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1、“有效课堂模式”研究“5P” 课 例 实 录 分 析 Teaching plan for Period 5 of Unit 2,Grade 7一、教材分析本单元学习的是学生最熟悉的家庭成员的称谓。但Period 5通过介绍照片中的人物,帮助学生学会This/That is , These/Those are 以及询问人物的特殊疑问句Who is/are ? 本课时无生词,开始涉及名词的复数形式,对学生来说有一定的难度。围绕照片来谈论介绍人物的,由最初单一的家人称谓到连贯的句子、到对话、到篇章,充分体现了教材内容的渐进性和层次性,在教师的指导下学生能不断地重复掌握本单元的词汇和新句型,从而达到熟

2、练运用所学内容介绍家庭成员的目的。Title:Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B 3a-Self CheckType:WritingTeaching aims:A. Learn to write the language structures.B. Use the language in the true life to write about family members and friends.C. Talking about family members and friends skillfully. Important and difficult p

3、oints:A. How to use language in their life and write it. B. The phrase “a photo of my family”=“my family photo”. “two nice photos of my family”.C. The sentence “Here is a photo of my family.”= “Here is my family photo.”“Here are two nice photos of my family”.Teaching methods: Writing and discussing.

4、 Teaching apparatuses: Some photos.二、课堂实录Teaching Processions:Step 1: Preparation(旧知的储备热身回归复习,呈现目标)1-3分钟A. Preparation 1. Greet and encourage my students to communicate with me as usual. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang. T: How are you today? Ss: I am fine, thank you.(设想

5、:问候有助于学生回忆知识,并营造轻松愉快的课前气氛,联络感情)2. Show the students the learning goals of this class.(设想:课前展示学习目标,让学生对本节课要学的新知做到心中有数。)B. Revision1. T: (take out a photo) What is this in English? Ss: Its a family photo. (板书)T: Is this your family photo? Ss: No, it isnt.T: Yes, it isnt your family photo, its my famil

6、y photo(板书), here is a photo of my family(板书). And what are these? (take out another photo)Ss: They are family photos(板书). T: Yes, Here are two nice photos of my family(板书)。(设想:课前准备好两张自己的家庭照,引起学生的好奇心并吸引他们的注意力。真实的交际活动为引入新课作铺垫,为下面环节的顺利进行打下了基础。)2. Ask the students to read the important language by them

7、selves.(学生自读)3. Ask some students to read the important language one by one. Ask some other students to correct the mistakes. (设想:学生互助并更正,有效激活学生的探究心理)4. Let the students read the language in groups (one by one, boys and girls, team by team, row by row). (设想:通过多重复,多模仿,全方位、多形式的控制性操练让每一位学生都得到了足够的练习的机会,

8、符合语言习得规律。)Step 2: Presentation(新知的呈现感知自主学习,梳理疑难)4-7分钟1. T: This is a photo of Jenny, and who are they. Do you know? Ss: T: OK. Suppose youre Jenny now. All of you read after the tape.2. Listen and repeat. All of Ss read after the tape.3. Read and learn by heart. (设想:给学生以充分的半控制性操练,达到熟能生巧的程度。)Step 3:

9、Practice(充分的操练实践合作学习,达成共识)8-10分钟1.(3a) 1) Get students to complete the chart with the words in the box. T: Please open your books at Page 12. Look at 3a. S: Yes. T: Please read them aloud. S: Brothers, parents, Cindy, familyT: What does “parents” mean? S: Father and mother.T: You are great. Is Cindy

10、 a boys name? S: No. Its a girls name. 2) Ask one or two students to read the passage and check it. T: Now please answer my questions. If Paul a boy or a girl? S: A boy.T: Who are John and Bob? S: They are Pauls brothers. T: Is Cindy Pauls sister? S: Yes, she is.T: Just now we explained the photo of

11、 Jenny. Suppose you are Paul, how to draw a family photo, Complete the passage with the words in the box. Then draw a picture of Pauls family. 3) Students try to draw a picture of Pauls family in the box on the right. T: Now you can draw a picture of Pauls family 4) Ask some individuals to show thei

12、r pictures and introduce them to the class. Hi. My name is Paul. This is a photo of my _.These are my _ and these are my _, John and Bob. This is my sister_.(设想:学生在创设的开放性情景中进行操练,帮助他们在更自然、轻松的环境中掌握了新的知识,也初步巩固所学句型This is和家庭成员称谓。培养学生动手动脑,自主学习的能力,培养良好的学习习惯及学习方法)2.(3b)1)T: Bring a family photo to class an

13、d write about it. Then tell a classmate about your family. (imitate 3a) Hi! I am Zhang Qiue. Here is a photo of my family. This is my father and this is my mother. These are my parents. That is my grandfather and that is my grandmother. Those are my grandparents. 2)T: Please show me a photo of your

14、family. Let me look at the photo of your family. May I have a look at your family photo/. Is this/that your father/mother ? S: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. T: Great! Thanks for your answer. Can you tell me who is/are your father/parents? S: Yes. This is my father / These are my parents. Then ask

15、 them to practice it with their partners about their photos, several minutes later ask them to show their passage and correct their mistakes.Hi. I am_. Here is a photo of my family. These are _.(设想:变换人物角色身份,介绍家庭成员,请学生自主表演,让他们在真实的情景中,成为学习的主角,训练学生的开放性思维.,充分展示学生的表演才能和语音运用能力。)Step 4: Production(知识的运用生成展

16、示交流,规范评价)7-12分钟Self Check1: Group the words for family members you have learned. 1)T: Look at Part 1 below Self Check. (explain) In English, some words are for males and some are for females. But some words can not only be for males, but also for females such as parents. Now please group the words f

17、or family members you have learned. While the students are writing, the teacher moves around to have a look at what they write and offer some help if necessary. 2)Check the answers Male Both Femalefather parents(设想:音,形,意结合,检测学生对家庭成员的单词与相应的成员的相互匹配能力,教师指导学生进行全班展示)Self Check2: Complete the conversation

18、3)Get the students to complete the conversation in Part 2. a. T: Please look at the conversation in Part 2. Its not completed. You can complete it first. While the students are writing, the teacher moves around to have a look at what they write and offer some help if necessary.b. Now, Ill ask a pair

19、 to read your conversation and lets check if they are right. c. Get students to practice reading the conversation. Bill: Heres a photo of my family. Dale: Is _ your father?Bill: No, he isnt. _ my uncle. Dale: _ is this girl?Bill: _ my cousin. Dale: _ your parents?Bill: Yes, _ are. And these _ my gra

20、ndparents.(设想:自测评价,组间评价,总结提升,综合运用,培养学生自主学习的能力,)Step 5: Progress(知识的巩固拓展合作讨论,探究互学)58分钟A. Group work: Ask the students to work in groups, then act out.1.Ss show their own photos to different students .The other Ss will describe the photos with the third person.2.Ss try to draw 、talk and write about di

21、fferent family photos. (设想:用学生自己的照片创设真实情景,用英语进行交际,使语言知识在完成任务的过程中得到运用并巩固。同时巩固家庭成员称谓,活跃课堂气氛,挖掘学生的表演才能。渗透审美意识, 体现教学艺术化。)B. Exercise(知识的验收展示交流,互相质疑)35分钟1.Summary: Ask the students to look through the learning goals again and check if they have learned all these language items.a.单数/复数This is my friend. T

22、hese are my friends. That is my brother. Those are my brothers. b.询问身份Is she your aunt? Yes, she is./No, she isnt. Is he your uncle? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Is this/that your sister? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Are these/those your parents?Whos he? Hes my brother. Whore they? They are my grandparents

23、. c.利用family tree弄清家庭成员之间的关系 (设想:让学生回顾本节课的学习目标,可以了解学生对本堂知识的掌握程度)2.Ask the students to do some exercises.1).连词成句:Coco, the, of, my, name, is, dog ._. is, my, here, photo, family! _! those, your, brothers, are? _?is, friend, Lin Fang, this, my. _. in, family, Coco, is, my._.2).翻译下列短语我的家庭照片 在第一张照片中 在下一

24、张照片中 我的兄弟们(设想:落实到笔头,再次确认语言输入的扎实性。在每节课的最后给学生35分钟的课堂检测是很有必要的,可以让学生了解自己是否已掌握本堂课的学习目标。)Homework: 1.翻译句子答题要点 蛇毒含有两种促凝成分,或激活因子,或加强因子的活性;还可使凝血酶原变为凝血酶。(1)这些是我的父母。_(2)这是我的奶奶。_(1)根据资料(1),判断甲公司202年12月31日将可供出售金融资产减值损失转回的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由;+如果甲公司的会计处理不正确,请编制更正的会计分录。(3)那是她的爷爷。_(4)那些是他的朋友。_(设想:采用翻译句子形式进行巩固,以检测学生对语言知识的

25、掌握情况。)B凝血因子的接触激活 E肝素作用于凝血因子2. Written: Draw a family photo, try to write a letter to your friend and simply introduce family members to them.(设想:在作业本上画出你的全家福并用英文进行介绍,在生活中运用所学的知识进行交际。)板书设计理由:甲公司确认的主营业务收入应该只是相对于总的销售收入70%的部分,另外的30%的部分应作为戊公司的销售收入。Unit 2 This is my sister.a / my family photo family photo

26、s(6)12月31目,因合同违约被诉案件尚未判决,经咨询法律顾问后,甲公司认为很可能赔偿的金额为800万元。20X 1年2月5日,经法院判决,甲公司应支付赔偿金500万元。当事人双方均不再上诉。甲公司会计处理:200年末,确认预计负债和营业外支出800万元; 法院判决后未调整200年度财务报表。假定甲公司200年度财务报表于201年3月31日。本题不考虑增值税、所得税及其他因素。a photo of my familyHere is a photo of my family.Here are two nice photos of my family.三、教师点评(高玲老师)1.Step 1 P

27、reparation 课堂热身和复习是为了帮助学生回忆巩固本单元所学词汇和句型,也是为了下一步活动做准备,同时也是检查学生运用所学词汇和句型进行真正的交际。CD-二聚体分解为小分子物质2.Step 3 Practice 3a 本环节主要是通过任务的完成检查学生是否能正确地运用所给的词汇。让学生回答问题并根据短文画出Paul的全家福,是检查学生对短文的理解程度,同时也让他们展露一下绘画的天赋,放松心情,愉快学习。(7)因购买交易性权益:具支付现金160万元,其中已宣告但尚未领取的现金股利l0万元;3.Step 3 Practice 3b 本环节任务的完成是通过教师介绍图片做示范,到学生模仿介绍,

28、到写作,再向同伴讲述,一步一步环环相扣,层层递进。学生从口语表达过渡到书面表达,再通过陈述其书面表达检查错误,不仅能使不同程度的学生都可以动笔,而且还可以由学生发现对方所陈述语句的正确性,相互纠错,这样就大大增强了学生进行写作的自信心。4.Step 4 Production Self Check1 甲公司的会计处理不正确。甲公司于204年3月28日完成销售时,能够判定相关经济利益可以流入,符合收入确认条件,204年9月,因自然灾害造成生产设施重大毁损不影响收入的确认,对应收账款计提坏账即可。本环节通过归纳表示男性和女性的词汇以及中性词,让学生进一步掌握和巩固所学词汇。在检查学生任务完成情况时,

29、抽学生朗读,又可检测他们是否能正确朗读单词。5.Step 4 Production Self Check2 通过完成对话,教师提醒学生怎样观察上下文补全对话,同时检查学生是否能在一段语境中正确地使用本单元所学语句。贷:利润分配未分配利润 452.76.Step 5 Progress 通过小结,再一次引导学生复习巩固本单元所学词汇和句型,能用所学词汇和句型进行口语交际,能看懂介绍家庭成员的对话及短文。不足:由于课时容量大,所设计的活动多,导致任务没完成,最后一环节只走了形式,没有知识的落实。建议张老师在备课时,应预测到此课时的难度,安排好授课时间。总体来说,这节课还是很成功的研讨课,值得学习。相关会计分录:四、教学反思(教学效果预测):我是采用“5P” 模式而设计本课的,教学效果应该会是成功的。当然,在设计Step 5: Progress(知识的拓展)时我也担心台上展示时,学生的语言表达能力能否达到老师所设计的标高?相信学生,拭目以待吧。


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