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1、【素材】Unit 3 A taste of English humoii司组例析1 bump into 偶遇,碰见I bumped into an old friend in town today. 我今天在城里偶然遇到一位老朋友。2 worse off 境况更差I went to his home and found his living conditions were worse off than mine. 我到他家一看,发现他的生话状况比我的还差。better off 境况较好的3. set in插入 Set in a sleeve of a dres缝上衣服的袖子。开始(开始发生或出

2、现)Eve ning was sett ing in whe n I got to the village.当我抵达村庄里夜幕降临。 拓展 set about 开始做,着手处理set down 放下,搁下,记下,写下set off 出发,启程set on攻击,袭击,使追赶set up建立(事业),成立(组织)4. in search of 寻找They are in search of the lost boy in the forest.他们在森林里寻找丢失的小男孩。 拓展 search for 搜寻search someplace for sth. 搜寻某地寻找某物in case of 一

3、旦,万一in charge of负责in favour of需要in time of在时候in place of 代替5. pick out 挑选,选出,分辨 They picked out the best piece of silk.他们挑出一匹最 好的丝绸。He picked out his cousins from the crowd. 他从人群中认出他的堂兄弟。6. cut off分离,隔离When the city was cut off, we knew that our defeat was certa in 当城市被包围时,我们知道 失败已成定局。 突然停止,中断 They

4、cut off our food supply.他们中断了我们食物供应。 中断,打断 The telephone operator cut us off.电话接线员把我们的线路切断了。 拓展 cut aross 走近路,取捷径。cut in插嘴cut out剪除,切割,割掉cut down 砍倒,砍掉cut up切碎7. knock into 撞上,偶遇I kno cked into one of my classmates in the street我 在街上遇至 U了我的一位同学。He kno cked into a man sta nding there.他撞至 U了站在那里的人身上。拓

5、展 knock out of 从中敲出kn ock off将撞下来knock over 撞翻knock against 撞击knock at/on敲门 /窗8. break down 失败,崩溃,垮 We must break down the old customs.我们必须破除 旧风俗。Her health broke dow n un der the pressure of work.工作的压力把他身体弄垮了。 停止运转,失效,失灵The teleph one system has broke n dow n 电话系统失灵了。We (our car ) broke down on the

6、 motorway. 我们(的汽车)在高速公路上抛锚了。放弃抵抗,屈服 He broken down and bought a new car他不再坚持,买一辆新的 小轿车。 从化学上分解 Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。拓展 break away break into break off break out挣脱破门而入折断(树枝),停止(工作),中断关系(火灾、战争 )突然发生break through 突破,有重要创见,穿越break up解散 ,(关系)破裂,击碎,打碎9. tur n into (c

7、ha nge in to) 变成He has turned into a nice boy after all. 他最终变成了一个不错的孩子。 At last he turned into a college stude nt.他最终成了一名大学生。拓展turn away解雇,把打发走turn down 拒绝,降低,减弱,高低turn in交还,上交turn off关闭turn on 打开turn out证实,发觉是turn to向求助turn up找到,发现,出现10. better off 境况较好的His living condition is better off than mine.

8、 他的生活条件要比我好的多。11. do well in 在做得很好 He did very well in his assig nment.他功课学得很好。His sister did well in math , while he did n'.他姐姐数学学得很好,而他却不然。 拓展 as well 另外, 也 just as well 不要紧 may well 还是的好12. be angry about 因某事而生气He was angry about her careless ness他对她的粗心大意感到很生气。拓展 be an gry to因而生气be angry at 因

9、某事而生气be angry with 对发怒She is angry with me. 她对我很生气。He was an gry at her an swer.他对她的答复很生气。13 in the open air 在户外,露天They had a party in the open air .他们在户外举行了一场晚会。The poor had to stay in the ope n air in the eve ning 穷人在晚上不得不住在户外。 拓展in the air 广泛的,流传的up in the air 未决定,未确定 on/off the air 广播/停播14 think

10、 of考虑,思考We are thinking of going to France. 我们在考虑到法国去。I think of it as impossible. 我以为这是不可能的。拓展not think much of 看轻think better of think highly of think well of看重某人,对某人印象好看重,器重重视看轻,看不起 轻视,认为无所谓 改变方向think little of think nothing of15 bring about 产生,引起,Science has brought about many changes in our life . 科学给我们的生活带来了许多变化If the wind changes ,you have to bring the boat about. 风向若改变,你也应该改变 航向。bring back bring in bring out bring to bring up带回来,使恢复(记忆,健康)提出,引进,收庄稼出版,阐明,使显现 使恢复知觉 教育,培养,使成长,呕吐


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