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1、Module 8Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan.第一课时【教学目标】:知识与技能:1、Enable the Ss to learn some important words.2、Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence : “Im going to go to ” “Were going to go to”3、Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking . They can make suggestions in life.过程与方法:1、Lear

2、n the words by game method.2、Teach the text with the task-based method.3、Cooperative learning. 情感、态度和价值观:1、Faster the Ss consciousness of good co-operation. 2、Keep the Ss confidence in learning English.【重点】:Make the Ss use the following sentences correctly: “Im going to go to” “Were going to go to”

3、【难点】:The phrases and the important sentenses【教学方法】:讲授1、 game method 2、 task based method 3competition1 4、 cooperative learning【课时安排】:1课时【教学过程】:(一)导入:一、 Greeting:Hello,everyone! How are you ? OK, now lets make warm up, this is just for fun.二、Warm up:I say one, you say two;I say two, you say three;If

4、I say three, you stand up and sit down.Leading in1.Talk about the cities in China .(pp)2.Whats your favourite city ?(二)探究新知:1、Look at the pictures, practice the words about cities.A、Show the pictureB、Point and sayC、Say it quicklyD、Whos missing?2、Look at the pictures, the teacher teach the sentenses:

5、Im going to go to . Let the students repeat the sentenses.( practice the words about cities).3、Teacher do the action and teach: Im going to .Then the students follow the teacher.For example: I do and say :Im going to swim. Then the students repeat:Im going to swim.a.I do and you sayb.I say and you d

6、oc.Say it as quickly as you can.4、 Look at the pictures and practice.(三)巩固新知:1、Listen to the tape:a.Listen and point, then answer the questions the teacher ask. b.Listen and repeat.c.Read together.d.Group play.2.Explain the text. Ss follow me for two times. The teacher will explain the words ,phrase

7、s, sentences.Show the key points on the blackboard.因增持对子公司的股权增加资本公积3 200万元;3.The teacher asks the Ss to read the text then act it.The teacher can correct the students mistakes .Then Ss can find the interest of learning.三、简答题4、Practice: Make a survey. A肾上腺急性缺血坏死 D肾上腺血管栓塞5、Game: C.对项目的经济效益进行评价D. 领导是否支

8、持Rememder what I say.(四)作业布置:(五)小结:本模块我们学习了be going to 的表示方法,后面加动词圆形,注意be的变化。(六)板书设计: (2)1月10目,甲公司与丙公司签订建造合同,为丙公司建造一项大型设备。合同约定,设备总造价为450万元,、工期白200年1月10日起l年半。 如果甲公司能够提前3个月完工,丙公司承诺支付奖励款60万元。当年,受材料和人工成本上涨等因素影响,甲公司实际发生建造成本350万元,预计为完成合 同尚需发生成本l50万元,工程结算合同价款280万元,实际收到价款270万元。假定工程完工进度按累计实际发生的合同成本-旨合同预计总成本的

9、比例确 定。年末,工程能否提前完工尚不确定。甲公司会计处理:200年确认主营业务收入357万元,结转主营业务成本350万元,“工程施工”科目余额357 万元与工程结算”科目余额280万元的差额77万元列入资产负债表存货项目中。Module 7 Unit1 Were going to go to Hainan. D076元 Im going to A凝血酶原 D因子 Were going to Hainan swimBeijing fly kiteA凝血因子和凝血因子 D凝血因子和凝血因子Tianjin watch TV3甲公司20X0年度的基本每股收益是( )思考题: (1)患者发生DIC的原因是什么?(2)促进该患者发生DIC的因素有哪些? (3)哪些是DIC的临床表现? (4)为什么说该患者发生了DIC?


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