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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 Laughter is good for you板块:Task 作 者:刘 青Thoughts on the design: 本节课是Task板块的第一课时,围绕这一板块的任务给一位外国友人写一封关于相声的Email来收集相关的信息。本课对教材做了一定的整合和调整。以有关于相声的8个问题为教学线索,课堂上的所有环节都紧紧围绕这8个问题展开,有助于学生有兴趣有针对性的通过听、说、读来获取有关信息,完成任务。Teaching aims:After this class, the students w

2、ill be able to 1. get necessary information about crosstalk in English via listening, reading and discussion2. know more about the similarities and differences between the western stand-up and Chinese crosstalk.3. be more aware of protecting our traditional culture.Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead i

3、n (PPT4)Tell the Ss one of the best ways to learn English well is to communicate with others. Then introduce a foreigner (if you have a foreign friend, you can introduce him to the class, which will increase the Ss interest. If not, just suppose there is a foreign friend Bill.) to the Ss and tell th

4、e Ss: “Bill is interested in Chinese culture. Recently he is interested in Chinese crosstalk and asks me a lot of questions about it. In addition, he asked me to email the answers to him.” ( Show the Ss 8 questions about crosstalk)Questions about crosstalk1. What is crosstalk?2. When did it start?3.

5、 What different parts does a crosstalk performance contain?4. Where can you see or hear it?5. Could you name some famous performances (both living and dead) and give some detailed information about them?6. Could you give some information about famous foreign performers?7. What should you do if you w

6、ant to learn it?8. What are the similarities and differences between the western stand-up and Chinese crosstalk?Ask the Ss to go through the questions and see if there is one or two questions that they already have the answers. Explanation由外国朋友直接导入,明确课堂任务写一封有关中国相声的Email。提出8个问题引发学生思考,当学生发现自己的信息不足时,他们

7、很自然产生获取信息的动力,这时候在带领学生进入活动,学生会在主动、兴奋的状态下参与课堂,效果更好。Step 2 Listening(PPT5-12)1. Since the Ss can only answer one or at most two questions, we need help. Ask the Ss to listen to the talk show to get some information.(Page 11) Play the tape for the Ss, and then allow them some time to compare notes with

8、their partners to see if they have the same idea. Then ask the Ss if they need to listen to it again. If they need, listen to it again. If not, check the answers. (PPT6-7)2. After checking the answers, ask the Ss to go back to the questions and see if there are any questions that can be answered. It

9、 will be easy now for the Ss to find the answers to question No. 1, 3, 4. (PPT8-10)Ask the Ss about question No. 2. The answer doesnt lie in the notes on Page 11, but they can get some hints from the listening material. Some Ss can get the word “Qing Dynasty”. Since the Ss can not get all the necess

10、ary information, give the Ss some key words and ask them to make up sentences about the history of crosstalk. The key words are: “Qing Dynasty, 150 years, the first crosstalk performer, Zhu Shaowen, Beijing”, then we can get “Crosstalk began in Beijing during the Qing Dynasty, over 150 years ago. Th

11、e first crosstalk performer is called Zhu Shaowen and he started such a comedy form in Beijing.” (PPT11)3. Ask the Ss if there is any other question that can be answered. That will be question No. 7. It is not difficult for the SsThey must understand the Chinese language and Chinese culture to enjoy

12、 crosstalk. (PPT12)Explanation听力不是很简单,教师可以根据课堂上学生的具体反应来确定听1遍还是2遍。问题2在听力中有所体现但是在课本第11页上的Notes又没有体现,而相声的历史应该对于介绍相声来说是比较重要的,因此可以在听力的基础上,给出关键词,让学生根据听到的点滴和已有的知识将关键词连成句子就可以来介绍相声的简单历史了。问题7在notes里有所涉及,而且正好做下一个步骤的衔接。在听力过后学生发现可以解决一部分问题,此时的热情会高涨,将他们引导到下一环节,在任务驱动下去继续他们的信息收集。Step III Reading(PPT13-15)The teacher

13、 may say to the Ss: “So if you want to learn crosstalk, you have to learn the language, but if you want to become a crosstalk comedian, is it enough to learn the Chinese language? What else do you need to do if you want to become a crosstalk performer?” 1. Ask the Ss to read the passage on Page 11.

14、Ask the Ss to find the three stages to become a crosstalk performer. (PPT15)(1) Have an interest in it;(2) Listen to and copy the traditional pieces of crosstalk;(3) Create crosstalk dialogues in pairs.From the three stages, we can conclude that besides language we also need “interest”, “practice/ha

15、rd work” and “creativity”.(Ask the Ss to summarize it )2. Ask the Ss to go back to the questions and see if there is any more questions that can be answered.(PPT13-14) The Ss will find that question No. 5 and 6 can be answered. After each question, allow the Ss a chance to enjoy a short video about

16、foreign performers and Ma Sanli. After the Ss enjoyed the crosstalk by Ma Sanli. Give them some information about Ma Sanli: “Ma Sanli was born in 1914 and started to perform crosstalk in 1930, at the age of 16. Actually he was from a famous crosstalk family. He talked about small things happening in

17、 our daily life, so he was very popular among common people.” (The teacher can choose another performer according to his/her own interest.)Ask the Ss about their favorite crosstalk performer. Usually the Ss can only name their favorite comedian, so ask the Ss to collect information about their favor

18、ite performers and add the information to the email.3. After question 6, the teacher can show the Ss a video of the foreign performers to add to the interest.(It depends.) Explanation这一部分的阅读文章本身趣味性并不高,通过第一个问题和前一个环节的紧密衔接和整堂课的8个问题的任务驱动,学生会产生阅读的欲望,而且很有目标的去寻找信息。其中给出马三立的有关介绍作为教师给学生的一个示范,降低学生的任务难度,并且让学生的“

19、做”有所依据和参照。考虑到学生对相声了解的并不多,把这一部分的任务分解到课后,体现出课堂的延伸性和灵活性。增加视频可以让学生更直观和形象的体会相声艺术。到现在为止,8个问题已有7个得到解决,只剩下问题8了,这时,让学生去进行下一个活动寻找答案顺理成章,学生很容易接受。Step IV Discussion (PPT16-17)Tell the Ss: “Now we have only question No. 8 left, and we cannot get any information from the listening and reading. Fortunately, we tal

20、ked about “stand-up” in the reading part of this unit, and we have talked a lot about crosstalk today, so now it is your turn to come up with something about this question.”1. Allow the Ss around 5 minutes to discuss in groups of four and then collect their opinions. (During this part, the teacher s

21、hould give some help according to the Ss reaction.)Similarities: (1) The comedians are right in front of the audience, and communicate with the audience and amuse the audience;资本公积其他资本公积(股份转换权)540万元 (2) The comedians will use different skills to makes jokes;资本公积股本溢价 1500 (3) The comedians try to rev

22、eal something about life更正分录:Differences: (1)Stand-up- Only involves one comedian; CrosstalkInvolves one, two, three or more people; (2) Stand-up-Involves more improvising; Crosstalkis more fixed.B620万元(The similarity like “they are both comedies and about telling jokes” and the difference like “the

23、 languages are different, one is in English, the other is in Chinese” are obvious, and can be dealt with orally.)ExplanationC经营活动现金流入320万元 这一部分把Task和Reading的内容有机的结合起来,让学生学有所用,学以致用。以口头讨论的形式让学生自由交流,摆脱了读和听的局限性,充分激活学生的思维。小组活动的形式充分利用了学生之间的能力差和信息差,有助于学生的合作学习。【答案】:CDEStep V Conclusion (PPT18)A600万元Back to

24、the 8 questions, and encourage the Ss the think positively that they have get much information about crosstalk. Say to them: “Dont you feel surprised that you, as Chinese, dont know much about our traditional form of culture? It is true that it is less and less popular nowadays. So we are losing our

25、 culture. Do you think it is a good way if we write emails to foreigners and introduce our culture to them. Actually, besides crosstalk, we have many other forms of traditional culture, such as Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, and Chinese musical instruments. So as Chinese, as students, we sho

26、uld Respect our cultureTreasure our cultureSpread our cultureDevelop our cultureWill you?Explanation借:以前年度损益调整营业成本 800最后的总结给学生做一个提醒,促进他们增强保护和传播中国传统文化的意识,也让写这一封Email显得更有必要。理由:甲公司确认的主营业务收入应该只是相对于总的销售收入70%的部分,另外的30%的部分应作为戊公司的销售收入。Step VI Homework (PPT19)1. Write down all the answers in complete sentences;2.3. 24DIC晚期时高度纤溶亢进使D-二聚体含量降低的原因是Collect information about your favorite crosstalk performer.Explanation课后作业的设置主要是让学生整理课堂所获取的信息为下节课做好铺垫。


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