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1、外研版Book3Module5重点词汇,短语,句型及及检测重点词汇:equal adj.相等的v.等于:比得上eqiially.adv.同样地 unequal adj.不公平的 kind n./adj.种类:友好的 订购 orderly adj .秩序井然的philosophy n.哲学 kindness n.好总:;善举stress n./v压力:焦虑:stressful adj.压力人的(工作:状况)advise v.建议 advisory adj .咨询的;建议性的 honest adj.诚实的:坦率的 诚的 dishonest实的:欺骗性的理 contribute *v.捐献:是的原I

2、大1 :投稿contributionn.捐款: argument n.争论;争吵: 地 freedom 11.自由 绝对的 重点短语: in principle 原则上influence v./n.影响 honesty n.诚实:F直justice n.公正:公平:辩论eqiiaEty.n.平等 philosopher n哲学家 order.n.秩序 v./n.命令:强调;重读stressed adj.焦虑不安的 adviser n.顾问 influential a dj.有影响的 honestly adv.诚实地:坦公道uyustice n.不公正:不合argue v.争论:争辩free.a

3、dj.自由的:畅通的:免费的freely adv.自由地;畅通贡献condition n.状况:条件;处境:疾病 unconditional adj.无条件的;a high position in society 社会地位崗 put stress on 强调resign &om 辞职绝不on condition that 条件是回想look down on蔑视/看不起翻看bring out出版:阐明bring about使发生:造成declare war on向宣战同)in conclusion 总之得出结论bring.to a conclusion 使结束be in good/bad

4、 condition 状态良好/很差 oiVund席 no conditionmass production 批量生产look one*as把看作bring up提fll:抚养:呕吐 bring to an end 结束 tell the difference 区分make a conclusion 卜结论in no sense 绝彳:be equal to(domg).胜任:等于 be equal in 在比得上 有兴趣 under stress 有 JK 力 的重要性 重点句型:look back on /up 回顾/look tlirough审核:査看:浏览:bring in赚钱:提出;

5、获得(收成等) be at war with与在交战be different from(in)与.(在不draxv/reach a conclusion from从a sense of responsibility 贵任感take/ha-e interest m(doing) sth 对under the stress of 在的压力 b* stress the importance of.强调1. Ancient Cluna was a place where states were often at war with each other.2. But it was also a time

6、 when there were many great philosophers.3. He stressed the importance of kindness.duty and order in society. 4. Mencius was a tlmiker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius.5. For many years he traveled &om state to state, teaching the principles of Confucius.6. The reason why

7、man is different from animals is that man is good.7. Mozi taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who are weaker than ourselves.8. He is a man of whom China can be proud.9. The man whom I am thinking of invented the first real clock.10. With the Industrial Revohition、factori

8、es appeared and mass production became possible for thefirst time. 页1第11. The factories were built in towns and as a result, the population of towns and cities greatly increased.外研版Book3Module5重点词汇,短语,句型及及检测派生词汇:adj.相等的v.等于adj.焦虑不安的d不公正:不合理V.捐献:投稿 大的adv司样地河压力m平等V-建议n.捐款;贡献adj.不公平的n.顾问V-争论;争辩n哲学d牛论辩论

9、v./n.影响n.哲学家adj有影响的adj自由/免费的n.好意:善举dv自由/畅通地11诚实:正直v/n.命令;订购adv.诚实地n.自由n.条件:处境adj.秩序井然的adj.不诚实的;H./V.压力:强调11公正;公道adj.无条件的结束原则上强调重点短语:社会地位高与在交战向宣战状态良好与在不同总之状态很差绝不下结论条件是.从得出结论批量生产使结束/回顾回想绝不/蔑视看不起贵任感辞职区分把看作胜任:等于审核;查看:浏览:翻看在比得上出版:阐明对有兴趣提岀:抚养:呕吐有压力赚钱:提出:获得(收成等)of在的压力下使发生:造成强调的重要性经典句型:1 Ancient China was a

10、 placestates were often at war with each other.there were many great plulosophers.But it was also a time 2.of Conhicius.teachings were very similar toMencius was a tlunker 3.man is good.The reason4.man is different from animals页2第5. He is a man6. The manChina can be proud. I am thinking of invented the first real clock.


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