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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me Cry .SeGtian B 3a-Self CheCk、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1. 会听说读写下列词汇:disappoint winning/losing a CamPetitiOn getting good grades On an exam2. 会使用以下句型:(1) I ' d rather go to the BlueOCean ReStaUrant because I like to listen toquiet music while I' m eating .(2) Waiting for her dr

2、ove Tinaangry.(3) He slept badly and didn' t feel like eating.(4) ThiS made the queen and his PeaPIe worried.(5) Neither medicine nor rest Can help him.(6) She Said that the Sad movie made her feel like crying.(7) Why WaS it difficult for the general to find a happy PerSon?(8) What made the Paar

3、 man Sa happy even though he had no power, money or fame ?(9 ) HiS mind would not StaP thinking about What happe ned.(10) HiS StUPid mistake made him angry .(11) WhateVer it was, don ' t be too hard On yourself.能力熟练运用本单元句型进行会话和写作。目标情感培养学生面对困难,遇到困难想方设法积极应对的精神。目标教学重点能熟练掌握本课时的词汇及句型。教学难点make+宾语+形容词教

4、学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课1、听写单词。(1)听写 LoUd music makes me tense.I.复习热身 .感知体验 Sad movies make her Want to leave. Waiti ng for her made me an gry. It WaS so Sad that it made US cry. How do you feel about polluti on? It makes me kind of an gry. It WOrked really well. Many ads are aimed at tee na

5、gers.(2)做题巩固。根据句意以及所给词的首字母完成单词。 You shouldn ' t talk so loudly. The noise is always dme crazy. The doctor asked meto lie down and Started to emy body. I' m going to lose my Wby taking more exercise. Don' t PUSh the door. You should Pit. We' d rgo to the movies tha n Stay at home.答案:

6、driving examine Weight pull rather感知1展示3a,谈论生活中发生的事情给你的感受。体验1学生分组讨论 3a展示的内容。感知2:展示3b的内容。体验2:根据3b的问题提示进行写作。1.处理教材self CheCkI 的内容。PUt the words in the appropriate place in the chart.In .强化巩固POSitiVeNegatiVenervous Unhappycomfortable;n ervous;Un comfortable WOrriedrelaxed ;Un happy;comfortable relaxedh

7、appyUn comfortable;angry awfulawful;IaPPy UneasyUneasy2.处理教材self CheCk2的内容。most辨析Write Senten CeS USing the words give n.答案:(1) Sad movies make me cry.(2) SPeaking in front Of people makes me nervous.(3) Moneyand fame doesn ' t always make you happy.(4) Soft Piano music makes me relaxed.(5) Rain

8、y days make me Stay at home and WatCh TV.3. 处理教材self CheCk3的内容。NUmber the things 1 - 6 (1 = leastimportant,6 =importa nt). Write a reas On for each choice.1 fame 2 power 5 frien dship3 WeaIth 4 health 6 familye.g. Fame is not Very important. It Can make me nervous if too many people follow me around

9、.4. 语言知识点的归纳整理。(1) all/both/either/neither/none辨析all二者或二者以上者E。both两者都,可以和 and搭配。eithe r两者中的任何一个,可以和or搭配。n eith er两者都不,可以和 nor搭配。none二者或二者以上都不,可以和of搭配。(2) wear/have on/ be in /be dressed in /put On/dress sb. Wear后面跟表示衣服或饰物的名词,表示穿着的状态。? He is Weari ng an OVerCoat today . have On后面跟表示衣服或饰物的名词,表示穿着的状态,不

10、能用于进行时。? She ofte n has On a red coat . be in 后面跟表示衣服的名词,可跟表示颜色的名词,也可同时跟表示衣服和颜色的名词,表示穿着的状态。? She is in White . be dressed in后面跟表示衣服的名词,可跟表示颜色的名词,也可同时跟表示衣服和颜色的名词,表示穿着的状态。? She is dressed in a new Skirt . PUt On后面跟表示衣服或饰物的名词,表示穿着的动作。? He PUt On his coat and went out . dress sb.给某人穿越衣服,表示动作。? MUm is dr

11、ess ing her Son .写一篇记叙文。说明事件的时间、背景、起因、过程及结果,人称应是第一人称,时态应是过去时。例如:An experience that made me Very happy WaS Winning the n ati On-Wide En glish SPeeCh COmPetitiO n IaSt year.At first, I didn ' t know What to Write for my speech, but after talking to my teacher and reading some books, I had some ide

12、as and Started Writ ing. Then I PraCtiCed my SPeeCh many times.On the day of the COmPetiti on, I SaW many people there. ThiSmade me feel Very n ervous. I Started to worry that I would forgetIV .实践应用myspeech. Then I remembered What myteacher told me-close myeyes and take deep breaths.I did that and i

13、t made me feel much better. Whe n my tur n came, Igave myspeech With Confidence.I Waited anxiously for the results,and When I heard that I WaS the first PriZe Winner, I jumped UP and dow n in joy.ThiS experie nce taught me that being well-prepared is Very importa nt. It helps to read a lot, and also

14、 to ask people around you for advice. Most importa ntly, have Con fide nce in yourself!V .总结反馈1. 结合板书和课件,让学生盘点所学词汇和重要句型。词 7匚:disappointWinning/losinga ComPetitiOngettinggoodgrades On an exam句型:(1) I ' d rather go to theBlue OCean ReStaUrant because I liketo listen to quiet music while I' m e

15、ating .(2) Waiting for her drove Tinaangry.(3) He slept badly and didn' t feel like eating.(4) ThiS made the queen and his people worried.(5) Neither medicine nor rest Can help him.(6) She Said that the Sad movie made her feel like crying.(7) Why WaS it difficultfor the general to find a happy P

16、erSon?(8) What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame ?(9 ) HiS mind would not stop thinking about What happe ned.(10 ) HiS StUPid mistake made him angry .(11) WhateVer it was, don ' t be too hard On yourself .2. 当堂练习。(1) The Cake looks good, but When I eat it, itV

17、ery terrible.A. smellsB. SoUndSC. looksD. tastes(2) I ' d ratherto the MCDonald' S ReStaUrant because Ilike to liste n to quiet music.A. to goB. goingC. goD. Went(3) The roof of the house is broke n. It Cannotthe rain.A. keep awayB. keep fromC. keep offD. keep out(4 ) WeCry after We SaW the

18、Sad movie.A. are madeB. makeC. Were madeD. Were made to答案:(1) D ( 2) C (3) D (4) DW.作业f- t布置1. ReVieW the Ianguage PointS you have learnt in this Unit through talk ing about how things affect you With your Part ner.2. Remember the words in this Un it.三、【板书设计】Unit 11 Sad movies make me Cry .SeCtion B

19、 3a-Self CheCk(1) I ' d rather go to the Blue OCean ReStaUrant because I like to listen to quiet music while I ' m eating .(2) Waiting for her drove Tinaangry.(3) He slept badly and didn ' t feel like eating.(4) ThiS made the queen and his people worried.(5) Neither medicine nor rest Can help him.(6) She Said that the Sad movie made her feel like crying.(7) Why WaS it difficult for the general to find a happy PerSon?四、【教学反思】


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