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1、GMAT考试阅读试题(九)(8)Passage 62Two diverge nt defi niti ons have domin ated sociologists'discussi ons of the n ature of eth ni city. The first emphasizes the primordial and un cha nging character of eth ni city .In this view, people have an esse ntial n eed forbel onging that (5) is satisfied by memb

2、ership in groups based on shared an cestry and culture. A differe nt con cepti on of eth ni city de-emphasizes the cultural comp onent and defi nes ethnic groups as interest groups. In this view , ethnicity serves as a way of mobiliz ing a certa in populatio n beh ind issues(10)relati ng to its econ

3、o mic positi on. While both of these definitions are useful, neither fully captures the dynamic andcha nging aspects of eth ni city in the Un ited States.Rather , ethnicity is more satisfactorily conceived of as a process in which preexisti ng com munal bonds and com mon(15) cultural attributes are

4、adapted for instrumental purposes accord ing to cha nging real-life situati ons.One example of this process is the rise of participati onby Native America n people in the broader Un ited States(20)political system si nee the Civil Rights moveme nt of the1960's. Besides leadi ng Native America ns

5、 to participate more actively in politics (the nu mber of Native America n legislative officeholders more than doubled), this movement alsoevoked in creased in terest in tribal history and traditi onal culture. Cultural and instrumental components of(25 )eth nicity are n ot mutually exclusive , but

6、rather rein force one ano ther.The Civil Rights moveme nt also brought cha nges inthe uses to which eth ni city was put by Mexica n America npeoplen the 1960's, Mexica n America ns formed(30)com muni ty-based political groups that emphasized an cestralheritage as a way of mobilizi ng con stitue

7、nts. Such emerg ingissues as immigrati on and vot ing rights gave Mexica nAmerica n advocacy groups the means by which to promoteeth nic solidarity. Like Europea n eth nic groups in the(35)nin etee nth-ce ntury Un ited States, late-twe ntieth-ce nturyMexica n America n leaders comb ined eth nic with

8、 con temporary civic symbols. In 1968 Henry Cen sors, the n mayor ofSan An to nio , Texas, cited Mexica n leader Ben ito Juarezas amodel for Mexica n America ns in their fight for con-(40)temporary civil rights. And every year , Mexica n America nscelebrate Ci neo de Mayo as ferve ntly as many Irish

9、 America npeople embrace St. Patrick's Day (both are major holidays in the countries of origin), with both holidays having beenrei nven ted in the con text of the Un ited States and linked to ideals , symbols , and heroes of the United States.1. Which of the followi ng best states the main idea

10、ofthe passage ?(A) In their defi niti ons of the n ature of eth ni city.sociologists have un derestimated the power of the primordial huma n n eed to bel ong.(B) Eth ni city is best defi ned as a dyn amic processthat comb ines cultural comp onents with shared political and econo mic in terests.(C) I

11、n the Un ited States in the twen tieth cen turyeth nic groups have beg un to orga nize in order to further theirpolitical and econo mic in terests.(D) Eth ni city in the Un ited States has bee nsig nifica ntly cha nged by the Civil Rights moveme nt.(E) The two defi niti ons of eth ni city that haved

12、omin ated sociologists discussi ons are in compatible andshould be replaced by an en tirely new approach.2. Which isthe followi ng stateme nts about the first two defi niti ons of eth nicity discussed in the first paragraph is supported by the passage ?(A) One is supported primarily by sociologists

13、and the other is favored by members of eth nic groups.(B) One emphasizes the political aspects ofethnicity , and the other focuses on the economic aspects.(C) One is the result of an alysis of Un ited States populations , and the other is the result of analysis of European populatio ns.(D) One focus

14、es more on the ancestralcomp onents of eth ni city tha n does the other.(E) One focuses more on immigrant groups than does the other.3. The author of the passage refers to Native America n people in the sec ond paragraph in order to provide an example of(A) the ability of membership in groups based

15、on shared an cestry and culture to satisfy an esse ntial huma n n eed.(B) how ethnic feelings have both motivated and bee n stre ngthe ned by political activity(C) how the Civil Rights moveme nt can help promote solidarity among Un ited States eth nic groups(D) how participation in the political sys

16、tem hashelped to improve a group's econo mic situati on(E) the ben efits gained from ren ewed study of eth nic history and culture4. The passage supports which of the followi ng stateme nts about the Mexica n America n co+m unity?(A) In the 1960's the Mexican American community bega n to in

17、corporate the customs of ano ther eth nic group in the Un ited States into the observati on of its own eth nic holidays.(B) In the 1960's Mexica n America n commu nity groups promoted eth nic solidarity primarily in order to effect econo mic cha nge(C) In the 1960's leader of the Mexica n Am

18、erican com mun ity concen trated their efforts on promot ing aren aissa nee of eth nic history and culture(D) In the 1960's members of the Mexica n America n com munity were beco ming in creas in gly concerned about the issue of voti ng rights.(E) In the 1960's the Mexican American community

19、 had greater success in mobilizi ng con stitue nts tha n did othereth nic groups in the Un ited States.5. Which of the followi ng types of eth nic culturalexpressi on is discussed in the passage?(A) The retelli ng of traditi onal n arratives(B) The weari ng of traditi onal clothi ng(C) The playi ng

20、of traditi onal music(D) The celebrati on of traditi onal holidays(E) The preparati on of traditi onal cuisi ne6. I nformatio n in the passage supports which of thefollow ing stateme nts about many Europea n eth nic groups in the nin etee nth-ce ntury Un ited States?(A) They emphasized econo mic in

21、terests as a way of mobiliz ing con stitue nts behi nd certa in issues.(B) They con ceived of their own eth ni city as being primordial in n ature.(C) They created cultural traditi ons that fusedUn ited States symbols with those of their coun tries of origi n.(D) They de-emphasized the cultural comp

22、 onents of their com mun ities in favor of political in terests.(E) They orga ni zed formal com munity groups desig ned to promote a ren aissa nee of eth nic history and culture.7. The passage suggests that in 1968 Henry Cisn erosmost likely believed that(A) many Mexica n America n would resp ond po

23、sitively to the example of Ben ito Juarez.(B) many Mexican American were insufficiently educated in Mexica n history(C) the fight for civil fights in the United States had many stro ng parallels in both Mexica n and rish history.(D) the quickest way of organizingcom muni ty-based groups was to emula

24、te the tactics of Ben ito Juarez(E) Mexica n America ns should emulate thestrategies of Native America n political leaders.Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。翻开 编辑菜单中的 替换对话框,把光标定位在 查找内容输入框中,单击 高级按钮,选择 特 殊字符中的 段落标记两次,在输入框中会显示“ "PAP',然后在 替换为输入框中用上面的方法插入一个段落标记个“AP,再按下全部替换按钮。这样多余的空行就会被删除。Ctrl + Z 是撤销,那复原呢?就是 Ctrl + Y ,撤销上一步撤销!比方我输入abc,按一下F4,就会自动再输入一遍 abc


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