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1、北京版小学五年级英语下册(一年级起点)知识点梳理教材共 8 个单元( 6 个学习单元, 2 个复习单元) :Unit one What are you doing? (第一单元你正在做什么事?)单元目标: 1. 能够询问、回答或表述自己或他人正在做的事情并发表简单的看法。2. 能听懂、认读本单元以现在分词的形式呈现的 12 个动词及动词短语,并能在相应情景 中运用。 3. 能根据字母qu 在单词中发音为 /kw/ (类似发音“扩” )的规律拼读单词。4. 能理解Listen and say的对话内容,并能朗读对话。5. 能读懂Now I can read板块中转述主课文的语段,并尝试复述。Un

2、it two What do flowers do? (第二单元花是能做什么?)单元目标: 1. 能听懂、指认并说出植物各部分名称以及它们的作用的词汇,能在情景中运用。6. 能听懂、表达植物各部分的作业及做不同事物所需条件的功能句型: What do . flowers do? They What do . need to .? They need 7. 能听懂、理解并朗读对话。8. 能够体会辅音字母 r 及与 r 组合的字母在单词中的发音,并根据规律尝试拼读单词。9. 能够读懂Now I can read转述课文的小语篇,并尝试复述。Unit three How do seeds trave

3、l ? (第三单元 种子如何传播? )单元目标: 1. 围绕有关植物的相关知识进行交流,如简单介绍树的作用、种子的传播等。2. 能听懂、会说、认读 get fruits from trees, make paper caps, potatoes, in wate等词汇或词 组,并能在相应的情景中应用。3. 能用 How do . travel? 就出行方式进行询问, 并用 some., and others.句型结构表达不.同的人会有不同的方式。4. 能感知字母s在单词中的不同发音/s/,/z/,并能够拼读单词,朗读句子。5. 能够借助插图理解对话内容,并能正确朗读对话。6. 能读懂转述课文的

4、语段,并尝试复述。Unit four Revision (第四单元复习单元)单元目标: 1. 将一至三单元的知识点进行复习和操练。2. 能够结合自身实际,写一写周末活动、日常交通、日常饮食等。Unit five Who s that baby boy? (第五单元那个男婴是谁?)单元目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说关于询问对方家人情况的交际用语,并能在情景中进行交流。3. 能够理解并运用比较级结构 . years older than .来介绍家人年龄。4. 能够听懂、认读nephew, cousins 等表示家庭成员的词汇,以及家庭成员日常交流活动的动词词组,并能在情景中运用。5. 能够根据字母

5、t 在单词中发音为/t/ 的规律认读单词。6. 能朗读对话,读懂转述主课文的语段,并尝试复述。Unit six What will you do in the future?单元目标: 1. 能运用一般将来时与他人谈论未来将要从事何种职业。2 .能听懂、指认并读出表达职业的单词professor, pilot, artist, barber等有关单词,并能在相应的情景中运用。3 .能理解本单元对话内容,流利地朗读,表演或复述对话。4 .能准确认读辅音字母v在单词中的发音/v/并根据发音规律拼读单词。 Unit seven Are you going away for the holiday?单

6、元目标:1.能够围绕旅行话题就乘坐某种交通工具所花费的事件进行交流。2 .能够介绍或与他人谈论某人城市以什么著称。3 .能够为友人制订简单合理的旅行安排。4 .能听懂、认读交通工具类词汇bullet, train;形容词比较级词汇faster, easier, morecomfortable;娱乐场所类词7匚 sandy beachl。5 .能根据字母w,字母组合ow, aw在单词中发音的规律拼读单词。6 .能复述对话,读懂转述主课文的语段。Unit eight Revision?单元目标:1.将五至七单元的知识点进行复习和操练。7 .能够读懂列车/航班时刻表,并运用语言进行描述。8 .能够读

7、懂人物介绍的阅读材料,并找到相关信息。各单元重点知识点Unit单元Function功能Language and structure 语百点、句型Key vocabulary 重点词汇Letters and sounds语音词Unit oneTalking about things that we are doing-What are you doing?-I am practicing my English.-Whis Mike / he / she doing?-He / She is watching a basketball game.-What are they doing?-They

8、 are putting candles on the cake.practicing my English, chatting with my friends, drawing a piciture, doing crafts watching a basketball game, playing the piano, making models, practicing Kung Fuputiing candles on the cake, dancing, fishing, playing hide-and-seekQ: quiet, quarts, queen, square, eart

9、hquakeUnit twoTalking about plants-What's the English for the different parts of a plant?-They are the roots, the stem, the leaves, the flowers, and the seeds.-What do flowers do?-They make seeds.-What do leaves need to make food?the roots, the leaves, the seed, the stem, the flowers, computer,

10、the screen, the keyboard, the mouse, clock, the face, the long hand, the short handR: rain, borrow, arm, mother.They need sunlight, air, and water.trunks, makes seeds, grow up to be plants and trees, hold the trees above the groundmake food, sunlight, air, water, cook the dinner, potatoes, tomatoes,

11、 eggs, hold the party, candies, drinks, toysUnit threeTalking about plants-How can we make use of trees?-We can get fruits from trees.-Can you give me an example of the food?-For example, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, and carrots.-How do seeds travel?-Some seeds travel in water, and others

12、travel with people and anmals.trees, ge fruits from trees, the newspaper, make paper caps, the old jacket, make a bag the food, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peanuts, cabbages, sweetfruits, peaches, apples, watermelons fast food, hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches in water, with people and nimals, with

13、 wind, with birdS: sad, visit, lesson, vaseUnit four.Review ofUnit 1-3Unit fiveTalking about families and relatives-He is eighteen years older than I am.-Who's the baby boy?-He's Jack, my nephew.-How often do you see your cousins?-Every Christmas.18years, 6 years, 29 yearsthat baby boy, my n

14、ephew, that old lady, my neighbour, this little girl,Lingling 's cousin,T: table, train, story, aboutthat man, one of Mike's uncles see your cousins, Christmas, visit your grandparents, summer, have chess lessons, FridayUnit sixTalking about jobs-What will you be in the futrre?-I will be a p

15、ilot.-Will you be a footballer in the future?-I hope so.-Do you enjoy making things?-Yes, I do. I want to be an engineer.A pilot, a dentist, an artist, a barber, a footballer, a basketball player, an engineer An engineer, making things, a tailor, making clothes, a writer, writing stories, a pianist,

16、 playing pianoV: vacation, eleven, caveUnit sevenTalking about travelling-How long does it take to get to New York?-I takes mor than ten hours by plane.-Why don't you take the plane to Shanghai? It's faster.-I enjoy travelling by train.-What is Sanya famous for?-It's famous for its sandy

17、 beaches.Your school, 20 minutes, Xi 'an, 5 hours, Tianjin, 2 hours, New York, 10 hours plane to Shanghai, faster, travelling by train, taxi to the airport, more comfortable, tatking the subway, bus to the library, easier, walking Sany, sandy beaches, Beijing, museums, Kunming, flowers, Suzhou, gardens leaveW: water, sweater, brown, borrowUnit eightReview ofUnit 5- 7 4


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