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1、限时规范练 38(模块七 Unit 4)核心素养关键词 :培养学生人与社会、健康旅游的思维意识一、阅读理解AYa Ting had taken me under her wing after hearing me speaking Chinese in a hotel in Lijiang.She had been hitchhiking ( 搭便车旅行 ) around China for months.She invited me to travel with her,which was how we ended up on the side of the road looking for

2、 a ride to the Tiger Leaping Gorge.Within 20 minutes,we had our first ride.The driver couldn ' t take us all the way and ended up dropping us at a freeway crossroads.As a new hitchhiker,I thought that would be the end of our luck,but almost immediately we got another ride.Our most unforgettable

3、ride was when a twenty-something kid picked us up.He couldn ' t take us the whole way so his uncle bought us lunch and a bus ticket for the rest of the journey.He felt it was his duty to help us find a way to complete our trip.It brought tears of joy and thankfulness to my eyes.This was the firs

4、t time I understood how guests are respected in China.A few weeks later,we said goodbye.I thought we had been so lucky because we had been a local and a foreigner traveling together.But now Ya Ting was no longer around to do the talking,nor did I have someone to depend on if something went wrong.Whe

5、n I stood by a highway in Sichuan,I knew all about the difficulties before me.Now I was just a strange foreigner on her own who suddenly had to manage with poor Chinese.After about 30 minutes,a couple picked me up and took me the whole eight hours to Chengdu.We ate lunch on the way,and they refused

6、to allow me to pay for any of it,which I had come to learn was typical of Chinese culture.This made me believe that people weren ' t being friendly because of Ya Ting.1. What do the author and Ya Ting have in common?A. They both are hitchhikers.B. They both are foreigners.C. They both live in Li

7、jiang.D. They both speak Chinese well.2. What can we learn about the author ' s trip to the Tiger Leaping Gorge?A. It was rather tiring.B. It was very smooth.C. It was full of danger.D. It was heart-breaking.3. What was the main cause of the author ' s difficulties mentioned in Paragraph 3?A

8、. She lost her way.B. She had little money left.C. She was unable to find her friend.D. She was a lone foreign traveler in China.4. What did the couple do when taking the author to Chengdu?A. They dropped her halfway.B. They lent her some money.C. They offered her a free lunch.D. They taught her abo

9、ut Chinese culture.BCharles Darwin lived an unusually quiet life.In 1842,Darwin and his wife Emma moved from London to Kent in southern England to have as little disturbance ( 烦扰 ) as possible.They already had two children then,and would go on to have eight more in the country.Darwin had very regula

10、r habits.He rose early and went for a walk.After breakfast he worked in his study until 9:30 am,his most productive time of the day,and then read his letters lying on the sofa before returning to work.At midday he would go for another walk with his dog,stopping at his greenhouse to inspect his exper

11、iments.Then he would go for another walk around an area of woodland.While walking on his “thinking path ”,Darwin would consider his unsolved scientific problems.After lunch he read the newspaper and wrote letters.His network of friends provided information from all corners of the world.The Darwins w

12、ere not very strict parents and the children were always seen running wild.Their father worked patiently with a background of playful shouts and little footsteps walking past his study door.After dinner Darwin played backgammon (a game for two people to play) with his wife.He once wrote, “Now the re

13、sult with my wife in backgammon stands like this:she.has won only 2,490 games,while I have won,hurrah (a cheer of joy or victory),hurrah,2,795 games! ”Although he had poor health,Darwin continued to publish a lot of creative works until his final book in 1881.He died the following year,aged 73.Rathe

14、r than a quiet space in the local churchyard,which he called “the sweetest place on Earth”,Darwin was given a state funeral ( 国葬 ) in London ' s Westminster Abbey.5. Why did the Darwins move to Kent?A. To do more experiments.B. To cut their cost of living.C. To enjoy more peacefulness.D. To be t

15、ogether with their children.6. What did Darwin do every day?A. He studied in the woods.B. He started to work at 9:30 am.C. He wrote letters in the morning.D. He examined his experiments.7. What did Darwin ' s children probably think of him?A. Strict.B. Sweet.C. Cold.D. Brave.8. What is this text

16、 mainly about?A. Darwin ' s personal life.B. Darwin ' s large family.C. Darwin ' s scientific achievements.D. Darwin ' s unusual state funeral.二、完形填空The Silver Line,created this year,is a free,24 hours telephone helpline.It offers information,friendship and advice to 1 people.“It'

17、;s often easier to speak to a 2 ,and nice to know you can 3 day or night, ” says Bolton,who has no family nearby.She called the helpline after it was 4 by others.New figures show that August was the charity ' s 5 month,receiving more than 45,000 calls.Summer can be a(n) 6 time for those left beh

18、ind during the holiday season, 7 familiar faces are away for holidays,from the shopkeeper to the bus driver or even family members.Two-thirds of calls are 8 at night-time and weekends,when no other services are 9 .84 percent of older people say it is very difficult to 10 loneliness,even to members o

19、f their 11 because they do not wish to become a “burden ”.A recent study found that almost three-quarters of older people in the UK are12 ,and more thanhalf have 13 spoken to anyone about how they feel.People can call the Silver Line 14 ,or be referred by a relative or other helplines.Helpline staff

20、 try to learn callers ' 15 first and then suggest information or 16 voluntary support,aiming to reconnect them with their communities.“For a charity,trying to gain donations from the public is a17 task,” says Sophie Andrews,chiefleader of the Silver Line, “Older people are regarded as being resp

21、onsible for economic fall . ” To 18 this,Andrews wants a greater understanding of their mental health 19 :“Being older means you are still exposed to mental health issues,but your ability to change your situation is20 . ”1.A.disabledB.homelessC.poorD.older2.A.neighborB.strangerC.friendD.doctor3.A.co

22、meB.talkC.callD.visit4.A.mentionedB.servedC.ignoredD.blamed5.A.happiestB.busiestC.hottestD.worst6.A.difficultB.meaningfulC.unforgettableD.relaxing7.A.ifB.orC.whenD.though8.A.missedB.paidC.canceledD.received9.A.standardB.officialC.usefulD.available10.A.avoidB.recover fromC.admit toD.value11.A.familyB


24、estionsB.examinationsC.plansD.experiences20.A.doubtedB.developedC.provedD.reduced、短文改错I was grateful that my mother pointed out one of my faults yesterday.Wherever I saw my friend owned something I liked,I will ask my mother to buy it for me.Every time my request turned down,I played the same trick,

25、threaten to leave home.My mother gave up each time I threatened to do that.Therefore,she was very angry last night.She blamed me for not being considerable and asked me to rethink our own behavior.I couldn ' t believe my mother would be so angry with me and I grew frightening.I learned a good le

26、sson and changed a lot afterwards.I was thankful that my mother made me to realize my mistakes.8限时规范练 38(模块七 Unit 4)一、【篇章导读】 本文是记叙文。文章叙述了一名外国女士描述她在中国搭便车旅行 的经历。1. A 细节理解题。由第一段中作者对 Ya Ting 的描述 “She had been hitchhiking around China for months. ”和对她自己的描述 “As a new hitchhiker. 可”知 ,她俩都是搭便车旅行 者。2. B 推理判断

27、题。由作者在前两段描述她们去虎跳峡搭便车的经历“Within 20minutes,we had our first ride.almost immediately we got another ride.Our most unforgettable ride. 可”知 ,作者和 Ya Ting 很幸运地搭上便车到达虎跳峡。由此可推断 ,她 们的这趟旅行很顺利。3. D 细节理解题。由第三段中的 “Now I was just a strange foreigner on her own who suddenly had to manage with poor Chines.e”可知,与 Ya

28、Ting 分手后 ,作者面临的困难是 :她 是一名独自在中国搭便车旅行的外国人。4. C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的 “We ate lunch on the way,and they refused to allow me to pay for any of it. 可”知 ,这对中国夫妇免费请作者吃了顿午饭。【篇章导读】 本文是记叙文。文章描述了英国著名科学家达尔文宁静的个人生活。5. C 推理判断题。由第一段中的 “moved from London to Kent in southern England to have as little disturbance as possibl”

29、e可知 ,达尔文夫妇搬家是为了免受外界的打扰 ,以享受 更多的宁静。6. D 细节理解题。由第三段中的 “At midday he would go for another walk with his dog,stopping at his greenhouse to inspect his experimen.ts”可知 ,达尔文每天会去查看实验 的进展情况。7. B 推理判断题。由第五段中的 “Their father worked patiently with a background of playful shouts and little footsteps walking past

30、 his study doo.r ”可推知 ,在孩子们眼里 ,父亲 达尔文应该很温和。8. A 主旨大意题。首段第一句即文章主旨句 “Charles Darwin lived an unusually quiet life。”本文描写了英国著名科学家达尔文宁静的个人生活。二、【篇章导读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了一个为老年人服务的热线电话。1. D 根据下文中多处出现的 older people可知,这个热线电话主要是为 “老年人 (older people)”服务的。2. B 根据下文中 “they do not wish to become a burden' ”和 Helplin

31、e staff 可知 ,老年人 不愿意成为家人的负担 ,反而觉得和 “陌生人 (stranger)”聊天更容易一些。3. C 根据下文中的 called the helpline可知,不管白天黑夜都可以给这个热线服务 “打电 话(call)”。4. A 根据语境可知 ,有人“提到过(mentioned)”这个热线电话后 ,Bolton 便给这个热线打 电话。5. B 根据下文中的 “receiving more than 45,000 calls”可知 ,八月份是这个慈善机构 “最忙 的(busiest)”一个月。6. A 根据文中的 “those left behind during the

32、 holiday seaso”n和“familiar faces are away for holidays”可知,八月份对于这些留守的老年人来说 “很艰难(difficult) ”,因为每当 “这时 (when)”人们都去度假了 ,留下老年人们孤零零的。7. C8. D 根据上文中的 “24 hours telephone helpline”可知 ,这个热线服务电话是全天候服务 的,很多电话在半夜或周末 “打进来 (received)”。9. D 根据上文中的 “at night-time and weekends”和“no other services”可知 ,没有任何其他 服务在半夜和周

33、末是 “可获得的 (available)”。10. C 根据句中的 “they do not wish to become a burden'”可知 ,老年人不愿意 “承认 (admit to)”自己的孤独 ,不想成为负担 ,甚至对自己的 “家人 (family) ”也不愿意说。11. A12. C 根据上文中的 loneliness可知 ,老年人很 “孤单(lonely)”。13. B 根据上文中的 “do not wish to become a burden'”和 loneliness 可知 ,很多老年人 “从来没有 (never)”和别人说过他们的感受。14. C 根据

34、下文中的 “or be referred by a relative or other helplines”可知 ,老年人可以 “直接 (directly) ”拨打热线服务电话 ,或由其他热线电话转接。15. A 根据下文中的 “and then suggest information”可知 ,热线电话工作人员首先要了解 打电话求助者的 “需求 (needs)”,然后才给出建议。16. C 根据下文中的 “reconnect them with their communities”可知 ,工作人员会向求助者 提供信息或者 “当地的(local)”志愿服务 ,将他们与自己所在的社区联系起来。17

35、. B 根据下文中的 “Older people are regarded as being responsible for economic fa”可ll 知 ,公众对老年人的处境并不理解 ,这使得慈善机构获得社会基金的支持是一项很 “艰难 (hard)”的任务。18. A 根据下文中的 “wants a greater understanding of their mental healt”h可知 ,Andrews 想“改变 (change)”这一现状。19. D 根据下文中的 “Being older means. 可”知 ,Andrews 呼吁人们理解老年人的 “经历 (experie

36、nces)”。20. D 根据上文中的 “you are still exposed to mental health issues,but your abilit.y. 可”知 , 衰老意味着仍然存在心理健康问题 ,但改变这一状况的能力却 “下降了 (reduced)”。三、第二句 :Wherever Whenever;will would第三句 :request后加 was;threaten threatening第四句 :upin第五句 :Therefore However第六句 :considerable considerate;ourmy第七句 :frightening frightened第九句:去掉 to


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