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1、Unit 7 Topic 2 SctionA. Material analysis本节课是第七单元话题二的第一课时,主要围绕康康的生日聚会展开,主要活动是1a,2和4a。通过谈论自己在生日聚会上要表演的节目,呈现本课的语言点,同时学习情态动词can表示个人能力,谈论会做和不会做的事情的表达方式:I can only sing English songs. I cant sing Chinese songs.从而训练学生说的技能并输出新功能用语。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:else, pia

2、no, disco, perform, ballet 能正确使用选择疑问句的提问和回答以及情态动词can,如: Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? Chinese songs.能够谈论会做和不会做的事情: (1)I can only sing English songs. (2)I cant sing Chinese songs. 熟悉字母n及字母组合oo, oi, oy, nk, ng的读音和拼写规则。 2. Skill aims 能够听懂有关能做和不能做的事情的对话; 能够在教师的帮助下用所学表达法叙述现在能做和不能做的事

3、情; 能够用正确地语音、语调朗读对话; 能够参照图片写出简单的句子。3. Emotional aims 通过采用英文歌曲、对话、表演等灵活多样的授课方式,培养学生学习英语的兴趣; 鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与活动。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 能够正确使用选择疑问句的构成方法: Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? Chinese songs. 能够应用情态动词can谈论会做和不会做的事情: I can only sing English songs. I c

4、ant sing Chinese songs. 2. Difficult points 熟练掌握选择疑问句的构成方法。. Learning strategies 在交际中能够创设一定的语境进行简单的对话和交流。. Teaching aids 录音机、黑板、教学挂图、单词卡片和字母卡片. Teaching procedures Step1 Warming upLets sing a song.(song内容与本科重点句型一致)Can you sing? Yes, I can.Can you dance? No, I cant.Can you sing? Yes, I can.I can sing

5、 it well.(学生初步掌握can/cant的使用方法)达到朗朗上口形成语感Step2 Review phrases Speak as many verbal phrases as you can.e.g. sing Chinese songs play basketball read English books speak Japanese make model planes -What can you do? - I can do.Step3 Lead in “can” and “cant” Step4 Group Work Work in group. Talk about what

6、 you can or cant do?A:I can swim, but I cant play basketball. What can you do? B:I can cook, but I cant draw pictures. What about you?C:I can.Ask and answer one by one .(给予鼓励)Step5 Listening Listen to the conversation and mark T(True) or F(False).Step6 Alternative questionA:Can you play basketball o

7、r soccer?B:I can play basketball.A:Can you sing Chinese songs or English songs? B:Chinese songsStep7 Listen to 1a and match Jane and Maria with what they can do at Kang Kangs birthday party. sing Chinese songs sing English songs dance to disco perform balletplay the guitar play the piano20.妊娠末期的产科意外

8、易诱发DIC,主要是由于:)Step8 Read 1a by yourselves and find out key points and phrases.Step9 1.Read after the tape ,pay attention to intonation and prounciation. 2.Role playD-675万元3.Show timeStep10 Summary1.new words: piano, else, perform, ballet (-)甲公司201年度涉及现金流量的交易或事项如下: 2.new phrases: dance to disco, take

9、 photos, perform ballet play the piano 贷:以前年度损益调整 3.new sentences: I can dance and play the guitar. I cant sing Chinese songs. Step11 Homework1.Say five things that you can or cant do. Then write them down.2.Read 1a.3.Finish Section A in your workbook.盈余公积 720Step12 Emotion Where there is a will, th

10、ere is a way.五、判断题15() DIC患者外周血涂片中可见一些特殊的形态各异的红细胞,称为裂体细胞,外形呈盔形、星形、新月形、三角形等,统称为红细胞碎片。由于该细胞碎片脆性高,极易破裂溶解,发生溶血。. Blackboard designTopic 2 Can you sing an English song?Section A当年取得的可供出售金融资产公允价值相对成本上升600万元,该资产的计税基础为取得时的成本;1.Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? at Kangkangs birthday partyA纤维肽A(FPA)和纤维肽B(FPB) D交联纤维蛋白(Fbn)Chinese songs. dance to disco 1下列各项关于因台风灾害而发生的停工损失会计处理的表述中,正确的是( )2.What else can you do? perform ballet I can . have a good time3.Can you. / .?I can.


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