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1、Module 2 Developing and developed country1.Measure n. "尺寸"、"措施"、"办法"、"手段" v 测量 "、"量度"1) make sth.to sb.'s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物。Mr.Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes to his own measure.2) take sb.'s measure 或 take the measure of

2、 sb. 给某人量尺寸; take the measure of sth. 给 某 物 量 尺 寸 。 The tailor took my measure for anew suit. Miss Green took the measure of the desk for me.3) made to measure 定做的,按照尺寸做的。 Here are clothes made to measure.4) by measure 按尺寸We make all kinds of clothes by measure, including evening dresses and jeans.5

3、) take measures 采取措施At the same time they are taking strong measures to protect wildlife resources.6) 测量,给量尺寸。Did you measure the distance between those two development areas ?7) 有时 measure 可用作不及物动词。例如: Mrs.Smith picked up a ruler and measured carefully.8) 量尺寸、面积,与表示数量的词(短语 )连用,其主语是表示物的名词。This room

4、measures ten metres across.9) 估量,衡量。 One should measure oneself by a high standard.measure up to 符合(期望);达到 (标准)10) measure sb for sth 给某人量体裁衣 She is being measured for her wedding dresses.11) measure sth by sth用衡量 Education shouldn' t be measured purely by theexamination results.2. position n 地点

5、,位置,所在地;姿势,姿态;地位;位次;立场,处境;职位(1)in a .position 处于的地位 /处境 in/out of position 在/不在适当的位置 be in a position to do sth.(因有能力、金钱或权力而 ) 能做某事1. take up (one ' s) position 就位 lose one ' s position 失业state/situation/condition/position(1) state 多指身体、心理状况;也可以表示物质存在的状态。(2) situation既可以表示政治上的形势、局面,也可以表示人或公司

6、等的状况。(3) condition表示条件; 当表示周围的环境时常用复数 conditions ; 也可以指主语的 “状态,状况”,常用于 in good/bad condition 等短语中。(4)position 指影响自己行为能力的形势、处境;也可以表示职位、位置、地点等。E.g.I love games,and I used to play forward in the school basketball team.A.roleB.placeC.positionD.location3.Figure n 数字;图形;人物;身材; v. 计算;认为,以为 keep one ' s

7、 figure 保持优美的身材 figure out 想出,理解;弄明白,看透 figure sth.in 将某物考虑 / 计算在内 figure on sth./sb. 依赖,指望做付出的努力 尽一切努力 尽力做某事4. Effort put effort into在上努力 effort(s) to do.through one ' s effort 通过某人的努力 make every effort spare no effort 不遗余力 make an effort to do/at sth.5. Up to1. “多达”。 I can take up to four peop

8、le in my car.2. “不多于,不迟于”。 Read up to page 109.3. “可与某事物相比,比得上”。: As a doctor , he is not up to Mr. Smith.4. “有某种能力的,能胜任的”。例如: He's not up to the part of Othello.5. “从事于,忙于”。 What's he up to ?6. "由决定,由负责”。It's up to you whether we accept the present or not.7. “(时间)直到”。 Up to now he&

9、#39;s been quiet.8. 后面接表示时间、 日期的名词时, 意为 “跟得上形势, 时髦” 。 Most of her clothes are up to date.9. 后面接表示刻度、标准的词语时,意为"达到某种要求或水平”ols their spoken Englishup to the company's standard ?6. whatever 和 no matter what 的区别o whatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whatever引导让步状语从句时,可以换成 no matter what; 引导名词性从句时,相当于 an

10、ything that, 不能用 no matter what 替代,因为 no matter what 只能用来引导让步状语从句。7. be sure 意为“肯定;确定” , be sure 后可跟不定式或“疑问词 +不定式”,构成 be sure to do , be not sure whether to do 结构,要注意“疑问词 +不定式”一般用在否定句中。be sure 后还可跟从句,肯定句后跟 that 从句,否定句后跟 if /whether 从句。由于 be 是 系动词,形容词作标语的时候通常强调状态,因此,be sure 一般强调“对某事物的确定或确信”make sure 表示“务必” ,“确信”,“弄明白”,后面常接 of/about sth. 或 that 引导的宾语 从句。make sure后通常不接不定式。因为 make本身是使令性动词,所以, make sure本身 就具有“使某事情确定,或使某事一定发生”的含义。


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