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1、Module 5 DecisionsUNIT 1 Its big and light.学习任务Its big and light.Its got two pockets功能描述事物的特征运用任务1.SB第一单元活动32、创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。教学程序Step1 Warming up(热身复习)1、Sing a song2、Show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.Stept2. Leading and new words(导入和新单词)Today were going to learn how

2、to describe something use big, small, tall, short, fat, thin and so on. Take out your bag .Whose bag is big? (Students answer)Whose bag is heavy? Whose bag is light? Whose bag is broken? Whose bag has pockets? In this way, show the new words. Have the students understand and remember them. At last,

3、try to make sentences with these words.Step3. Text teaching(课文教学)Open the book and listen to the tape recorder , listen again and repeat, (show ppt= power point) look at the screen and read the questions:(1).What does Lingling need?(2).Where are Lingling and Ms Smart?(3).Whats the black bag like?(4)

4、.Whats the green bag like?(5).Which bag has got pockets?(6).Which bag has got wheels?(7).Which bag does Lingling like?(8).Which bag does Ms. Smart like?(9).Which bag did they buy? Read the text for several times then answer the questions. At last give the answers on the screen .Read the text in grou

5、ps, in pairs, one by one, boy and girl. Try to retell.Step4. Practice(练习)1、Show the pictures: elephant, bird, panda dog, tiger, pencils, shoes, kites, bags. Practice to describe the pictures, using the words: fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small, cute, new, old, broken, nice.2.完成运用任务1:SB第一

6、单元活动33、完成运用任务2:创设一个购物情境,用不同的形容词来描述事物的特征。Stept5. Homework(家庭作业)1.画一个你喜欢的包,然后用英语描述它2.Describe animals.3、Games: Draw yourself. (Draw a picture of yourself and try to describe.)板书设计: Module 5 Unit1 Its big and light.P1 porcketP2 brokenP3 heavyP4 lightIts gotIt has练习:为I栏找出正确的答语 IIA I went there in May.B

7、How do you do!C Its cloudy.D Nice to meet you, too.E Of course.F She went to Xinjing.G No, he isnt.D血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验检查血液中FDP-纤维蛋白单体复合物存在H See you.I Thank you.7甲公司因转让乙公司70股权在203年度个别财务报表中应确认的投资收益是( )。J They my counsins.(1)我公司出于长期战略考虑,201年1月1日以l 200万欧元购买了在意大利注册的乙公司发行在外的80股份,计500万股,并自当日起能够控制乙公司的财务和经营政策。为此项合并,

8、我公司另支付相关 审计、法律等费用200万元人民币。乙公司所有客户都位于意大利,以欧元作为主要结算货币,且与当地的银行保持长期良好的合作关系,其借款主要从当地银行 借入。考虑到原管理层的能力、业务熟悉程度等,我公司完成收购交易后,保留了乙公司原管理层的所有成员。6、模型在计算机内存贮形式有、。 I( )1 Who are they ?贷:以前年度损益调整营业成本 600( )2 Is he your grandpa?( )3 How do you do?( )4 What did she do ?( )5 Whats the weather like?要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列第1小题至第2小题。( )6 Can I see your photos?( )7 Here is a card for you.C900万元( )8 Nice to meet you.A凝血因子大量消耗 D微循环障碍( )9 When did you go to Hainan?( )10 See you tomorrow.理由:重组协议签订日与债务重组日不是同一天,因此不能确认债务重组收益。贷:资产减值损失 650万元


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