重庆市巴蜀中学仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit 5 Topic 2 Section D.ppt

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1、新课程理念下的初中英语教学设计交流,初中英语(八下) 阅读课,重庆巴蜀中学 童瑶,Unit 5 Topic 2 Section DDealing with sadness,1. 教学基本情况简介,2. 教学过程及设计思路,3. 教学反思,Lead in,Pre-reading,While-reading,Post-reading,教学基本情况简介,一、教学内容:仁爱版英语(八下) Unit 5 Topic 2 Section D Dealing with sadness二、课型: 阅读课三、教学对象:八年级(下)学生四、教学时间:40分钟,五、教学目标:(一)知识目标1. 让学生理解以下单词:

2、deal with, refuse, elder, understand worried, afraid, shy, lonely, frightened :2. 让学生掌握Why are you unhappy? -Because I . .句型来表达自己不高兴的原因。3. 让学生掌握I love my life because I .句型(二)技能目标:让学生掌握阅读技巧:skimming & scanning(三)情感目标: 2. 让学生热爱生活,1. 让学生积极处理问题,Step 1: Lead in,设计意图: 用实物教具(糖)导入unhappy话题,以其生动形象来吸引学生,

3、营造良好的课堂氛围。,Step 1-Lead in :,candy,Why am I unhappy? Because I am getting fat.,Step 2: Pre-reading,设计意图:通过操练来掌握Why are you unhappy? Because I .句型,让学生学会表达自己不高兴的原因。2. 在操练的同时创设出unhappy的情境,为阅读作铺垫。,Why am I unhappy? Because I am getting fat.,Lets talk,Lets guess,Because he fails his exam.,Why is he unhapp

4、y?,Lets guess,Because she is terribly ill.,Why is she unhappy?,Lets guess,Because he is much too fat.,Why is he unhappy?,Lets guess,Because they have an argument.,Why are they unhappy?,A: Why are you unhappy?B: Because I am too fat.,pair work,fail my exam,lose my friend,be ill,Two students a pair to

5、 make a conversation like this.两人一组编如下对话。,Step 3: While-reading,设计意图: 1. 学法指导:何为skimming&scanning?如何进行skim和scan? 2. 通过对skimming和scanning的运用,能完成所给的任务; 3. 理解deal with, elder, refuse, understand 4. 实现让学生能积极处理问题的情感目标。,Nobody can be happy all the time. You may become unhappy sometimes, for example, w

6、hen you fail an exam; or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends. Its normal to have these feelings. If you dont know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff.,Dealing with Sadness,skimming,Jeff almost went mad when his elder brother was killed in a car acciden

7、t. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. Instead, he just sat in his bedroom and didnt talk to anybody, even his parents. Jeff felt that the world was unfair. He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brother, even through it was an accident. After a few mo

8、nths, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. Now he still misses his brother, but he doesnt hate the driver any longer. He is beginning to talk to his parents and that makes them happy again. He no longer stays in his room by himself. Instead, he goes to the movies or plays sports with

9、 his friends. He is feeling better now.,Whats this passage talking about? Jeff was unhappy because. Then he did something. At last, Jeff was unhappy because his elder brother was killed in a car accident. Then he did something. At last, he dealt with the problems successfully and he is happy again n

10、ow.,Task1 (任务一)find the following words and underline them. Try to guess what they mean.Task 2(任务二)Try to answer the following questions after scanning.1. What did Jeff do after the accident?2. Why was Jeff angry with the driver?3. How did Jeff deal with his sadness?,deal with elder refuse understan

11、d,scanning,Nobody can be happy all the time. You may become unhappy sometimes, for example, when you fail an exam; or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends. Its normal to have these feelings. If you dont know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff. Jeff alm

12、ost went mad when his elder brother was killed in a car accident. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. Instead, he just sat in his bedroom and didnt talk to anybody, even his parents. Jeff felt that the world was unfair. He was quite angry with the driver because his car h

13、it his brother, even through it was an accident. After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. Now he still misses his brother, but he doesnt hate the driver any longer. He is beginning to talk to his parents and that makes them happy again. He no longer stays in his room

14、by himself. Instead, he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends. He is feeling better now.,Dealing with Sadness,scanning,Match phrases or words with their meanings according to the context.(将短语或单词跟它们所对应的意思相搭配。),deal withelderrefuseunderstand,to know what someone or something meansto say

15、you will not do somethingolder than someoneto solve a problem,Task 1,Try to answer the following questions after reading.1. What did Jeff do after the accident?2. Why was Jeff angry with the driver?3. How did Jeff deal with his sadness?,He just sat in his bedroom and didnt talk to anybody, even his

16、parents.,Because the drivers car hit his brother and his brother was killed.,He began to understand it was useless(无用的) to be angry. Now, he is beginning to talk to his parents. He goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends.,Task 2,What can you learn from Jeff ?key words:problems useless to

17、 be unhappy 伤心没用positive 积极的ways, solutionssolve/deal with the problem 解决问题,Step 4: Post-reading,设计意图:1. 词语的拓展:worried, lonely, shy, frightened, afraid等负面情绪的单词。2. 情感输出:通过“诗”的写作形式,将主题升华到we should be happy and we should love our life。3. 在写诗过程中,让学生能掌握I love my life because I .这一句型。,What other negative

18、feelings did you experience? 你感受过什么其他的负面情绪?,Are we really unhappy?,Should you be happy because you can go to school?,Should you be happy because you have a nice classroom to study in?,Should you be happy because you can eat delicious food every day?,Should you be happy because you have nice clothes

19、to wear?,Love our life!,Each group write a poem (诗) about “Why you love your life”. After writing, your group can show your poem to your classmates and read it out like a poet. I love my life Because I am healthy. I love my life Because I have a warm family. I love my life Because I love my life Bec

20、ause ,Love our life,You are a poet(诗人) of life,板书,1. Why are you unhappy? Because Im getting fat.2.Reading: skimming & scanning3. I love my life because I am healthy.,angryupsetboredscaredworriedafraidlonelyshyfrightened,Homework,1. Review what we learnt today.2. Write a composition about “How to deal with problems.”,While- reading运用技巧理解语篇,Lead in:导入话题,Pre-reading:创设情境,Post-reading情感升华传正能量,亮点:恰用重点句型,亮点:学法指导,亮点:恰用重点句型情感输出,教学反思,好:1. 在适当的位置巧用重点句型; 2. 对学生进行学法指导; 3. 写诗环节;不好: 遗憾写诗环节: 1. 展示组数少了; 2. 课后没有集中张贴学生作品。,Thank you!,


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