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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 People on the move板块:Grammar and usage作 者:陈敏玥Thoughts on the design:本单元语法板块的主要内容是帮助学生了解段落的组成部分,并且能够在实际写作过程中按照“总起分述总结 ”的模式组织文章,提高学生的写作水平。Teaching aims:1. Get to know the elements of a paragraph.2. Do some exercises to consolidate the different eleme

2、nts of a paragraph.3. Ask students to write a paragraph to practise writing.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-inThe teacher begins the lesson by asking students to put the following sentences in the correct order to form a well-developed paragraph on page 108 and ask students to divide the paragraph

3、into three parts.a. Another way to improve your listening comprehension is to watch English news programs on TV or to listen to English-language radio programs.b. Besides focusing on listening and writing skills, you should also take every opportunity to speak English in and after class.c. I have be

4、en doing all these things, so I have made great progress in learning English.d. Today, I would like to tell you about different ways to study English.e. Secondly, you might want to watch English-language films, as these can help you learn some useful words and expressions, and they make practicing E

5、nglish listening a lot more interesting.f. Thirdly, you should work on your English writing by doing something like keeping a diary in English or writing to an English-speaking pen friend.g. Firstly, you should be sure to read something in English every day.h. For example, you can read articles in a

6、n English newspaper like China Daily.i. In this way, you can use English every day and improve your fluency.j. However, if newspapers do not interest you, you may choose a novel that appeals to you and read one or two pages every day. Keys: d, g, h, j, e, a, f, b, i, cDivide the paragraph into three

7、 parts.Part 1dPart 2gbPart 3ic【设计说明】通过排序和分段练习,让学生对于段落的各个组成部分有一个形象直观的认识,为后面的介绍做好铺垫。Step 2 The elements of a paragraphTopic sentenceSupporting sentencesConcluding sentence【设计说明】在导入部分练习的基础上,让学生自然认识段落的三大组成部分。Step 3 Introduction to the three partsTopic sentence:1. Each paragraph should have a point. The

8、topic sentence clearly states what information the paragraph will give.2. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph.(e. g. Young adults give many reasons for moving to cities. Today, I would like to tell you different ways to study English.)Notes:1. Not all paragraphs have a to

9、pic sentence. Sometimes, a paragraph continues a topic introduced in the previous paragraph.2. In the first paragraph of an essay, a story or an article, the topic sentence may follow a hook.(e.g. Older Americans are on the move. The questions, is, though, why are so many people retiring and spendin

10、g their pensions in Florida?)Supporting sentences:1. follow the topic sentencehelp explain or prove the topic sentence2. We use transitions to link each sentences to the previous or following ones. (1. for example, for instance 2. furthermore, also借:资产减值损失 500 3. first(ly), second(ly), third(ly) 4.o

11、n the other hand, however )1DIC时血液凝固功能异常表现为Concluding sentence:贷:利润分配未分配利润 452.71. appear at the end of a paragraph2. repeat the topic in a new way3. express a final idea about the topic or to help introduce the topic of the next paragraph(5)甲公司20 X 4年度合并利润表中包括的其他综合收益涉及事项如下:(e.g. Across the USA, peo

12、ple are noticing the same thing: young people want to live in cities.)【设计说明】通过阅读课本和举例的方式,让学生对段落的三大组成部分有更深刻的理解和认识。(4)因处置子公司收到现金350万元,处置时该子公司现金余额为500万元;Step 4 ConsolidationAsk students to do exercise A and B on page 25 and check answers.【设计说明】通过练习,巩固本课所学内容。C收到政府追加的投资应确认为递延收益并分期计入损益借:固定资产 1500Step 5 HomeworkA首先治疗DIC,然后处理原发病Write an article with the title “What is success”.1.2. B失血性贫血 E再生障碍性贫血 in 150 words;3.4. C18734万元 pay attention to the elements in the paragraph.【设计说明】通过作业巩固所学知识,练习写作。


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