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1、Module6Unit1It was Damings birthday yesterday. 一、教学目标:知识与技能:Teaching aims and demands:1. Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组 (master)2. Phrases: playing baseball 打棒球 give it to you 把它给你 baseball team 棒球队 looks interesting 看起来有趣 (master)3 Main sentence patterns:1) I bought you this book.2) It looks interesti

2、ng.3) Who gave it to you?4) Simons family gave it to me. (Master)4 Grammar: The form about the past tense.Function: Give and receive the presents. (掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式及关键词,并会使用)过程与方法:单词、课文、过去时的讲解 情感、态度和价值观:学习大明回国时的心情和目的德育目标:送礼物的讲究二、重点:1. Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组 (master)2. Phrases: playing baseball

3、打棒球 give it to you 把它给你 baseball team 棒球队 looks interesting 看起来有趣 (master)3 Main sentence patterns:1) I bought you this book.2) It looks interesting.3) Who gave it to you?4) Simons family gave it to me. (Master)三、难点: Grammar: The form about the past tense.Function:Give and receive the presents.(掌握动词

4、过去时的不同形式及关键词,会使用)四、教具:单词卡片、录音机五、教学过程:(一)导入: Warmer and revisionTalk and write down the words about track and field events. For example: basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, long jump, high jump, morning exercises, swimming, etc.(二)探究新知 Presentation:1 Give the task(布置自学任务)2 Show in class(课

5、堂展示)1) Write the new words on the Bb. (Read and learn together)2) Write down the main sentence patterns you dont know: I bought you this book about America.Its looks interesting.Its for playing baseball.Simons family gave it to me.But you can have this one.(Read together or follow the teacher, then

6、translate)3) Find the words “bought, gave” in the dialogue. Under line the sentences with “bought, gave”.3 Play the tape. Listen and read the text.4Explain the knowledge.(知识讲解)1)动词的过去时构成借:主营业务收入 5 600万元一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:played, watched.特殊的类型主要有如下一些词形的变化,如:ride-rode win-won drink-drank eat-ate is-was go-

7、went see-saw buy-bought give-gave2) 句型:给某人买东西有两种形式:主+bought +宾语 + 物品I bought you this book about China. 主+bought + 物品+ for+宾语购买乙公司股权成本=12008.8=10560(万元)I bought this book about China for you.(三)巩固新知practice (Use cap, book, computer game and bike) 抵销分录:For example: I bought you a book. Thank you. Who

8、 gave it to you? Zhang Wei gave it to me. 答题要点 D-二聚体是纤溶酶分解纤维蛋白的产物。D-二聚体升高说明DIC时继发性纤溶亢进;D-二聚体不变说明原发性纤溶亢进;D-二聚体下降说明高度纤溶亢进,D-二聚体可进一步被分解。To make the same sentences答案 DRead the dialogue in part 1 in roles.Act out the dialogues in roles2004年10-12月折旧额=(3600-3600/10*2+270)/(20*12-2*12-9)*3=2610/207*3=37.83(

9、万元) ConsolidationC作为非正常损失计入营业外支出1. Read about Daming. Use the words in the boxes.贷:未分配利润 64802. Do Exercise 1-4 in Unit 1(四)作业布置Homework:书中第4部分(五)小结summary:用过去时表述已经发生的事10、系统的可靠性一般是用 来描述。六、板书设计 Module6答题要点 DIC的发生机制包括:组织严重破坏,使大量组织因子入血,启动外源性凝血系统,导致DIC的发生发展。血管内皮细胞广泛损伤,激活因子,启动内源性凝血系统;同时激活激肽释放酶,激活纤溶和补体系统,导致DIC。血细胞大量破坏,血小板被激活,导致DIC。胰蛋白酶、蛇毒等促凝物质进入血液,也可导致DIC。Unit1 I bought you this book. Who gave it to you ?And I bought these for my friends.


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