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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块6)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 What is happiness to you?板块:Welcome & Reading作 者:赵燕Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以说、读为主的阅读教学课。利用Welcome to the unit 中的话题导入,让学生有充足的机会谈论对快乐的理解,激发他们对本课主题的兴趣,从而为阅读作好准备。在导入过程中教师应精心创设情景,可采用pair work或group work 的方式,激励学生参与课堂。在阅读过程中,学生将接触到一篇有关快乐的电视访谈,以此来升华他们对快乐

2、的理解。同时,掌握对访谈类文章的阅读策略。Teaching aims:After learning this period, the students will be able to:1. describe their own understanding of happiness;2. talk about the gymnast Sang Lan;3. describe feelings and emotions;4. learn some new words and phrases and language points.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead in

3、 (PPT1-12)1. Listen to a song to create a happy atmosphere.2. Show some pictures about different peoples opinion on happiness and ask the students to talk about them in pairs or groups.3. Show a picture of Sang Lan and ask the students to guess her happiness.Explanation这个环节旨在激发学生的注意力和参与课堂的积极性。整堂课以一首

4、欢乐的歌开始,奠定欢快的气氛,然后呈现一系列图片,引导学生谈论相关主题。然后,用桑兰的图片引起他们对本课的阅读欲望。Step 2 Scanning and Reading Strategy (PPT13-14)1. Ask students to identify the genre of the article and introduce the elements of a TV interview.2. Scan the text and find out the .main elements.计算的个人所得税X1300 Y=(1300-800)*5%+(X-1300)*10%Step 3

5、 Skimming (PPT15-16)(2)Read the passage more carefully to find out some details about Sang Lan.Explanation本课的阅读策略是了解访谈类文章的结构,首先教师介绍,然后通过寻找访谈类文章的要素,对课文有大体的了解。其次,通过寻读,完成对重要信息的填空,理解桑兰对快乐的寻找方式。通过这两个步骤,对文章的结构和细节都有完整的理解。C.高层决策者使用的系统D.中层决策者使用的系统Step 4 Post-reading activities (PPT17-19)1.2. A凝血酶原 D因子Use som

6、e adjectives to describe the characters of Sang Lan, and use the contents in the text as evidence.3. What does the example of Sang Lan show us? 4. How can we search for happiness even in difficult times?C血液凝固性先增高后降低Step 5 Further discussion (PPT20)22关于DIC的治疗,下列哪一项治疗原则是正确的?Suppose one day, you became

7、 disabled, how would you go on living?甲公司对投资性房地产采用公允价值模式进行后续计量。204年12月31日,该办公楼的公允价值为2 200万元。Explanation借:资产减值损失 500在理解课文整体和细节的前提下, 可以利用这个活动来促进学生对阅读材料的信息再加工, 提高思维能力, 并在思想上得到进一步的升华.Step 6 Supplementary reading (PPT21)Appreciate a little poem about happiness to extend their understanding of happiness.答

8、案 凝血酶使纤维蛋白原降解成纤维蛋白单体,而纤溶酶使纤维蛋白(原)降解成FDP,纤维蛋白单体和FDP中的早期X片段可与纤维蛋白原及其降解产物和纤维蛋白晚期降解产物结合成可溶性复合物。副凝试验利用鱼精蛋白使上述可溶性复合物中的纤维蛋白单体和FDP中与X片段解离,然后纤维蛋白单体和FDP又各自聚合成肉眼可见的凝胶状物析出,这种不经凝血酶的作用而引起的凝集反应称副凝反应。Step 7 Homework (PPT22)其他综合收益=600(1-25%)=450(万元)。Write a little poem on happiness.Explanation在本课中, 学生通过自由对话和阅读, 对快乐的含义有了一定的理解, 但是快乐还有很多其他的方式, 这首小诗可以唤起他们对童年的回忆, 由此激发表达内心想法的欲望。


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