的,而老师要求没有爸爸的同学制作卡片送给爷爷或叔叔。 因此,她感到脸上(face)发烫,有些难为情。答案:B3 .

20、A.coveri ngB . holdi ngC . doingD . mak ing解析:用胳膊盖住(covering)卡片,符合“伊丽莎白不想让老师看自己制作的卡片”的语境。4 A.caughtBleftC liftedDplaced解析: 老师应该是 lifted( 举起,拿起 )伊丽莎白制作的卡片,目 的是看到其内容。答案: C5 A.aloneBstillC upDdown解析: 伊丽莎白“一动不动地 ”坐着,等着老师说些什么,反 映出她此时内心很害怕。 still 是“静止不动 ” 的意思答案: BBsmileDsweat6A.tearChair解析: 从下文看,老师哭了,故此处应

21、该是老师的眼泪 (tear)从脸上滚下。答案: A7 A.workedBwaitedC stoodDsat解析:放学后,伊丽莎白想等到(waited)其他同学都走了,再向老师道歉。答案:B8A.apologizeBstopCunderstandDstay解析: 从下文看,伊丽莎白误认为是自己的卡片使老师生气了,14A.wildBuseful故想道歉 (apologize)。答案: A9A.becauseBuntilCunlessDif解析: 句意为:如果 (if) 你想要的话,我将再制作一张卡片。答案: D10A.just hereBat onceC at homeDat school解析:

22、从下文所说bring it tomorrow 可知是回家做。答案: C11A.WhoBWhoseCWhichDWhat解析: what 作介词about 的宾语,意为 “你在谈论什么? ”答案: D12A.carefullyBquicklyCwrongDright解析: 由上文可知,伊丽莎白认为老师伤心是因为她没按照老师的要求做。答案: D13A.worstBbestCfavouriteDsimplest解析: 这是全班做得最好的贺卡C sweetDhard解析:sweet意为“漂亮的,美的”。 答案: C15A.happyBregretfulC braveDrude解析: 伊丽莎白太高兴了,

23、以至于跑出了教室。 答案: A16A.seemedBdecidedC refusedDpromised解析: 那天晚上母亲下班回家后,她决定把贺卡送给母亲 答案: B17A.recordingBdiscoveryC drawingDwriting解析: 她在贺卡上画了母亲的画像。答案: C18A.teacherBsisterC daddyDaunt解析: 我知道你辛勤工作,既当母亲角色又当父亲角色。答案: C19A.wishBhopeC wantDcongratulate解析: wish sb.a happy Fathe'rs Day 祝某人父亲节愉快。答案: A20. Aaughin

24、gB. jokingC. worryingD. crying解析:正如老师一样,母亲看了贺卡之后激动地流泪了。答案:DIV .短文改错Today some classmates and I served at Capital Library as volunteers.At 9 o' clockthat morning, we gathered at the gate of the library.After gett ing in to the library, we were first trained by libraria n to operate the computers

25、to borrow or returned books so that we could help readers later.Then we got down to our works.Some helped with shel ving books and some offered help to the people whom had difficulty used the computers.All of us took our tasks serious and tried to do it well.Time had passed by quickly.After we knew

26、it, it was time to say goodbye to the staff.On the way back we shared our feelings happily.参考答案Today some classmates and I served at Capital Library as volu nteers.At 9 o' clocKhat|ts morning, we gathered at the gate of the library.After gett ing in to the library, we were first trained by A lib

27、raria n to operate the computers to borrow or returne d books so that we could helpreturnreaders later.Then we got down to our workwsk .Some helped with shelving books and some offered help to the people whowhmhat had difficulty use d the computers.All of us took our tasks seriou .s . and usmgseriuuslytried to do Lthem well.Time hadpassed by quickly.AfteBer)re we knew it, it was time to say goodbye to the staff.On the way back , we


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