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1、Module8 Unit1 第2课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第八模块第一单元第二课时:Unit 1 3. Listen and say. 4. Practise. Unit 2 5. Listen and say. Then chant.二、教学目标1. 能够熟练运用句型“I like doing.Do you like doing.? I often. Do you often.?”,并能做出相应的回答。2. 能够根据同学们的回答完成调查,并能复述。三、教学重难点(一)重点:1. 能够熟练运用句型 “Do you often.? Do you like doing.?”,并能

2、做出相应的回答。2. 复习like doing。(二)难点:1. “Do you.?”句型的问答。2. 学生们通过本节课的学习,增强其综合运用语言的能力。四、教学准备1. 单词卡片(可从优教平台下载“Module8 Unit1单词卡片集”直接使用)。2. 音频(可从优教平台下载使用)。3. PPT课件。五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-upGreetings.T: Hello, boys and girls. What a lovely day! Lets have fun in learning English, OK?Ss: OK!Step 2 Presentation1. Lead i

3、n.T: I like singing songs. Do you like singing songs? S1: Yes, I do.T: How about you?S2: I like reading books.T: Lets pass the sentence “I like.”one by one.S3: I like playing football.S4: I like singing.S5: I like swimming.T: Im making a list of things I like doing. Let s listen and chant 【设计思路】自由交流

4、很好地活跃了气氛,让学生们在轻松的环境下进行英语学习,并且自然导入歌谣,呈现任务。2. 课文教学。(1) Listen and say. Then chantListen to the tape for the first. The second time, read after tape.The third time, let the students chant and do the actions together.(2) Practise.T: Do you like singing songs?S1: Yes, of course.T: I like singing songs, t

5、oo. I often sing songs. Do you sing songs.S2: Not really. I like reading books. I often read books.T: Do you often read books, too?S3: Not very often. I like playing table tennis.T: You can talk about the things with your partner. You get two minutes to prepare.T: Who can try?S1: Do you often help y

6、our mum?S2: Not very often. Do you?S1: Yes, I do.T: Do you like reading picture books?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to see my picture books?Ss: Yes, Id love to.T: Ill show you.(出示自制图画书,逐页投影。复习图片上的短语:watch films, ride a bike, take photos.)T: There are many pictures. Each group chooses a picture and say a ph

7、rase about it. eg:A: I like this picture. Hes/Shes /Theyre speaking English. Do you like speaking English?B: Yes, of course. Do you often speak English?A: Not very often.T: Who wants to show? Oh, Group 1, please. (Show Picture 1). S1: Watch films.S2: Do you like watching films?S3: Yes. I do. Do you

8、often watch films?S4: Not very often.【设计思路】复习强化表示爱好习惯的短语和词组,操练句型。为任务完成作铺垫。Step 3 Consolidation and extensionTask: I can write.T: Look at the screen. There is an e-mail for Sophie. Please complete it in five minutes. OK?From: Liu Xiaomin126. com 题解 凝血酶使纤维蛋白原降解成纤维蛋白单体,而纤溶酶使纤维蛋白(原)降解成FDP,纤维蛋白单体和FDP中的X片

9、段可与纤维蛋白原及其降解产物和纤维蛋白晚期降解产物结合成可溶性复合物。副凝试验利用鱼精蛋白使上述可溶性复合物中的纤维蛋白单体和FDP中与X片段解离,然后纤维蛋白单体又各自聚合成肉眼可见的凝胶状物析出,这种不经凝血酶的作用而引起的凝集反应称副凝反应。To: Sophie sina. com 休克晚期由于微循环衰竭,血液浓缩,血细胞聚集,血液粘滞度增高,血液处于高凝状态;血流变慢,加重酸中毒,易于形成血栓;败血症休克时病原微生物与毒素均可损伤内皮,激活内源性凝血途径;严重的创伤性休克,组织因子入血,可启动外源性凝血系统;异型输血引起溶血,容易诱发DIC。Dear Sophie,My names L

10、iu Xiaomin. I am twelve years old. I like reading and I often read books. I dont like singing and I dont often sing songs.Li Fang is my best friend. She likes drawing and she often draws pictures. But she doesnt like singing, so she doesnt sing songs very often.What do you like doing? I think we can

11、 be friends. 【解析】:Yours, 答案 DLiu Xiaomi 【设计思路】学生运用所学短语描述自己和朋友的爱好,拓展主语是第三人称单数时动词的用法。初步练习写作技能。贷:以前年度损益调整营业成本 600Step 4 HomeworkB凝血因子大量消耗和纤溶活性增强 E血管通透性增高1. Listen to the tape and imitate it2. Write an e-mail to your friend far away. Tell him/her what you and your classmates often do and what you like a

12、nd dislike.B血液凝固性降低 E血液凝固性增高和降低同时发生六、板书设计Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls?Lesson 24、用计算机对大量数据存储有两种方式,即 方式和 方式。New sentences:Do you often.? Not really. /Not very often. /Yes, of course.Do you like? Yes, of course. /No, I dont.答案 在DIC出现的溶血性贫血中, 外周血涂片中出现一些形态特殊的变形红细胞,其外形呈盔甲形、新月形、星形等,统称这些变形的红细胞为裂体细胞。七、回顾总结D150万元本节课主要学习句型“Do you often|.? Do you like.?”,并强化复习了用句型“I like.”谈论自己的爱好,并且学习了一些新单词:film, fast food, picnic.更多资源:http:/


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