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1、BNA的设置1. To copy the BNA firmware to the FTP server:从 Honeywell 安装 CD中,在 thirdparty'bna firmware and copybn a_SUSI_server_ver 1.0.0.x.b in (where x is the revisi on letter)to in etpubftproot。 重新命名 inetpubftprootbna_SUSI_server_ver 1.0.0.x.bin为bn a_SUSI_server.bi n.2. Specifying the IP Address an

2、d Loading the FirmwareTo specify the IP address and load the firmware: Connect a null modem RS -232 cable from the COM port on thecomputer to the BNA 9 -pi n serial port.(用RS-232数据线连通电脑和BNA执行:“开始” “程序” “附件” “通讯” “超级终端”即:"Program FilesWi ndows NThypertrm.exe"进行参数设置:参数设置Bit per seco nd(通讯速度)

3、115200Data bits (数据位)8Parity (奇偶校验)NoneFlow con trol(数据流控制)NoneTerminal emulati onVT100Stop bits(停止位)1 A message should be displayed in dicat ing the curre nt passwordfor root is not defi ned. There is no old password, so just press <En ter> to con ti nu e. If no text displays on the scree n,

4、use a paperclip to reset the BNA. After reset you are prompted to en ter new password. En ter newpassword. Record the new password and file it somewhere safe and recallable.The follow ing messages appear:User root ' logged onBNA bootloader From the BNA bootloader prompt ( Bootloadershell ) ,type

5、 'np modify '。键入 “ np modify ” 后在出现的窗口中可以设置BNA的IP地址。查看设置后的地址在进入设置界面后选择“ E 即:BNA bootloaderprompt (Bootloader shell ), 键入 np display '设置与BNA通讯的电脑(FTP server)IP地址则键入 dc modify ' En ter the followi ng:a) IP address of FTP server.b) Complete path to firmware bna_susi_server.bin (make sur

6、ethat you start with a “ ” because this points to the ftproot folder) AND then follow with the name of the firmware.c) Username on FTP server.leave as the default, which isa”“anonymous”。There is no password for anonymous (Press <Enter>). 查看设置后的地址在进入设置界面后选择“ E” 即: BNA bootloaderprompt ( Bootloader shell ), 键入 dc display '测试 BNA与 FTP server 连接:进入设置界面后 选择“ E”(即:Bootloader shell )键入'de test '?1.) A network connection is established?2.) The FTP server is found?3.) The OS file has been found 测试完成后在 BNA Bootloader中键入load '。将“bna_susi_server.bin ” 下载到 BNA中。完成BNA设置! !二七年一月五日


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