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1、Con trol Procedure forLaboratory Man ageme ntFile NO.Editi onPageFile NameMP/Q 45-LA/14/6文件名称文件编号版次页次实验室管理控制程序1、The purpose/目的Standardize the operation and management of laboratory, so as to make the product meet customer ' requireme nts.实验室操作及管理的规范化,使产品能满足于客户的要求。2、Scope适用范围It is applicable to T

2、esting Center, and laboratory of Academy of Scienee, as well as documents that provide operation and technical guidanee required by experiments for polymer lithium-ion battery and other batteries.适用于测试中心、中研院实验室,对聚合物锂电及其他类型电池提供实验所需操作及相关指导的技 术文件。3、Responsibility职责3.1 Each functional departme nts of Qu

3、ality Con trol Departme nt test the samples and formulate experime nt regulati on.3.1品质部各职能部门测试样本制定试验规范。3.2 Academy of Scie nee formulates experime nt regulatio n for the tested product.3.2中研究对所测试产品制定试验规范。3.3Ma nu facturi ng Departme nt/ Academy of Scie nee/ Engin eeri ng Departme nt provide samples

4、.3.3生产部/中研院/工程部提供样品。3.4 Testi ng Cen ter/ Academy of Science take charge of assess ingand appro ving the experime nt of the products.3.4测试中心冲研院负责对所做产品的试验进行审核和批准。4、Definition (no)/定义(无)5、Procedure content程 序内容's quality system and cus5.1 Quality principle of laboratory is meeting the requirement

5、of company with accurate, timely, just result and service.5.1实验室的质量方针是以准确、及时、公正的结果及服务来满足公司质量体系及内部客户的要 求。5.2 Scope of test ing:5.2试验范围:Laboratory mai nly con ducts n ecessary regular tests and non-regular tests to all (the develop ing engin eeri ng sample, trial producti on and mass producti on) prod

6、ucts of the compa ny, to en sure that the products en ter the market with high quality.实验室主要对公司内所有(开发中工程样品、试产及量产)的产品进行必要的常规及非常规的 试验,以确保高质量的产品进入市场。5.3 Qualification requirement for testing personnel:5.3试验人员资格要求:5.3.1 Testi ng pers onnel of the laboratory shall receive training about equipme nt operat

7、i on and test ing tech no logy and shall be allowed to take up such jobs only after they pass due exam in ati ons. Referri ng to docume nts Gen eral Specificati on for Polymer Lithium Ion Battery Testi ng Products Specification, or releva nt Sta ndard Operati on Guida nee5.3.1实验室实验人员,均需接受有关设备使用操作、测试

8、技术的培训及考核,考核合格后方可上岗。参考文件聚合物锂离子电池测试总规范、产品规格书或相关的标准作业指导。5.3.2 Whe n testi ng new products, pers onnel of the laboratory should require releva nt pers onnel of Quality Control Department/ Academy of Scienee/ Engineering Department to provide guida nee and training.5.3.2在测试新产品时,实验室人员还需要求品质部/中研院/工程部相关人员给予

9、指导及培 训。5.4 Apply for experime ntal products5.4试验品的申请5.4.1 Whe n experime nt and test ing are n eeded in con duct ing trial producti on for polymer lithium-iorbattery, Academy of Scie nee providesTrial Productio n Applicati on Form , and Testi ng Centei takes charge of sampli ng.5.4.1在聚合物锂电池试产时,需做试验和

10、测试时,由中研院提供试产申请表,由测试中心负责抽样。5.4.2 Whe n each departme nt n eeds Testi ng Cen ter to con duct selective experime nt, they should filin Battery In spect ion Applicati on and attach with samples.5.4.2各部门需测试中心做选择试验时,填写电池送检申请单并附样品。5.4.3 If Academy of Scien ce/ the engin eer of Engin eeri ng Departme nt n e

11、ed to con duct experime nt the laboratory, he should fill in Information Transfer Form, and provide experiment route anc detailed tech ni cal parameter. It shall be submitted to the laboratory engin eer of Academy of Scie nee for exam in atio n. And the n pers onnel of laboratory arrange experime nt

12、 and record data.5.4.3中研院/工程部工程师需在中研院实验室试验时,填写信息传递表提供实验路线和 具体技术参数,交到中研院实验室工程师审核,由实验室人员安排试验并记录数据。5.5 Experimental products registration and identification5.5实验产品登记和标识5.5.1 Before experiment, the personnel of laboratory shall fill inExperimental Statisticsand register. 5.5.1产品进入实验之前,由实验室负责人员填写实验统计表登记。

13、5.5.2 The identification of experimental products: the laboratory administrator should label the samples needing testing with experimental label.5.5.2试验品的标识:当样品需进行试验时,实验室管理人员对样品加贴试验标识。5.6 The tran sportati on and protectio n of experime ntal products5.6试验品的搬运和防护5.6.1 Han dcarts are used to tran spor

14、t samples of laboratory.5.6.1实验室的样品日常一般用手推车作为搬运工具。5.7 Laboratory calibrati on5.7实验室的校准All equipme nts and in strume nts of the laboratory should be measured by measureme nt engin eer of Quality Control Department timely, detailed calibration method and documents referring to Measuring Equipment Cont

15、rol Procedure of Engineering Department; the instruments used in laboratory are required to be immobile, so as to en sure the accuracy of measureme nt.实验室内所有的仪器设备均由品质部计量工程师及时安排定时计量,具体校准方法及文件参考工程部测量设备控制程序,并要求实验室内所用仪器固定化,以确保测量的准确度。5.8 Laboratory process mon itor:5.8实验室过程的监视:nt5.8.1 When con duct ing t

16、ests, the test ing pers onnel shall mon itor and record the product environme and testi ng state.5.8.1产品进行试验时,检验员对产品的环境及试验的状态都有相对的监控和记录。5.8.2 After Testing Center completes experiment, lab assistant fills in Experiment Report of Polymer Lithium-Ion Battery Identification, which should be submitted t

17、o identification engin eer for exam in atio n and approval, and mea nwhile give n out to releva nt departme nts; if unq ualified items are detected in pilot trial ide ntificati on, and assessed by releva nt departments to be unqualified, Design Department should take improvement; if unqualified item

18、s are ide ntified in products exam in ati on and approval, Testi ng Cen ter should feedback the in formatio n to releva nt departme nts to improve.5.8.2测试中心完成实验后,实验员填写聚合物锂离子电池鉴定实验报告,交鉴定工程师审批,同时发送相关部门;如中试鉴定时出现不符合项,经相关部门评审为不合格项, 由设计部门改善;如产品审核时鉴定出现不合格项,测试中心需发送信息到相关部门 以便改善。5.8.3 Lab assistant of Academy

19、 of Science finish the experiment, he should fill irRecord of Material Mixing, Coati ng, Rolli ng and Cutt ing, Record of Capacity In spect ing, Lam in ati ng and Packing, Record of Electrolyte Injecting, Formation and Suction , Formation Record, which are delivered to laboratory engin eer for exam

20、in ati on and approval, and give n out to enginee of the project. After the experiment or project is finished, the engineer shall summarize it an( deliver the summary to departme nt secretary as record.5.8.3中研院实验室实验员完成实验后填写混料、涂布、压片、冲切记录表、分容、叠片、包装记录表、注液、预充、抽气记录表、化成记录表,交由实验室工程师审批, 同时发送给项目相关工程师。试验或项目完成

21、后由工程师汇总交到部门文秘备档。5.9 Disposal of after-testi ng product5.9试验后产品的处理。 after-testi ng products in Testi ng Cen ter are kept by lab assista nt, and approved by supervisor for aba ndon edtreatme nt.测试中心试验后的产品由测试中心试验员进行保管、经主管批准之后统一处理报废。The products after experimented in Academy of Sc

22、ienee laboratory should be disposed by project engin eer after con firmati on.中研院实验室试验后的产品由项目工程师确认之后负责处理。5.10 Laboratory statistic5.10实验室的统计In order to guara ntee product quality of the compa ny laboratory of Test ing Cen ter con duct statistic to the products every month, and fill inExperimental St

23、atistics测试中心为了保证公司的产品质量,实验室每月对产品做一些结果的统计,并填写实验统 计表。6、Supporting documents支持性文件6. ualified Product Con trol Procedure不合格品控制程序Measuri ng Equipme nt Con trol Procedure测量设备控制程序Gen eral Specificati on for Polymer Lithium Ion Battery Test ing聚合物锂离子电池测试总规范Products Specificatio n产品规格书Sta ndard Operati on Guida nee标准作业指导


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