Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 7 教案1(1).doc

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《Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 7 教案1(1).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 7 教案1(1).doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 7 教案1一、教学目标:1、学生掌握新单词的听、说、读:boy, girl, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty- five 。2、能够较流利地说出物体的数量,如: twenty-two trains。二、教学重点及难点:1、各新单词的听、说、读的掌握。2、学生能较流利地说出物体的数量。三、教具:单词卡片、图片、实物、录音等。四、教学过程:. Revision:1. Talk about what we had

2、learned last class.2. Ask and answer by using some pictures or objects.T: Whats in the classroom?Ss: There is a pencil in my classroom.T: How many pencils? (引导理解:多少支铅笔)T: One pencil.2. Show the new word card: one.3. Read the new word after the teacher.如此重复上述步骤教学单词“twenty-two”, “twenty-three”, “twent

3、y-four”, “twenty-five”。4. Play word games.Mouth game (看口形猜单词) 听单词举卡片。5. Read the new words 2129 together.6. Show some objects and then ask and answer:T: Whats this? T: It's a girl.7. Stick the picture of the new word “girl” on the blackboard.8. Read the new word “girl” after the teacher and the

4、read one by one or ask some students to read.9. 如此重复上述步骤教学单词:boy, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three 10. Play a word game: 每两组轮流请两名学生到黑板上,听教师读单词,两位同学听到单词后迅速将拍在相应的图片上,与此同时跟教师说一次,看谁又快又准。 11. Show all the word cards, and read all the new words together. 12. Play a game:请所有的学生把boy, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three这些学生单词卡片放在桌上,然后分别请两位学生出来,听教师说,若教师说boy,那么这两位学生马上到下面的同学那里找这张boy卡片交给老师,最后还要说出boy这个单词,看谁又快又准确。 . Consolidation:1、读新单词三遍。2、物体数量的表示方法及说法。. Homework: 熟读新单词及课后试数自己学过的物件。


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