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1、教学设计工作单位: 河北省三河市第八中学 姓 名: 刘健 课题名称Have you read Treasure Island yet? (八年级, Unit 8)教师姓名: 刘健年级: 八年级学科:英语教师年龄:34教龄: 13职称: 中教一级指导思想与理论依据英语课程标准(2011年版)指出,“现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性。鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探索和合作等方式,发展语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,并形成有效的学习策略”。本节课是一节听说课,目标是锻炼学生如何正确地使用现在完成时。学习语言的目的是为了交流和沟通,培养学生的实际交流能力、沟通技

2、巧是英语课堂的首要任务。在本堂课中,学生根据之前所学的现在完成时的基本用法,通过图片描述,习题巩固,听力理解和对话的复述等环节,熟练现在完成时的正确用法。在本节课中,我采用了图片、录音机和幻灯片等教学工具,积极借用身边的可利用资源,使学生能够耳目一新地了解到本节课的主题,为学生提供了更多真实、鲜活的语言素材。包括小组讨论形式,习题的竞猜活动,提高学生间的团队合作能力。使大家在喜悦、放松的气氛中理解所学的知识,更好地应用到实际交流中。教学内容分析 本单元围绕现在完成时的用法展开教学,学会使用现在完成时来交流,询问对方所读过的书籍,由此展开对话,以此培养学生交际能力。本单元的重点句型是:Have

3、you readyet? -Yes, I have. / No, I havent.Has he read yet? -Yes, he has./ No, he hasnt. 以介绍自己所读过的书籍为开始,向同学们描述书中人物或情节,通过听力和重点词组的讲解、练习等方式熟练运用现在完成时,最后在很好地理解对话后,进行对话的复述,以检验口语表达能力。这是学生在日常生活中频繁使用的语言交际功能,在学习语言知识的同时,积极锻炼应用能力。体现了新教材融会话题、交际功能和语言结构的循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。学情分析我班学生除了部分学生能力突出外,整体素质不是很高,在之前了解到现在完成时的结构和使用规则

4、后,大部分同学要经过一些练习才能较好地运用本单元句型,所以在设立各项任务时难度系数不同。先是通过习题竞猜形式复习现在完成时的语法,然后设计图片导入环节,利用图片信息回忆自己所阅读过的书籍,同时再次熟悉现在完成时的用法,为听力环节做好准备。这主要是由基础一般的同学来进行。第二部分的听力任务比较简单,由基础较弱的同学来进行。最后是对话的复述环节,由基础较好的同学来完成,此环节锻炼学生使用现在完成时的实际应用能力,利用不同难度的教学活动设计达到大部分同学都能听懂,会使用现在完成时的教学效果。教学目标By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

5、1. Understand how to use the Present Perfect Tense correctly.2. Talk about some books that they have read before.3. Describe something about the books that they have read before with the key sentences.教学重点和难点Teaching focus:1. Help students to understand the key words.2. Help students to learn to tal

6、k about the books that they have read before.3Help students to learn how to describe something from the books.Possible difficulties:1. Students may have trouble using the key sentences. 2Maybe it is hard to describe the books that they have read before.教学资源和教学方法教学资源:录音机、幻灯片(PowerPoint)。教学方法:采用输入操练输出

7、的教学方法,通过创设听前-听中-听后的语言活动,让学生充分熟练所学内容,完成任务。教学过程教学环节Pre-listeningStep 1Warming-up Exercises教师活动Show some exercises to review the important grammar. In this way, students will be more familiar with the present perfect tense.学生活动C凝血因子和血小板的消耗According to the exercises, students will answer the questions o

8、ne by one.22关于DIC的治疗,下列哪一项治疗原则是正确的?设计意图E附追索权转让应收账款收到现金作为投资活动现金流入Throughout the exercises, students will understand the Present Perfect Tense better, and know how to use it correctly.四、论述题时间答案:安排5Step 2Show picturesC纤维蛋白原定量检查凝血物质消耗情况Show pictures to talk about if you have read these books and what th

9、ey are about, with the key sentences: Have you heard of the books? I have read the book, it is about 王某注册会计师:After seeing the pictures about books, answer the questions from the teacher and describe the books they have read. Practice the key sentences: Have you? I have , make the students get ready

10、for the Listening Exercise.4贷:管理费用 85While-listening15() DIC患者外周血涂片中可见一些特殊的形态各异的红细胞,称为裂体细胞,外形呈盔形、星形、新月形、三角形等,统称为红细胞碎片。由于该细胞碎片脆性高,极易破裂溶解,发生溶血。Step 3 Listen to 1bPlay the recorder, listen to 1b. After listening, ask the students to finish the form.Listen carefully to the 1b, and then finish the form.

11、It can check if they can understand the listening material.2004年12月31日账面价值=3600-3600/10*2-307.83=2572.17(万元)After reviewing the key sentences, listening can help the students understand the sentences better and use them better.4Step 4Key WordsPrepare some key words for the students, show how to use

12、them correctly.Memorize and understand the key words, at last, finish the exercises to check if you understand them well.Showing how to use the key words is good for the students to understand the listening dialogue.4Step 5Listen to 2a and 2bListen to the second dialogue, ask students to circle the

13、answers and choose T or F . Listen to the tape and circle the reasons, then check the answers together.Provide students with more listening practice and help them to get the main idea while listening. 3Post-listening Step 6The conversation in 2d Play the recorder, and let the students understand the

14、 conversationAfter listening the conversation, get the main idea of the conversation.Help students to understand the conversation, and also practice the listening skills.2Step7Questions about 2bShow some questions about the conversation, ask the students to answer them.After listening the conversati

15、on, try to answer the questions together. Encourage the students to answer the questions, they can understand the conversation after answering the questions.6Step 8Key Words in 2dShow the key words in 2d, tell the students how to use them and ask the students to memorize them. At last, show some exe

16、rcises to check if they can understand the words well.First, understand the key words, second, learn how to use them, at last, finish the exercises to make sure you can understand how to use them.Show the key words to improve the students vocabulary.8Step 9 Prepare for RetellingGive the students a f

17、ew minutes to prepare for the retelling after showing the main idea in Chinese According to the main idea Chinese, retell the dialogue one by one.Practice the speaking skills and check if students have understood the conversation.4Step 10 ExercisesPrepare some exercises for students and continue to

18、review the words that we have leant this class.Finish the exercises one by one, they are about different tenses.Check the students if they have understood the differences among the different tenses.5教学设计特色说明与教学反思本课程在设计教学活动时采取难易适中,形式多样的原则。由于学生的英语水平不同,所以先由习题导入,在习题竞猜中体会本单元重点语法:现在完成时,这个环节属于复习阶段,再由图片导入本堂课的主题:讨论你读过的书籍。然后再利用听力练习巩固,最后进入到熟练对话阶段,通过复述对话以检验学生的学习、理解、掌握的效果。通过本堂课的教学,自己反思,还是存在着一些不足:1. 应再多设计一些小组活动,让学生们充分融入到集体中,活跃课堂气氛。这一点的改变会鼓励英语基础较差的同学,小组活动还可以具备互助的作用,集体讨论后再展示出自己的成果,无论是从学生的勇气上还是从答案的正确率上,都会有很大的提高。2. 对于对话环节的理解还是不到位,有些束缚学生的创造力,应再给与他们时间和自由,会创造出新颖独特的会话内容。学习效果评价设计声音洪亮语音语调流利程度时态正确内容丰富小组1小组2小组3小组4


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